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I guess I was wrong...again

invidia's picture

It is DH birthday today and we haven't had SS7 since last Thursday and will not again until tomorrow. I know my DH and SS7 have an amazing bond and I thought that DH would like it if SS7 called him on his birthday and I know that SS7 would feel great about calling his Dad on his special day.

I have no direct contact with BM so silly me thought I would email his teacher as I go to PT conferences too and ask if she wouldn't mind just mentioning to SS7 that it is his Dad's b'day. I asked a few of my friends what they thought and no-one reacted negatively to the idea so I fired off the email and went on my merry way.

This morning I received what I thought is a very rude, inappropriate reply from another teacher and this individual is obviously offended that I asked. I know that BM of SS7 doesn't like that I attend conferences but I help with homework.

I remember my Dad calling me at 10 am on Mother's Day when I was in college and hadn't been able to call my Mother chewing my a@@ out because she was sitting by the phone waiting.

I guess I overstepped one of those ever moving lines......


invidia's picture

Thank you for your comment ripley.

I think I will stay away things like this in the future. I guess any day that you learn from an experience is a good day.

invidia's picture

Thank you for your comment Mazzy.

The teachers response is below:
Wow! You get to be in charge of his social life now too!

There is obviously an underlying issue that I was not aware of prior to this. As a SM I am not in charge of anything.....

invidia's picture

Thank you Step Aside.

I am considering responding to both SS7 teacher and the teacher that responded to me in the manner suggested above and in earlier replies.

I don't understand why if SS7 teacher was uncomfortable with my request she didn't just say so.

Thanks again.

invidia's picture

Thank you for your comment Scubed.

The reply I received is from another 2nd grade teacher at the school.

invidia's picture

Thank you stpmom1025.

I am wondering now what BM has said as well. I know that when DH and I started dating there were some issues....maybe there still are.

invidia's picture

Thank you for your comment Flabbergasted - I hope it is a warped sense of humor Smile

I have not met the teacher that responded to me and SS7 teacher is in her 40's I believe.

DeeDeeTX's picture

I think its very unprofessional a teacher you did not even send the email to, responded to you.

I mean, WTH was that about? I have no problem with emails being forwarded if the original person couldnt help you, but there seemed to be no reason for this email to be shared with others?

That's actually the part that bothered me the most. What, is this teacher forwarding her email to other random teachers to mock you or something? Sad

Bubbly1's picture

My 20-something little sister is a teacher and never in a million could I see her responding like this to a sm! I agree with the posters who said send this to the Principal 100%! What she said was not only rude but, uncalled for completely!

Btw, don't sweat it. Your heart was in the right place.