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So my SS's BM called and harrassed his Dr.......

stepmom1183's picture


So after almost a year of failed attempts and getting my ss help with a reputable psych, his bm called and harrassed the dr and now the dr refuses to see my ss any further!!! Unfreakinbeleivable!!!!!!!! What is fucking wrong with people?! I've had all this shit I can take!


forestfairy's picture

That's ironic since psychologists/psychiatrists are trained and used to dealing with crazy people?!?!? He's really going to let bm scare him away? What did she do to harass him?

BSgoinon's picture

BM got SS kicked out of a montessory school once from doing something like this. I just called the school and asked if they would allow him to attend if BM didn't step foot on their property. They allowed it until BM AND HER MOM started calling and threatening the employees there. Classy people I tell ya'!!

stepmom1183's picture

Man, I thought I was the only one. It's ridiculous guys. The psych diagnosed him with ADHD and ODD. The BM knew about the appt, I called her afterwards and told her the diagnosis and plan of treatment. She was fine with it. Not a word of disagreement. After all, she is about 90% the reason my ss needs help. She called the psych and told the doc she was being recorded, demanded my ss have an eeg before medication, challenged the diagnosis.... This dumb bitch is in nursing school and thinks she's knows everything! She has just enough medical knowledge and terminology to show her ass and be dangerous. This is the second dr she has called and harrassed. I can't take anymore. My ss has constant problems at school and home, most of which I deal with alone. I called my husband earlier this afternoon after yet another behavior problem at school and at home and told him I wanted a divorce. I can't do this anymore. Please read my other posts and see if I am just jumping the gun. I need some serious advice. Thanks everyone!