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I am putting the LAST CS CHECK in the mail today!!

caregiver1127's picture

YIPEE!!! Just had to share the good news - last check in the mail today and we are done - can't believe we have made it - it is all over!! My DH has actually for the past couple of months bypassed our BM completely and will only talk to SS - after her stunt of trying to put DH's name on a student loan she has been very quiet which is a good thing for her!!!

I am just so happy that it is all over!!! Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile


BSgoinon's picture

Congrats! What I relief I bet that is!!!

We stopped paying a few years ago, because I refuse to support her while she sits on her lazy butt and does NOTHING. Hopefully she doesn't ever try to get it again, what a headache that would be. We actually have it in writing and recorded with the court that she "waives CS". Thank GOD I made her put it in writing!!!

caregiver1127's picture

The beauty of ours is that BM never wanted to go to court because she did not want us to see how much money she made - so every time she asked for more things we just said take us to court and it shut her up - so now we don't have to notify anyone that it needs to stop - we just don't have to pay anymore - I feel like a weight has been lifted!!!

caregiver1127's picture

Yes he let her know and told her that either she leaves us alone or he will be contacting our lawyer - he said she was stuttering and said that she did not realize what she was doing - she knew she was caught and now she knows that we now have fraud protection on all three of the credit bureaus so I think she will not try any shit anymore!!! I was just so glad that we caught her before any damage was done!!

buckeye mommy's picture


We'll stop paying for one in June, the other in two years. I'm hoping time flies

Hanny's picture

My SO has 2 more payments, May and June, then it's over! Of course, he will continue to help his daughter with college, but the good thing is he no longer has to give money to BM, he can give money directly to his daughter, and when she needs something she has to come to him and ask. Which in the end, will mean less contact with BM, and his daughter is going away to college! Good for everyone! Smile

BSgoinon's picture

In my case I could write
"you might need to start charging all of those guys you are sleeping with".

I would have to go to the bank and get an extra large check to fit all of that in the memo line, but it would be SO worth it!

caregiver1127's picture

No I wanted to write Yippee Ki Yay Mother F*cker - Dh cracked up but said no we could not do it!!!

12yrstepmonster's picture

I am always amazed at the issues with support. The feeling of the burden, the feeling of relief.

Is it that we have no control? That no matter the amount its never enough and more is expected?

I know he has to pay support.
I don't mind support until we hear:
It's not enough to raise two kids
I do it on my own
You are a horrible father

Then I HATE that his support is as much as my mortgage, that we are supporting a 21 year old college drop out.

herewegoagain's picture

wohoo! Good for you! What state are you in? How did it work for it to just stop? wohoo!

NCMilGal's picture


We've got 2 years left! 24 months! $14,880! (when I met DH, it was over $60k)

I swear to god, I'm going to find (or pay someone to make) a card that plays "Ding dong, the witch is dead!" and write "Have fun covering the mortgage from now on!" inside it.

Stepmom_Lori's picture

Congratulations Caregiver!! It will be 10 more years before I can make a post of my own like this Sad But I enjoy when others are set free!!

caregiver1127's picture

Thanks Lori - when we first got married 8 years ago I thought the day would never come - and it did seem to take a long time but the last year has flown by.

JustAnotherSM's picture

Congrats! It's an awesomely good feeling, isn't it?

Please make sure that the CS case is closed with the court. My cousin's BF did not do this when his youngest turned 18 last year. The BM took him back to court to get all college expenses paid and they are still battling this out in court while he must continue paying CS. He didn't know he had to file to end CS payments.

caregiver1127's picture

Never went to court and when SS came to live with us years ago BM closed out the case so there is nothing to stop - she would not go to court we don't know why but she never wanted to so we just paid a set amount!!

Still Have Hope's picture

Congratulations! We have had almost a year free from CS payments. It has been wonderful. Have you made a list of all the things you want to do with extra money. We have gone on a couples trip, a family cruise, bought new furniture, added a deck to the house, and I got a new car! Enjoy life after CS. It is great!

stepmom31's picture

Oh my, that must be such a great feeling! Smile

I can't wait for my turn. Many more years to go. *sigh*