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Looking for support

Misty's picture

Hi, my name is misty and this is my first blog. I have been w my husband (dh, I guess?) going on 7 yrs. We moved in together when I was 24 and his son was 3. He was a single dad, or so I thought, and that's part of what made me fall in love w him. The truth was that my husbands mother actually mostly cared for my ss most of the time. (my dh works pipeline construction and is out of town A LOT) so my mom in law would take care of ss for months at a time. Bm hasn't ever really had ss since they split when ss was 1 1/2 yrs old.
I entered this relationship feeling really bad for this poor lil boy w no mom and a dad working all the time. I had always loved kids and they loved me. I wanted to give my ss the best family and life I had always dreamed of for my children.
There were some struggles for attention at first but I expected that. I was patient. And loving. Treated him like he was my own. But he never really accepted me. He hasn't ever nor does he now want a relationship w his bm. So it wasnt that I was taking her place but more like he was losing his dad to me. But he wasn't. Honestly. I was really cool and understanding and sympathetic about his situation.
Well I just kept trying and let my husband handle all the discipline and rules, basically anything regarding ss. It was a real struggle for me to love someone who constantly rejected me but I never stopped trying. My dh got a new job where he wouldn't have to travel and we could create a happy home together.
Since then my dh and I have had 2 kids together. A girl, 4 and a boy, 2. And after my son was born my dh was forced to go back to working out of town for financial reasons. Now I feel like a single mom with no help. If it was just our two youngest kids I think I'd be fine with our situation. But my ss makes it so hard.
He is 10 yrs old now and in 4th grade but acts more immature than my 4 yr old. He was diagnosed ADHD when he was 7 and put on medication. And that truly did wonders for him at school. But it hasn't helped his attitude. My ss acts like he is the only thing that matters in this whole world, let alone our home. He is never satisfied with anything! Not his dinner, his room, his toys, his everything. No matter what, he is complaining. And he usually has it better than the other kids! He has his own room, they have to share. He is older and therefore has more privileges and extra curriculars. And he is basically feels like he's always getting the short end of the stick, no matter the situation.
Recently, he has stopped listening to me all together. He talks back to everything I say. He just plainly refuses to do things right. Like lift the toilet seat, pick up after himself, take the dog out, eat his meals, do his homework, etc. And beyond that he is constantly picking on my two loving children who think the world of him. I don't trust him alone with them anymore. And he doesn't respect anyone. Least of all, me.
This is just so hard. I did not know what I was getting into when I chose to be with a man who already had a child. And it's been over 6 years and it's not getting any better. My dh thinks it's mostly my fault because I'm too hard on him. However he seems to forget that as soon as he gets to come home for a night that it's only a matter of minutes before he's aggravated with his son's behavior. Or that he wants me to make him a dr's appt to get his Rx for Xanax refilled once he gets laid off and will be home for a while.
I guess the bottom line is that my ss is driving me crazy. He's making my life miserable. I feel like a bad mother to him as well as my other kids recently due to all of my frustration and yelling and just negative feelings. I don't know how to reach this kid. And my dh can't be home more right now. We try to see him on sat and sun when we can but he's working 3 hrs away and been working a lot of 7 day weeks. His bm is in his life a little but not consistently. She never has been and I know that has a lot to do w a lot of his problems. I've always tried to encourage more of a relationship between them but neither one really seems that interested. She lives 3 hrs away and has 2 more kids now that she does take care of. And to my ss, well his dad is the only one that has ever mattered to him. Even though I'm the one that played w him, read to him, bathed him, threw his bday parties, went to every school function, etc. I don't know why I wrote that in past tense bc I still am the one continuing to do all those things, except bathe him : )
I just want a happy home. I want all of my kids to be happy. And I want to be happy.
Thanks for listening. Any advice will be gladly appreciated!


asheeha's picture

You've come to the right place! The ladies here are great!

It sounds like you are in a rough spot. You are this child's main care-taker and he has no respect for you and your DH doesn't sound like he's on board with backing you up.

I'd say you have to get DH to back you up. He has to ENGAGE with the parenting of his child. SS has to realize that he isn't the center of the world and that means clear expectations and clear consequences for behavior.

You say you are screaming and frazzled. This isn't going to reach this kid.

I imagine he's crying out for structure. But your DH has to stand by you, he has to be willing to punish his kid when he sees him if SS is acting badly while he's away. DH has to give you authority and I imagine you are not too strict on the kid. I was disheartened to read that's how your DH views your attempts to discipline his child.

Is DH willing to work with you? DH has to take Xanax to deal with the situation? ugh? he sounds like a big part of the problem.

Misty's picture

You are so right. He is definitely part of the problem. Bc of his situation w his bm everyone feels bad for my ss. My dh and myself included. But he's really not there enough to help anymore. Other than a voice on the phone. And actually my house is very structured. As far as meals, bed times, homework, etc. We have schedules and routines and I'm really pretty on top of things. And I try to be consistent in what I expect out of my kids. We all wish my dh could be home more. But that's just not possible right now. My ss has lost privileges like his xbox and tv in his room until he starts being more responsible and respectful but nothing is changing. I try not to yell so much but he just gets me so mad when he flat out ignores everything I ask of him. I feel like I'm always on his back bc the second I'm not then hes destroying something, being mean to someone, or just always being deceitful.
We've had him in therapy a few different times but it hasn't really worked out. He just sits there without interacting. We've done it for weeks at a time and haven't seen any benefit. Ss never opened up. And rarely does to anyone but me.
Ionia the best solution would be for my dh to be more supportive and involved. But he's not. And he's not here to deal with everything everyday. So...

asheeha's picture

It's good to hear you have good solid consequences. That is so important. Can't imagine what he'd be like otherwise. Thanks for clarifying your situation a little better.

I completely understand needing to lose it sometimes. This is a great place to let everything out.

I don't know if this is helpful but here's a book that has worked for some people. It's pretty unorthodox though. But if counseling doesn't even work with him, it's great you are there for him and he can talk with you. That is really encouraging and I think it speaks volumes about how he feels about you. I think he probably does actually respect you.

you can check it out here.

red flags's picture

I would read the book Stepmonster. I just finished it and it was a lifesaver! Also, cut yourself a little slack. It sounds like you do more work with your SS than your DH does by a long shot. Random question... does his BM pay you guys any child support? If she doesn't have any overnights with her son, it certainly sounds like she should at least be paying you guys. It sounds to me like both of your SS's bio-parents have sort of just plopped him in your lap to raise. And I doubt your DH understands what a thankless task it is to parent a child who rejects you. Have you tried talking to your DH about how you are carrying the lion's share of responsibility with regards to his son? One thing my FDH is really good about is making me feel appreciated for the things I do for his daughter. I find that when I feel like I get recognition and gratitude from him, it lessens the blow when his daughter acts like a brat.

Misty's picture

I really appreciate what you've said. I'm going to get that book, probably today! And to answer your question, no. No child support. Nothing was ever set up legally and she just couldn't afford it anyways. She makes min wage. My dh makes good money. Ive never wanted any money from her but some involvement would be nice! And I've tried. Actually, we just paid for 2 new tires, an oil change, and gas for her to come up to our house this past weekend so she would be able to come to ss bday party that I threw at laser quest w about 20 kids. And she hasn't been here for his bday since he turned 7. It's like I twist her arm to get her involved at all. She's said before that she knows we provide for him better than she ever could. Which may be true financially, but come on!! Every child needs their mother!! Obviously I'm not filling that void for him. And I think it hurts him to see the undeniable unconditional love between me and the children I've given birth to.
Random question.... What does dh stand for? I've been able to figure most of the rest of them out!