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Slap in the face!

Inneedofgrace's picture

SS14 was at his BM's house this weekend. He called DH asking him to pay for some new shoes. (NOTE: Does anyone catch the implication/fact that BM is not willing to pay for shoes?) DH reminds me that there is $50 left over from the money my parents gave SS14 for Christmas to be used towards the purchase of ski lift tickets. DH asks if we can use the $50 balance towards SS14's shoes since ski season is almost over. "Sure" I say. SS14 gets BM up to place the order online for which he will "pay her back" with his Christmas money. (NOTE: does anyone catch how f--ed up this is?). Next thing I know, I'm reading a FB wall post from SS14 to BM that says, "Thanks for the shoes Momma! I love you!" (NOTE: SS14 denies our existence on FB; has even asked his dad not to comment on his wall. Does anyone catch the hypocrisy here?) 'Scuse me while I barf. I'm so pissed!! If that little shit wants to gush all over his no-good, pathetic excuse of a mother's Fb wall and acknowledge her publicly for what MY parents are paying for, he can forget it and she can pay the damn bill!! And please, don't give me any bullshit about how I need to be the bigger person, be the adult in this situation, rise above it, do what's in the child's best interest, blah, blah, blah. I'm so done with this asshole. I don't care if he is a kid. As I am continually reminder by his BM, I am "not their mother!". She is. To that, I say, "then act like one and buy your damn kids some f-ing shoes!!!


Dawn-Moderator's picture

I totally understand what you're saying. It really stinks that the mother won't pay for any part of their kids things.

I deal with this continually.

The best part is always when Bm does do any little small thing, it is the greatest!

We are ALWAYS held to a higher standard.

Ommy's picture

I would print it off face book and when he comes asking for the money, I would had him the page. Your mom paid for them not my parents apparently.

Purple hope's picture pissed, be upset, and feeeeeel the burn. You have every right and keeping it in will only mess you up. BM here pulls crap like that every now and then and it is sooooooo frustrating. Do these women not realize how much they are screwing up their own kids with this type of crap....Ugh.

Good news will know yet another trap to avoid next time.

NCMilGal's picture

So here's a question... Has your DH already given BM the money?

Because if she's getting the glory (on FB) of providing (basic necessities, barf) for her child, she can just pay for it.

Since, y'know, she's already paid for the shoes, and this is all verbal.

I'd say, "Whoops, changed my mind." like all the whacko BMs do.