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Need some advice!!!

Newstep's picture

Things have finally come to a head and next week SO is going to file and order to show cause. BM lives with a drug addict who spent time in prison and was just arrested a few months ago. She is supposed to have him drug tested and give SO the results every Saturday before SD goes to her house for the week. Three weeks ago he didn't get the test results he asked her what was going on and gets some BS story about how he was working and couldn't get to the Dr for the test. He said fine get it to me ASAP.

Well big surprise it never showed up. He called her and said you didn't get me the test if this happens again we go back to court. She ranted and carried on but he he said "do you understand me" and she finally said yes she understood so he hung up.

Well yesterday he was supposed to get the results and again nothing showed up. So he said to me I'm filing the paperwork with the court. I told her and this is what she does. He had no other recourse. So then around 9pm he gets a text saying that he better not ask her for a test because the boyfriend doesn't live there anymore.

Well he doesn't believe it for a second. So since monday is a holiday he is filing the paperwork on Tuesday. We know she will fill SD's head with BS and lies. Should he talk to SD first?? She is 13 and very aware of things, her BM keeps nothing about her life private. SD knows way to much in my opinion. So I'm not sure if it is wise for him to prepare SD for the fact that they are going back to court and custody may change. Anyone have advice or experience in this??


LRP75's picture

I would be honest with the kid:

"Daughter, I love you too much to trust some drug addict/convict to be around you. One of the conditions of the last custody order was that your mother's BF was to be drug tested every weekend before you went over there so that I could know that you were in a safe environment. One thing lead to another and I wasn't receiving those test results as per the order. Rather than put you at RISK with being around a drug addict and convict - I am filing for full custody so that I can make certain you are safe. I love you. None of this is your fault."

knucklehead's picture

Is there a court order for the drug test, or is it just something that he wants done?

Newstep's picture

The court has no jurisdiction over BM's BF. But she agreed in mediation that if he lived with her she would have him drug tested. The mediator pulled his record and was shocked that BM was allowing him to live with her and SD. She suggested the drug testing after telling BM to find a more suitable BF. Now one more thing in SO's favor is the BF was recently arrested again for possession of drugs. We found this out when someone texted him and suggested he look at the inmate search online. We were checking it regularly but BM was complying with the order and we relaxed a bit.