I know it was wrong, but the adreneline rush was so worth it :)
Even though BM moved out 2.5 years ago, she still uses SO's address for her mails. Before I moved in, whenever BM's mails come, SO would put it in the boys's backpack when they go back to her. SO asked BM several times to change her address but so far it has not been done. Probably that's because she moves every six months or so. Once I moved in, I started putting "wrong address" stickers on her mails in hopes that the mailman will get the clue and stop deliverying BM's mails there. In September when she renewed her DL, she used out address and told SO that we should be on a lookout for her DMV mail and let her know when we get it. WTF? What does she think we are?
I am so tired of seeing mails at MY house with BM's name on them! Well yesterday a mail came for her, it was one of those parking ticket reminder thingies. She probably got a ticket and never paid it(so typical!) I thought about putting it in the sson's backpack when they go back to her tomorrow since it's time sensitive. I was about to do that but I don't know what got over me and the next thing I know, the mail ended up in the trash! It felt so great! I know I shouldn't have done that but after all the shit she stired up lately, I'm not regretting it much. It was like stress relief! Besides she bought that car used in November 2011. Why did she registered it using our address when she hasn't lived there since 2009?
- smomof2's blog
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She had been for warned. I
She had been for warned.
I would have put wrong address on her drivers license as well - that is actually illegal for her to do. I believe in this state, you have 15 days to update your drivers license to your new address when you move.
I would just get a marker and cross out the name and write MOVED on everything that came and just drop it back in the mailbox when you have time.
We can have mail picked up from our mailbox, so in my case I would just go put it back with the MOVED across it.
I would just start throwing
I would just start throwing away all but the junk mail. It will take her a few months to realize that there is something wrong, but she will realize it.
Is there a way you could
Is there a way you could report her to the MVA/DMV? Just call them up (which I know could take all day in itself) and tell them that she doesn't live here, hasn't in three years. If she is giving you this address, she is lying to you.
And keep sending her mail back. I agree with that. She needs to own up on some things.
If you can ever catch the
If you can ever catch the mailman and if they are a regular mailman then you should be able to talk to them and tell them that any mail with BM's name on it doesnt need to be left in the mailbox. We were in a similiar situation. Not with BM but with another family member that we were tired of getting their mail. We just simply said that the person on the mail doesnt live here anymore so dont leave anything for them.
Good for you, I would have
Good for you, I would have done the same thing. Sometimes revenge is sweet. }:)
She probably does, but if she
She probably does, but if she is like a lot of other BM's on here, she doesn't want to pay her own money for one.
You said it best
You said it best Craziecoconut. BM doesn't want to spend her money on P.O. Box. SO even suggested that BM use her mother's address but her excuse was that her mother lives 2 hours away.
"Doesn't she realize that she
"Doesn't she realize that she can get a PO box for her mail? Duh."
one word: "Lazy"
Second phrase, two words:
Second phrase, two words: BROKE ASS.... hahahahahahahaha
i know they don't play when
i know they don't play when it comes to parking tickets around here. I hope by the time BM gets around to it, it'll already be in collection. Heck, I hope her car gets towed due to the unpaid tickets.
You wouldn't believe all the things this woman has gotten away with! I hope it cathes up to her soon.
Or just write on the mail
Or just write on the mail "Does not live here" and stick it back in the box. The post office will return to sender. That will make it stop eventually too. But I don't blame you, everything that comes in the mail for my SO's ex "mysteriously disappears" too
I've had a few whoops moments
I've had a few whoops moments myself, particularly with bills that need to be paid. Like the ambulance bill that came to us 6 years after she moved out and she was picked up at the address where she lived, but they still sent it to us. I know that they will garnish her wages for it if not paid, since that happened to one of our employees. Ooops!
We did open the mail from the hospital (addressed to DH not BM) that was her medical bills for the last several years that listed DH as guarantor (they had been divorced for 4 years at that point). Are you Fing kidding me? We were able to fix it through the hospital but would have loved for them to go after her for medical fraud.
You're too kind. I would have thrown away her driver license too. My rule of thumb is to write return to sender/not at this address/or if we know it, her current address. I'll do it once, and if I get another from the same people it goes in the can. Not my problem, that's what change of address forms are for.
Yes! When we renewed our
Yes! When we renewed our policy, SO and I had to sign something excluding BM as a driver on our policy. I was pissed off when I got the phone call from my insurance agent asking me if I knew that person. I wish she would just dissapear and leave us alone.
My XH keeps getting medical
My XH keeps getting medical bills at my house. I have asked him to change the address numerous times. I am sick of seeing stuff for him in my mail, so I know how you are feeling. I have 4 letters piled up right now from the same place. I feel like opening them and calling the company to tell them he doesn't live here, never did.
That is awesome!! I would've
That is awesome!! I would've done the same thing.
My idiot ex used my address
My idiot ex used my address for years, never bothered to change with the post office-he also has moved repeatedly. We have been divorced almost a decade. Even when I moved to another house he used my NEW address for his immigration paperwork!
and I've thrown away countless mail in the past. I todl him repeatedly to change his damn address with all important places. I am sick and tired of receiving crap with his name on it at my new house. It's like am I forever attached to this moron?
I have forgotten to give him the last two
I like the adrenaline rush to, NO you are not wrong for what you did.
I still get bill collectors
I still get bill collectors calling for my XH of 10 years. It's irritating, but when I explain we've been divorced for 10 years, have no minor children, and no contact they eventually quit. Until he defaults on some other bill. Sometimes I just say he's dead. My SO gets a kick out of it.
The thing that's most irritating is getting phone calls from BM's dentist with appointment reminders. She has NEVER lived at this phone number. Somehow the dentist office has combined her info with skid's info and it royally pisses me off. Maybe I should start telling them she's dead?
just tell them never mind,
just tell them never mind, she's lost all her teeth therefore doesn't need a dentist appt.
I've gotten Amex bills for my
I've gotten Amex bills for my XH, I just rip them up and throw them out.
After 13 years we still
After 13 years we still receive the occassional junk mail for BM. I always 'return to sender, remove from list' across the front. I don't think it is a big deal in my case, but you can always request to have mail not delivered to your house specified person - ask your mail carrier or local post office.
Really?? I never knew that.
Really?? I never knew that. TY
I'll call the post office and
I'll call the post office and inform them that BM doesn't live here anymore.