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Step-Parents Discipling Child while Parent Present

skyler07's picture

Should step-parents be able to discipline the child when the other parent is there? For example, at a ball game the other night the step-dad disciplined my SS while his BF was there watching the game. We both felt it was something that needed to be addressed, basically just telling a 4 year old to not fight over the ball with his teammates, but neither myself or his BF would have done it during the game by yelling at him through the fence. I just know it made the BF uneasy and he became very quite, but had I been the one to say something to my SS while his MOm was right there, there would have been a fight. I know she would have been beyond ticked off, so I don't understand why the door doesn't swing both ways or how do we go about making it more even across the board. Any advise or am I overreacting, honestly?


Riamama23's picture

Most definantly, sp's should be able to correct sk's in front of any one.If my bk's are acting like asses and I don't see it,please,say something to them! I think it's ok to "say something's" to nieces,nephews,cousins,and,neighbor kids.

misskiya's picture

There needs to be some consistence in the way children are disciplined and where the rules stand. As a SM, I will certainyl correct SS5's behavior if it needs it, regardless of the surroundings. Often, if I don't correct it, no one will. If BM wants to get mad about it, then she can teach her child some respect, manners, and responsibility. I have the added benefit of SS5 living with me, so it's kind of a "my house my rules" situations, but even if it weren't there would still be a standard. If you plan to hold them to a standard, you need to be willing to do it in all situations.

Ommy's picture

I do it. I do not hit or scream, but you bet your ass I talk to them sternly and send them to time out. When they are in my presence people that do not know the situation pass judgement on me as "the mom" I am not about to be around a misbehaved kid in public. I also correct the way other kids act to if I see something wrong. It takes a village to raise a respectable child, we all know how kids turn out when our BM's have total control. I see nothing wrong with correcting a child when something is wrong, hitting/spanking hell no, but talking and correcting of course.

kitty1470's picture

I don't discipline, thats SO's job. I don't allow him to leave me alone with the skids so its not really an issue. I do discipline if it affects me though. If SD5 is jumping on my couch I ask her to stop. If she doesn't stop, I yell at her to stop and she does. She was into the whole hitting phase where she would hit SO and he wouldn't do anything about it. So she came over and slapped me so hard it actually stung. I told her firmly to never do that to me again. So she did. I slapped her back (not hard at all, just enough to shock her). She never hit me again. I only discipline when it directly affects me or my pets.