Update to BMs scare tactics
So yesterday, BM continued to harass SO via facebook messages about the legality of us posting pictures of SD on our facebooks. She then went on with the same bullshit about what a deadbeat he is and pathetic ect ect blahblahblah.
THEN she says that SO isn't allowed to even have pics of SD on HIS facebook because SHE is the MOTHER and he needs her permission...no lol
I talked to a lawyer and he said that for her to file a child endangerment suit against us, it would be a criminal charge and that since our profiles are private (he also said even if they weren;t it wouldnt matter) AND there are no nude/pornographic pictures that her argument is invalid. He said she can TRY to sue us all she wants but will most likely get laughed out of the courtroom.
ANYWAY, she continued with the bullshit calling him names because our phones were shut off (umm, mortgage payments come BEFORE phone payments, sorry bitch but we have prioritys and are POOR) saying what judge would ever give him more visitation if he can;t even afford to keep his phone on. blahblahblah.
So, he called the police and had them come out to our house so he could file harrassment charges on her. I was so happy that he finally stood up for himself and attempted to put her in her place. Its so ridiculous, no one should have to put up with the amount of verbal and emotional abuse this girl puts out on a daily basis.
We paid our phone bill last night (finally) and this morning the sheriff calls because the number he has been trying to call to tell BM to cease and desist is wrong.
We checked and gave him the number again but it was still wrong...the voicemail belongs to someone that is NOT BM....WTF?
So SO texts her and says "my phone is back on, just letting you know if you needed to contact me"....NO RESPONSE.
He then gets on FB and she has BLOCKED him again so he can't contact her that way. SO then gets on his OLD FB account because she hasn't blocked him on that one yet and sends her the same message....and hour later and STILL NO RESPONSE.
WTF is going on? Did she change her phone number? SO is going to call the sheriff back in a little while and see if he managed to get ahold of her yet....
Can she get in trouble for closing ALL communication down? GAAAAAH ripping my hair out.
- IAmALady77's blog
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So, as far as FB goes, the
So, as far as FB goes, the control is still in her hands to block/unblock as she wishes. He could've stopped her in her tracks if he'd just blocked her after her the initial messages came through.
Not only would it have taken away her access to continue the harrassment, but would've sent a swift (& probably maddening) message to her that he isn't going to put up with her crap...something to let her know that he isn't just going to sit & take it.
He didn't want to block her
He didn't want to block her because his phone was off and he wanted to make sure she always has a way to get ahold of him you know? BUT I figured out that she was indeed unblocking me for 24 hour periods so she could stalk me, but I beat her to the chase this time, I figured out what she was doing so I blocked her first!
I just can't figure out what she is doing by cutting off all communication?
Shes not working, but we gave
Shes not working, but we gave the sheriff her adress so I'm hoping that he actually goes there.
Given the 2 possibilities, I
Given the 2 possibilities, I think the face-to-face convo would sink in more. When it comes to your attention that she's unblocked him for any reason, have him block her & leave it so. Cut out any path of drama with her that you can.
If your DH filed harassment
If your DH filed harassment charges against her, then the police would have contacted her and told her to have no further contact with him. (if none of the numbers worked they would have paid her a personal visit) It apparently scared her since she did not respond to his message and blocked his FB. Hooray! small victory for you!! Put that in your craw and choke on it BM!
Thats just the thing, the
Thats just the thing, the sheriff TRIED to contact her but her number is wrong apparently...even though the number we gave him is the number she has had for the past 2 years?
She probably put another
She probably put another voice on the VM message then to detract. That's my only guess. they are going to have to go to her house then. I wouldn't do more to track down her number. Then you are undoing all the blocking you have already done.
Um... I have BM blocked on my
Um... I have BM blocked on my Facebook. Awhile ago, out of the goodness of my heart, thinking maybe we could be "friends" as long as all of my posts and things I wanted to keep out out her view were blocked, I considered unblocking the witch. I clicked the unblock button and it told me that you cannot block the same person again for 2 weeks, and gave me the option to back out of my crazy idea to unblock her.
Point being, how did she block him again so quickly?
Second question, why didn't you/he take the advice of other posters and block her while you had the chance?
I was blocking/unblocking BM
I was blocking/unblocking BM for awhile so I could access her info when I wanted to but not let her access mine. I remember it saying that if I unblocked her I couldn't block her again for 24 hours.
Now that you've mentioned 24
Now that you've mentioned 24 hour periods, i'm trying to figure out if I was wrong about the two weeks, it was awhile ago. Sorry if I was incorrect, I don't want to start anything!
I don't know how it gave you
I don't know how it gave you 2 weeks, it's always been 24 hours when I block/unblock people.
She has had him blocked for the past 2 years. She just unblocked him because our phones were shut off and she wanted to bitch about our photos and threaten to sue him. He did not want to block her because that was his only way of communication at the time.
I could not block her because she had already blocked me.
I just updated all out
I just updated all out privacy settings, I didn't realize that it got all wonky with the new layout change. So they are private now lol. Whether she can see what I'm doing or all my pictures (lets face it, I look awesome) is not the issue. I don't really care if she wants to stalk me, she isn't going to find anything that she "can use against me". I;m just concerned that no one seems to be able to contact her now.
She's in hiding. I'm sure she
She's in hiding. I'm sure she figured out you all filed a report. She's trying to avoid it now.
I hate FB.
I hate FB.
Thank you I will definitly
Thank you
I will definitly keep you guys updated
Still waiting to hear back from the sheriff...ugh
Not a bad idea, we tried to
Not a bad idea, we tried to get a psych eval. done last time we went to court and the judge denied it
BM and ALL in laws are
BM and ALL in laws are blocked on both MY FB and DH's. I also have my FB page incredibly locked down by making most albums only visible to ME and only leaving a few albums open to my Friends List. My posts are also customized so out of 250 friends only about half can really see my posts, I don't want them ALL in my everyday business. It also prevents people on my blocked list from seeing my stuff thru friends.