BM likely getting arrested... again!
Restraining order clearly states she may not contact me NOR my family as related by blood or marriage.
Apparently BM's job found out she was arrested. Apparently they told her if she was found anything but innocent her job would be forfeit due to the morality clause she signed when she was hired.
Sorry, I have to recover from laughing at the thought that this woman signed a morality clause, or that any idiot offered her one. She goes through men faster than an allergists waiting room goes through Kleenex.
I was told she was offered an Alford Plea (basically pleads not guilty but admits they have enough evidence to convict) and she would get probation.
So, BM started calling DH and cussing him out. He sent her to voice mail, 7 voice mails of 'you better get your bitch under control' and 'if I lose my job due to that cunt I will beat her ass' and several other threats.
DH called the cops. They were listening to the voice mails on his phone when she called an 8th time. The deputy answered it. She did not even notice it was not DH's voice on the other end of the phone. Deputy took notes during the call, apparently she threatened DH once, me three times and threatened to steal the kids and run.
Deputy hung up on her and was headed for her house for breaking the restraining order and using an electronic device to intimidate/ cohearse/ extort. This is the 4th time we have called the cops for her breaking the Restraining order, first time she was dumb enough to leave messages so there was proof.
Enjoy your jumpsuit BM!
- just.his.wife's blog
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OMG! This woman is NUTS!
:jawdrop: OMG! This woman is NUTS!
Let's hope not. Hopefully it
Let's hope not. Hopefully it makes her look like shit. }:)
It does I looked up her
It does
I looked up her last mug shot and she looked like hell. For all of her posturing her eyeliner/ mascara had run down her face almost to her lips.
^ BWAHAHAHA ^ Put that on the
Put that on the front of Christmas cards and send that around to the people who think she's great. }:)
So I guess the morality
So I guess the morality clause is about to be invoked. Can we watch? I have my own chair?
I don't get thrills out of seeing people implode on themselves. It is sad from a humanity viewpoint that people just do NOT know when to shut up. But you get what you get I suppose.
Praying she gets laryngitis ... permenently
Trust me, my luck is not that
Trust me, my luck is not that good.
Don't you love it when they
Don't you love it when they hang themselves with the rope they were trying to tie you up with?
Keep us updated. This woman
Keep us updated. This woman is unreal and will get what she deserves.
How are the kids taking all of this? This is a Friday, so are all of you headed for the soup kitchen?
Stay strong I know this plays havic on the family.
Kids do not know. I am not
Kids do not know. I am not telling them, that is up to DH.
And no soup kitchen this evening
My transmission took a crap and DH had the only working vehicle at work with him today. Will be going for dinner and hair cuts tomorrow though!
Bahhahahahahahahahahaha... She just keeps digging herself deeper... OMG that kind of karma has got to feel good.
Be careful with that BM! She
Be careful with that BM! She is a total psycho!She's the type ofpsycho that would hire someone to do her dirty work. Wow! The drama she brings!
Is this the BM that broke
Is this the BM that broke into your house with the skids & was trying on your clothes???