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Sticking up for myself.

janeyc's picture

Looking forward to seeing BM later not! She has asked me to watch sd today, but has recently decided to be a real bitch, I am going to ask her why she called me a lier, I will be perfectly civil, but feel it is within my rights to reasonably stick up for myself, also due to recent events, I do not want to watch sd by myself anymore, why should I do bm any more favours? I will let you know how things go later lol.


HadEnoughx5's picture

I did that once with PPB. I went to a local restaurant with my BD22 (at the time) and saw PPB there with 2 of the skids. We were across from each other, but down a couple of booths. Clear view of seeing them. The skids were 6 and 7 at the time and saw me. They tried to wave and say hi, but PPB told them not to acknowledge us.

It got to the point where PPB made one of the skids change their seat so their back was to me. I could hear skid asking why? It's just Blue.

Well, when I left, I was pissed off because PPB deliberately put the skids in the middle.

Hours later, DH and I went over to pick up one of the skids. I had told DH what had happened and that I wanted to know why she did what she did. DH said "ask her". So without skid around, I did ask her.

She went freaking ballistic on me! Here are some of her comments:

I don't know what you're talking about? You must be in your own little world. Shew, shew (as she waved her hand at me like trying to swat a bug away) go away!

I think when these BM's get called out on their behavior, they're not sure how to respond, and look and sound so childish !

Just be prepared for what out landish crap BM will come up with and then sit back and watch your elementary and Junior High years come flashing back! LOL Biggrin

HadEnoughx5's picture

I did that once with PPB. I went to a local restaurant with my BD22 (at the time) and saw PPB there with 2 of the skids. We were across from each other, but down a couple of booths. Clear view of seeing them. The skids were 6 and 7 at the time and saw me. They tried to wave and say hi, but PPB told them not to acknowledge us.

It got to the point where PPB made one of the skids change their seat so their back was to me. I could hear skid asking why? It's just Blue.

Well, when I left, I was pissed off because PPB deliberately put the skids in the middle.

Hours later, DH and I went over to pick up one of the skids. I had told DH what had happened and that I wanted to know why she did what she did. DH said "ask her". So without skid around, I did ask her.

She went freaking ballistic on me! Here are some of her comments:

I don't know what you're talking about? You must be in your own little world. Shew, shew (as she waved her hand at me like trying to swat a bug away) go away!

I think when these BM's get called out on their behavior, they're not sure how to respond, and look and sound so childish !

Just be prepared for what out landish crap BM will come up with and then sit back and watch your elementary and Junior High years come flashing back! LOL Biggrin

HadEnoughx5's picture

I did that once with PPB. I went to a local restaurant with my BD22 (at the time) and saw PPB there with 2 of the skids. We were across from each other, but down a couple of booths. Clear view of seeing them. The skids were 6 and 7 at the time and saw me. They tried to wave and say hi, but PPB told them not to acknowledge us.

It got to the point where PPB made one of the skids change their seat so their back was to me. I could hear skid asking why? It's just Blue.

Well, when I left, I was pissed off because PPB deliberately put the skids in the middle.

Hours later, DH and I went over to pick up one of the skids. I had told DH what had happened and that I wanted to know why she did what she did. DH said "ask her". So without skid around, I did ask her.

She went freaking ballistic on me! Here are some of her comments:

I don't know what you're talking about? You must be in your own little world. Shew, shew (as she waved her hand at me like trying to swat a bug away) go away!

I think when these BM's get called out on their behavior, they're not sure how to respond, and look and sound so childish !

Just be prepared for what out landish crap BM will come up with and then sit back and watch your elementary and Junior High years come flashing back! LOL Biggrin

oneoffour's picture

I wouldn't be so specific. To get the last word in on behaviour I would say "I think you need to remember that asking me to watch your child on your time does not give you permission to have an attitude about me and call me names. I don't HAVE to do this. She is not MY child. So in future either you are civil and not rude or else you will be looking for another sitter. If you cannot nice I cannot watch your daughter. Get it? Good."

See if she calls you out on something that didn't happen SHE will look stupid sending her daughter back to you again and again..."Your Honour she hits my child and locks her under the stairs!"
"Tne why did you continue to use her as a sitter for the past 3 months?"

janeyc's picture

Well I have decided that after today I will not watch sd6 for a while, bm also told sd not to listen to me, whilst at the same time asking me to watch sd, so ridiculous, anyway no more lie ins for bm for a while ha ha.

janeyc's picture

Sd tells me what bm says about me, I think it upset and confuses her, I just play it down, it is extremely unfair to her daughter, bm wanted me to watch sd all day and night on Sat again, I said I had a hospital appt, bm sent a text to my bf saying Im a lier, you can't get hosp appts on a Saturday, hello yes you can I even been there on a Sunday, bf hates her, I could'nt deal with it if they had a good relationship after her behaviour. They hav'nt been to court yet so no CO yet.

Disneyfan's picture

Why are you telling her why you can't sit for her?

When you're asked, just say no. There's no need to give a reason.

Toooldfor this's picture

I agree with Disney! You don't owe her an explanation. And frankly, asking a crazy person why they act crazy and expecting them not to act crazy is a complete waste of time and energy. I would worry that you will also risk putting SD in the middle and having her have to suffer for telling you what BM says. Don't babysit, don't try to reason with a crazy person, just say no!