I am so MAD at FSD
So yesterday FSD(7) goes to the doctors yesterday with FDH because she doesn't feel good and was crying all morning. It turns out that she has strep throat. She didn't get her fist dose of antibiotic until around 4 pm yesterday which means she's still contagious righ now.
FSD was quarantined to her room yesterday because we have two other kids in the house as well as FDH and I are getting married in about two week. I can't afford to get sick and neither can he.
Both FDH and I explain to her several times throughout the day yesterday that she can't go to school today and that she needs to say in her room because she is contagious and can get other kids sick. Everytime she went to the bathroom I made her tell me so that I can go and spray the handles, light switches, and toliet with lysol.
Well, this morning my BD(7) comes to the bedroom door when I was still asleep and tells that FSD is in her room touching all of her toys. Well thats just say that this BS was the last straw for me. I walked down the hall and yelled at her. I've never actually yelled at her before. I told her to get her little ass in bed and that she knew she was still contagious. She replied with, "no don't." I told her that both FDH and I told her several times about this yesterday so she was well aware of it. Her response was, "well I forgot." I asked if she knew why she wasn't going to school today and her response was, "because I'm sick." I asked if she knew that she could get other kids sick at school and she responds with a yes. I told her she did know that she was contagious still and that she's just lying and then I walked away.
I call FDH to tell him what's going on and that he needs to come home. I then walk back into FSD's room and told her since she intentionally tried to get my BD sick that she is grounded to her room for the entire weekend this weekend. She then tells me that I said f u to her. I told her that I never said that, I told you get you little ass back in bed, I asked you what's wrong with you, and I told you that you're just plain mean. She again states that I said F u to her. I walked away and asked my BD and FSS(5) if they heard me use the f word. Both of them said no. I walk back to her room and wiched her luck with lying to her father because I have two witnesses that will say that never happend.
FDH fianlly gets home and I walk back to her room with him. She told him that I said that she was fing mean. I told her that I did not say that and before FDH got home she was told me that I said F u which she tried to deny. She then looks at FDH and said that she didn't want to talk about it in front of me, which my response was, "why? Because I'm going to call you out on your lie?"
I am so mad. And of course FDH doesn't think that she's capable of this type of thinking and she would never try to intentionally get my BD sick. Really FDH? Didn't she lie to a cop about you slamming her head into wall, cause CPS to investigate you, and then the when you were playing with her in the living room and accidentally bumped her head on something looked you straight in the eye and tell you remember what the cop said when she was six? My ass she doesn't think this way. He's admitted that she's just a mean kid and she knew damn well that knew that she was contagious and by touching my BD toys would get her sick. She watched me spray the bathroom yesterday everytime she went and came into the bedroom this morning when I was still sleeping to let me know that she used the bathroom.
I'm done with her for the week. I can't wait for her to go to her mother's on Monday.
- Unhappy's blog
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Let's not forget that my BD
Let's not forget that my BD told her she didn't want her in her bedroom and not to touch her stuff because she was sick. FSD said that she didn't hear her say that.
And then she tries to get me in trouble with FDH to lessen her punishment and to make him feel sorry for her by lying to him in front of me about something I never said.
Words cannot express my dislike for her right now.
Good God, you screamed at a 7
Good God, you screamed at a 7 year old (who's sick) and told her to get her little ass back to bed?!? And told her she's just plain mean?!?
Shit like this makes me SO glad my kids don't have a stepmom.
This entire scenario makes me want to vomit. Unbelievable. If this is how ADULTS act, how can you possibly expect children to act any different???????
Thank you newwife3. I
Thank you newwife3. I wouldn't scream f u at her, but telling her get her little a$$ back in bed is not cussing her out.
Really knucklehead? I did not
Really knucklehead? I did not scream at her. I yelled at her. She knew damn well what she was doing sick or not. She was told several times yesterday that she needs to stay away from the other kids because she's contagious.
She was in my BD's room touching her toys to try give her strep throat. I don't give a sh!t if she was sick or not. You don't do that.
And believe me when I tell you that she's not an innocent little angel.
This is the same girl that lied to cops about her father abusing her and has told FDH that she has thoughts about stabbing us while we dance naked in the living room. She has also asked my BD to touch her in inappropiate places.
Hardly. I never, NEVER spoke
I never, NEVER spoke to any of my skids this way. EVER. Let alone a small child!
And IF a "step" anything did that to my kid, there would be hell to pay!
I don't talk to kids that
I don't talk to kids that way. I don't even yell at any of them until today. Today was the last straw. I'm sick of the evil behavior and if you had a SD like this one I'm sure that you would have been upset too. She knew damn well that she was contagious. She's really smart and I don't really care if her mother gets mad. This is the same lady that pulls her hair and slaps her in the face.
Well, sounds like you've got
Well, sounds like you've got it all figured out and are MOTY/SMOTY.
Hey, I never claimed to be
Hey, I never claimed to be MOTY once. I know I'm not perfect and neither are you. But I will not tolerate that type of behavior in my house. If she wants to be a mean little kid she can save it for her mother. Infact she does. She's b!tched slapped her SS(5) over there and proceeded to attack her mother after the first time she slapped her SS. Her mother had to drive her down to police station and have a cop talk to her that time.
I guess I don't get the
I guess I don't get the quarantine thing? If she was complaining of not feeling well in the morning, then she already had strep for at least 24 hours so her germs would have already been spread. My BS had strep when he was 1 but his culture never came back positive until 48 hours after he was tested so he had been at daycare for 2 days with it. None of the other kids ever got it.
I guess I can understand not wanting others to get sick, but this seems kind of extreme.
I guess I can understand not
I guess I can understand not wanting others to get sick, but this seems kind of extreme.
It's not a full on quarantine. She has to lay in her bed and watch movies. We are trying to not let her spread anymore germs so that if the other kids or FDH and I have not come in contact with them yet we won't have to worry about her spreading more all over the house. She'll be good to go at 4 pm today.
Yep, it's too late. The
Yep, it's too late. The cooties have been spread BEFORE you even know she's got strep.
She's that evil. Did you not
She's that evil. Did you not read my post about her having bad thoughts about stabbing FDH and I dancing naked in the living room?
I like to think I wouldn't
I like to think I wouldn't necessarily assign the "she's deliberately trying to make my own child sick" because frankly no matter how great the dad was I wouldn't spend two minutes around a child that is basically Damien reincarnated.
I hate to break it to you but sometimes I feel like she is. She has done some of the meanest things I've ever seen a child do. I just don't understand how a 7 year old can even think like that. She knew what she was doing. My BD even reminded her that she was still contagious before she started touching her toys.
I would like to think that she wasn't intentionally trying to get my BD sick but unfortunately I have lived with this child for two years and I know what she is capable of and how her thought process work.
I will not put up with her
I will not put up with her BS. This little girl is just plain mean. How exactly would you expect me to react.
Oh FSD, look at you out of bed touching all of my BD toys trying to her sick you silly little girl you. Now why don't you go hop back in bed and remember you contagious.
Not going to happen. She obviously wasn't too sick is she's up and planning mean crap like that.
"How exactly would you expect
"How exactly would you expect me to react."
Like an adult.
I completely understand that
I completely understand that you are frustrated but I have to agree that devious as she may be (and plenty of 7 yr olds are just that) she probably thought since she was starting to feel better and was probably bored of being in her room, that it would be ok... I would get yourself a glass of wine. Take a deep breath and just relax. I hope everyone stays strep free! Good luck!
I really widh you knew this
I really widh you knew this little girl. You wouldn't be saying that she was just bored and got up to do something. That's not how she works.
I understand where you are
I understand where you are coming from...but I do think you may have reacted a bit over the top. I will be honest with you...if I found out my DH yelled and cursed at my sick 7 year old...there would be hell to pay.
Why are you even watching her since you know she will lie about things like her dad slamming her into a wall...?
Why are you even watching her
Why are you even watching her since you know she will lie about things like her dad slamming her into a wall...?
this!!!!!!!! times 134,567,896,657!!!
you wouldn't EVER catch me alone with a child who accused their own father of something like and the murderous/naked comment? Hell to the no. you are just asking for major trouble here.
FDH had to run into work and
FDH had to run into work and I was still getting ready to leave for the day. He was going to come back before I left to take over the babysitting.
And I don't think that I was over the top at all. I know exactly what she was up to. I have lived with her for the last two years. I know how she works.
...if I found out my DH
...if I found out my DH yelled and cursed at my sick 7 year old...there would be hell to pay
I told her to get her little a$$ back in bed. I was not cussing her out. I am just sick of her meaness.
I know it's hard for some of you to fathom a 7 year old being this mean, but you don't live with her and you don't know her. She is completely capable of thinking this and then acting on it.
And I have no problem telling her to get her a$$ in bed nor do I have a problem asking her what's wrong with you? Why would you intentionally try to get other people in the house sick?
You don't know this kid. This
You don't know this kid. This is the type of kid that will spit in my BD's cereal in the morning because there are no adults around to stop her.
If she's as bad as you say, I
If she's as bad as you say, I would take my kid and move. There's no way my kid would have to live with a kid that evil.
The other kids,you and dad
The other kids,you and dad have already been exposed.
The meds were starting to kick in so maybe she felt better. How many 7 year old girls want to spend the whole day alone in their rooms?
She didn't need to spend the
She didn't need to spend the whole day in her room. Just until the antibiotics kicked in.
I do understand this. But
I do understand this. But just because she had it before we knew it doesn't mean that we caught it. If we didn't catch before then and we let her roam the house touching everything the chances of us catching it is higher. We were not being mean. We were trying to prevent everybody in the house from catching it if we hadn't caught it already. Viruses need a host to survive and can only live for a certain period of time without one. Now what that time frame is for strep I have no idea. But there's no reason that we can't take necessary precaustions to prevent the other two children in the house from getting it if they haven't caught it already.
^^^ Totally agree. And I
^^^ Totally agree.
And I believe you when you say that this specific child can be "evil". FH has 3 of those himself who come over EOWE. Up until I met FH, I never believed or fathomed that children could act the way some of them do (ie. skids). But boy, do I believe it NOW. Last summer, I caught SD8 purposely pushing down my BS5 on the ground for no apparent reason! And just last weekend, we were getting ready to go out and she was the only one in the living room when my BS4mos (who was in his swing in the living room, watching cartoons) started screaming/crying (to the point that his face was red and he had big fat tears rolling down his face), and her response was "I think he's hungry". Um...no. He doesn't cry bloody murder when he's "hungry". Then she went and played ("hid") with SS10 and BS5 for the rest of the afternoon, which is very unlike her as she likes to be all up in my business ("What are you doing?" "What's this for?" "When are we leaving?" "You know what happened to me at school?", etc). So I highly suspect that she "did" something to make him cry. And before anyone starts griping, I will no longer let my baby be alone in the room with her (he was fine with her before), but to my defense, it's the living room where everyone comes and goes...
Anyway, to get back to you (lol)...I agree with umhassouna. 7-yrs-old is plenty old enough to know that you don't go around other kids when you're sick (let alone have strep throat!). And if she repeatedly disobeyed you and FDH after repeatedly telling her to stay in her room, then she should get "yelled" at. Does she disobey her teachers at school when they say it's time to sit down and work? Does she then also decide that she can do whatever she wants and go outside to play? Rules are rules. No 7-yr-old should question these rules. She's SEVEN! Don't listen to others saying that what you did was wrong. They don't know your situation. As long as you don't curse or lay a hand on her (although I doubt it would help much in your situation), then the cops can't do anything.
I really widh you knew this
I really widh you knew this little girl. You wouldn't be saying that she was just bored and got up to do something. That's not how she works.
I get it. I really do! I have seen my SS be kind of like that when he was younger. BUT...you still yelled and cursed at a 7 year old child. I understand your frustration, but you may need to step it back a little bit. I feel for you, because the child must be a hand full.
I feel for you, because the
I feel for you, because the child must be a hand full.
And then some. And I plan on stepping back. I'm done with her this week and am looking forward to Monday when she goes back to her mother's house for seven days.
I'm sorry that you feel that
I'm sorry that you feel that way imaSmom. You don't know this child and I don't have to accuse her of anything. I know exactly what she was up to. Didn't you read my responses. My BD TOLD her not to touch her stuff before she did it because she was sick. She also told her that she didn't want her in her bedroom, which obviously didn't work.
She KNEW what she was doing. This is how this child opperates. She didn't want to talk to FDH about it in front of me because I was calling her out on her lie of me telling her f u or your effing mean. It wasn't working out for her when I was there so of course she didn't want to talk about it in front of me.
And yes. I expect a 7 year old to stay in their room on their own. My BD is 7 also and I know for a fact that she would remember to do that.
I know this little girl is
I know this little girl is completely capable of remembering this as well as my BD. Now FSS(5) different story. You can ask him not to run in the house, he'll turn around and say okay and then run off. He just can't quite grasp remembering those things. Do I yell at him? No. I remind him over and over again.
Now when I know that a child can remember things and they choose to not listen that's when they get into trouble. If I had just caught FSD up and wondering around I would have just told her that she needed to get back in bed. But that's not what happened. She was not only up and out of bed or her room for that matter she was in my BD's room touching her toys when she knew she was sick. This little girl is not dumb by any means.
I know that I have said this several times already, but my BD also reminded her that she was sick and asked her not to touch her toys. FSD, knowing that she was sick, went a head and touched them anyways. This is what makes it intentional. She knew she wasn't going to school because of the fact that she could get other kids sick. She's no dummy. She knew exactly what she was doing.
Did I maybe go a little over board? Possibly. But I'm just sick of it. Why can't she just be nice? I don't get it. And then she turns around and makes up a lie about something I didn't say to try and get herself out of trouble and cause drama between FDH and I. She does this all of the time.
Poor baby, he is just too
Poor baby, he is just too young to understand complicated rules such as peeing in a toilet and not lying by ways of forging his parent's signature. These poor, poor incapable 7-year-old babies!
You're so right. He must have just been confused when he forged your signiture and didn't know what he was doing. Maybe he was practicing his hand writing. I mean you can't expect a 7 year old to know that doing that is wrong. And you should expect it to happen more than once without getting upset because 7 year olds are incapable of learning new rules on the first day they are told about them.
Yeah right. He knew he was in trouble and he knew that forging your signiture was wrong or else he would have told you that he got in trouble at school and wouldn't have been sneaky about the forgery. Just like how FSD knew she was sick was reminded of being sick by my BD still went a head and walked around her room touching her stuff. It wasn't an accident. She knew she was supposed to be in her room and she knew what she was doing with trying to get my BD sick.
Thank you. Finally someone
Thank you. Finally someone who realizes that a 7 year old is more than capable of following a simple rule, is capable of staying in bed, and a having a sick child lay in bed while they are sick is not the end of the world.
I know that when I was little and got sick that's what I had to do. It wasn't the end of the world for me. Once I was better I got to go out and do fun kid things.
And I'm glad that I'm not the only one who thinks that a 7 year old is capable of trying to do something bad to another person to try and hurt them.
THIS is where skids get away
THIS is where skids get away with doing what they do (ie. making life virtually unbearable when they're around). They lie and get adults to "sympathize" with them. And they get away with it because we LET them (because they should be felt sorry for, blah blah blah). If your BD told her specifically NOT to touch her things, then SD should have honoured that request and NOT touch her things. If she chose NOT to listen (which she obviously had), then she should be reprimanded for it. None of this "Well, SM told me F U" crap. Clearly she was just trying to make you look worse because she knew she was in trouble. I believe that kids that young CAN be conniving and manipulative. Just because they're kids means nothing. If your SD is like this NOW, I can only imagine how she'll be at 16! Good luck!
If your SD is like this NOW,
If your SD is like this NOW, I can only imagine how she'll be at 16! Good luck!
You have no idea how many times I have thought about that today.
pixelated, I quite frankly
I quite frankly don't care if what I did upsets anybody. I didn't lose it. I'm just sick of all of her BS and if anybody on this site wants to take her for a week and see what I'm talking about I'm game. FDH wouldn't be. These people have no clue what this little girl is like. She mean and I keep telling her eventually you're going to meet somebody just like you but bigger and they're going to treat you the way you treat other people and her response is, "that will never happen."
You should hear FDH talk about when FSS get big enough to defend himself with her he's going to beat the crap out of her and she's going to deserve it. Which will happen here in the next couple of years. She's no innocent child. She's a bully and a liar. Everybody who knows her knows this about her. She has behavorial issues at school. She is in a special friendship class at school because she can't manage to interact with the other kids on a socially acceptable level. The kids just plain mean. And being sick doesn't give you a free ride to do whatever to whom ever and get a way with it.
Girl, I honestly don't know
Girl, I honestly don't know why everyone is dogging on you either. Yeah, you might have been exposed before going to the doctor, but because she was sick I'm sure you were talking necessary precautions such as extra hand washing and such before you got a clear diagnosis. After you got the results, I completely agree with you that a 7 year old is totally capable of following the simple instruction of "stay in your room". She was pushing the envelope, as 7 year olds do, and well, you did what any "normal" parent (at least in my humble opinion
would've done. You reprimanded her. Sure, you yelled at her. Clearly telling her wasn't getting the point across. She had to know you meant business. I could understand if she was 3. But 7? Really? Hell even in school they're required to work independently most of the time. She knew what she was supposed to do and deliberately disobeyed your instructions. If she's so sick, she can stay in her damn room and hang out until she's no longer a threat to anyone else's immunity. Stand your ground, and from what I can see, you're already ignoring the haters and don't need that advice.
Geez, this place really is becoming a really shitty place to vent. Good luck to you!!
Thanks and it's so I agree.
Thanks and it's so I agree. No wonder we have a bunch of self entitled little semi adult brats running around that expect everything to be handed to them and don't own up to the consequences of their own actions. A rule what's that is there moto and then they wonder why they can't hold down a job.
HELLO.....You start teaching them how to be an adult when they are kids. Not when they are adults. That way the can go out and make their way in the world without help.
Please......She had to stay in her room. Ohhh the horror. I had to do that when I was sick. I yelled at her when she didn't listen. Somebody call the police. She got punished for willingly breaking a rule. Lock me up. I used the statement of your little ass. That apprantly comes across as you little a$$hole. Get over it.
What's funny is my FDH was reading all of the posts and said that he almost postsed to set all of the haters straight. Even he doesn't agree with you guys. Well most of you and that's the bio dad talking.
You see he knows how his BD is as well.
Meh, sometimes my skids are
Meh, sometimes my skids are little assholes, and I like mine more than a lot of Smoms on here! Lol who cares what people think? I'm so sick of getting on here and seeing all this back and forth bs. I used to get on here and feel supported, now I feel picked apart a lot of the time. Shit I get that in my real life, why subject myself to it online to people that don't really know me?
The only thing that keeps me coming back here is that there (thankfully) still are really awesome people on here with great advice and a great listening ear.
Keep your SD in her room an extra 24hrs, IMO, just to be safe :). That's my medical opinion, of course. Don't want anyone else getting sick and runnin the risk of you losing it and cursing again!!