Well yuck was preggo then not....
I blogged a while back that yuck just HAD to tell us that she thought she was preggo. Fri night she called and said she was deff. preggo but having problems and it wasn;t time to pick up the boys yet. SS16 normally drives but he had to work and dh told him that he could drive to house anymore after the entitled little fit he through about how much gas money dh gave him.
Everything is drama to her so of course she was all in a tissy and so dh told her to go ahead and go to the er and we will pick them up in about an hour since that is how long it takes to get to her house. No biggie as we were about to leave anyway.
We picked them up and everything went well. Then sat afternoon yuck texted that she was never preggo and had a false positive. I was a little sad but happy too. One b/c if she had a baby she would focus more on the baby and give the boys some breathing room but then again that would mean another kid being raised by yuck...
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A false positive...? She's
A false positive...? She's either lying or she's taking some serious medication. HCG is one of those hormones that isn't really found in anything besides pregnancy and tranquilizers. A normal, non-medicated person will not show signs of HCG unless they're pregnant. So, either she miscarried (
) or she's a pill popper.
You never know with her she
You never know with her she is way out there in her own world. Or she just told us she is preggo to get attention and then the whole something is wrong for more attention b/c we didn't give her any when she said she was might be preggo.
Who knows but oh well. We didn't say anything or respond to her texts other then picking up the boys which was dh weekend anyway so he would have gotten them no matter what.
Or was lying for attention.
Or was lying for attention.
Fairly certain bm#1 faked her pregnancy and miscarraige. Her dates don't make any sence (alleged due date compared to how far along she said she was when she miscarried), and she claims her Dr refuses to give print outs of ultrasounds, and the hospital she delivered the still born at refused to give her a picture either, nor would they let her see the baby or give her the body for burial.
While I would never call her out on it, very sure she made the whole thing up for attention and sympathy.
I know exactly what you mean.
I know exactly what you mean. BM recently had ANOTHER abortion and even though I am not a supporter of using that as a BIRTH CONTROL (which she DOES do, this was her 4th) I was a relieved that no other poor innocent child would be subjected to her shitty parenting but at the same time was kind of looking forward to her making some other fool miserable and leave us and SS alone. Most conflicted feelings I have ever had in my life!!