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Thank you all

Unappreciatedwifeandmother's picture

I want to thank everyone who took the time to read my rant and gave me advice. I'm sorry it was so long I haven't talk to anyone in 4 years so I had a lot more to say. Anyway I found out my husband gets home at 4 am but stays up til 6/7 playing video games. That's why he sleeps til 3/4 in the afternoon. I told him I can't take care of his kids anymore it stresses me out too much & he needs to help more. He told me I don't do anything anyway which started a fight. Long story short, our fight ended with a red hand Print on my face.


not2sureimsaneanymore's picture

And another long story short, you need to be out of there ASAP. Unless you are posing an immediate, physical danger to anyone, no one has the right to lay their hands on you like that.

overit2's picture

He's lazy, has out of control defectual kids and a lunatic lazy ex wife and he hit you....

GET OUT....and forget this man ever existed, he is SCUM and so are his kids and ex-wife, bottom feeders I say!

ThatGirl's picture

Call the police and have him removed from your home. You deserve better, and even alone is better than what you have with him.