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What to do ???

torrieanna03's picture

First let me warn you that this may get long... My husband and I moved in together when he daughter was 8 months old and my daughter was 2 years old. We were not married at the time. He would get her and all she did was cry unless someone was holding her or entertaining her and her mother called all the time along with his parents which drove me crazy. At first things were ok and I tried to just deal with it but between his parents and the childs mother I got tired of dealing with "STUPID". About 2 months after she turned one we had her and she kept crying for no reason because no one would pick her up and pack her everywhere. I told him that he needed to just go lay her down in her crib and let her cry herself to sleep. That did not work so I tried to rock her. That didn't work. He tried to pace back in forth to keep her from crying and that didnt work. So I took her from him and plopped her down in our over-sized, fluffy cushion recliner. And told him that he needed to get her out of my house and leave. Well, instead I left and went to stay at my g-ma's house because I couldn't be there anymore. Well apparently he left and went to his parents house and made it sound a lot worse or they perceived it alot worse. So him and the mother got into and she quit coming to our house for about 5 months. Meanwhile, I got pregnant and in would be having to baby soon. His parents and her mother decided that we needed to go to counseling before seeing her again and slowly work our way into visitation. So we agreed, and after hearing everything of what we had to deal with when we had her from the mother and his parents she agreed that she would have stopped contact as well. We continued to slowly work our way back into a schedule of seeing her at his parents house. Then the weekend that she was coming there I went into labor and she wanted to come to the hospital with his parents and see the baby. So I agreed even though after everything I really did not want his family there. But for the sake of my husband I agreed. Well, the child's mother did not want her to be at the hospital or to see the baby. When being discharged from the hosiptal my husband informed me that we were going to go stay at his parents house for a week because he had to go back to work and he didn't want me to be alone at home after a c-section of a 9lb baby. So reluctantly I agreed. When the week was coming to an end I kept trying to go back to our home and he said lets stay another week because his daughter was coming for the weekend visit so I agreed. That Sunday when his daughter went back to her mom's and my oldest daughter went to her dads his parents asked if we wanted to move in permanently so that I could stay at home with the girls during the summer and since their was a new baby. I agreed for many reasons but I was very worried about it because I knew it was going to end BAD. Well, after moving in and staying for 19 months I finally got enough of being underminded by his parents when it came to discipling the kids. It was every visit that his daughter came that when I told the girls (ages 5,3,1 at this point) to do something they either made a comment in front of the child to me about the discipline decision was wrong or later I would get a long conversation about how I was a little extreme. Mind you that the whole time that we lived there any of them may have gotten spanked 3 or 5 times because I was trying to do time outs and not be the "evil mother/stepmother" according to my in-laws. Well, one night we went to a restaurant for supper. On the way there I explained to all three girls that when the food came to the table that everyone had to get in their sit and eat and behave like they know what is exceptable. We get in there and the first thing that my SD does is start climbing on her gma that has several health problems. I told her she needed to sit in her seat and her father also spoke with her about it. Meanwhile my husband has to walk outside with the our 1 year old and the food comes so I reminded the girls that they needed to sit and eat their food and after everyone was done then we could talk and sit in peoples lap. I warned my SD 5 times that she needed to sit and eat. She continued and then my husband's mother decided that she had a comment about it and said that she could love on her(AKA:climb and knock food out off her fork so she can't eat it) anytime she wanted. After that I told my SD that if she did it one more time that we were leaving. I turned my head to see what my 5 year old daughter needed and turned back around to find that my SD was out of her seat and climbing on her gma again. So I said that's it. I made my girls get up and we left. I sent my husband in to pay and I left and went home and started packing our stuff to get the hell out of their house. I had enough. Well, that happened his daughter left with us and we went to stay at my moms until we could find somewhere of our own to live. That night after we got a majority of our stuff and returned to my mother's house all the girls were asked if they wanted to sleep in their room that was fixed up at my mom's for them or if they wanted to lay with me and my husband. They wanted just the "girls" to lay in my bed. Hahaha...(my husband was booted to the couch)the next day my oldest daughter had a t-ball game and the whole time my SD sat on my lap and hugged on me and was fine. When her mother came to pick me up from the game she loved on me before she left and said she loved me and see ya next time. Well "next time" rolled around and the BIO mom contacted my husband and said that his daughter was "scared to death" to come around me because I screamed that night and that he could not get her until she thought it was ok. So 11months later we just saw her this past weekend after the mom threatening his parents that she has been "buddy,buddy" with this whole time that if my husband, me or my 2 girls were around her that no one in his family including him would ever get to see her again. Well, we were around her all weekend. All three girls had a blast playing together and my SD stated that she missed us and wanted to see us again. Her mother came to pick her up from my husbands parents house this weekend and we were there and let's just say "the shit hit the fan"! She said that "we were in direct violation" of what she asked his parents. I could have fell on the floor when she said that. She is mad that he hasn't had any communication but she hasn't communitcated either. They are both in the wrong. And she keeps trying to blame me for the reason that my SD doesnt come but we have been married over 2 years now and the child has never had a problem with me. It boils down to her mother doesnt like the fact that me and her father are together and have a family together that they never had. He is a phenonemonal father and husband. The only thing that bothers me is that I think that his mother reached out to get us back in his daugther's life for personal benefit and not because it's her son. I also don't know how to handle the daughter's mother because all I want to do is choke her when she disrespects my husband and insults my children by saying that her child is not to be around mine. There are so many reasons that I would rather it go back to the way it was when we didn't speak to any of them because there wasn't any disruptions of life or DRAMA and now there will be. The plans are the next time she is supposed to come if the mother does not show up with her then we will go to the sheriff's office to get a deputy to get her for us. And then we will go back to court and have her mother charged with Contempt of Court. It is just too much for me to deal with sometimes and not worth the time because I think in the end that my SD will realize that her mother is crazy and will reach out for father once she gets a little older. I'm just sick of it already because I know what will come from it. I really need some advice! Sorry so long but thanks for listening!


torrieanna03's picture

lol...Sorry! I didn't even get all of the other stories that happened over the last 4 years we have been together. It is crazy!!!! And I am beyond burnt out with all of it.

Purplemom's picture

What does the current visitation order say? And why the hell are his parents so involved?

torrieanna03's picture

The current visitation during school says every other weekend and during the summer 2 weeks there / 2 weeks here and of course split on holidays/birthdays. So I say there is nothing to argue/discuss. Bring her when she is supposed to come and shut up. We suggested doing week to week doing summer though because I don't have someone to watch her all the time. And his mother thinks that she has to be in the middle of it to control. His mom and ex wife have severe CONTROL issues!!!!

dontcallmestepmom's picture

Your SD was just a baby when you met your DH. His parents were very involved (it seems) in the beginning, and believe me, they are probably not going to change. It seems that they helped out a lot with your SD in those beginning years, and they seem(ed) to get along with the baby's mom? So, there is a lot going on here and I think it has to do with the very was the relationship between your DH and the baby's mom before they broke up?

torrieanna03's picture

Neither of them were happy... We were all actually friends before both of our divorces. His parents did kept his daughter while they worked but they have always cowered to his ex wives every request. They are very partial to my SD and do not do for our child that we have together. But they say they try to stay on her good side because "she could keep the child away from them". Which is not true! I feel like there is a lot of bias from his parents to my SD. Like they pay for all her dance, ball, and holiday/gift stuff but do not for the other grandchildren and my husband pays $550 each month plus insurance for her so I am trying to figure out exactly what does the mother do?

Anywho78's picture

Your DH needs to drag BM's butt to court for a her continuous violation of the CO. She will continue to pull her crap until someone puts a stop to it...