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SD has not changed.....camping weekend update...

daisy0202's picture

Lets start by saying i did have a good time with the children. It was alot of work but overall went well and my kids and there friends had fun.

We left for camping Friday morning, SD16 followed us up with BS21, his girlfriend and her friend. in our car was myself, DH, BS14 and his friend. Yes we have 6 children with us (god help us)....

We got to the camp ground, set up everything (we did tents this time, not my favorite but the kids love it) we had 4 tents, DH and ours being the mansion of tents LOL....After everything was set up DH yelled out while my boys were already taking off..."OK everything is set, take off, enjoy no need to hang around here, have fun!!!!!! OK!!!! So SD says "gee"...and takes off with her friend....DH and I set some more things up and then just sat and relaxed....We didnt see the kids till lunch time...After lunch I went for a run with my oldest and his girlfriend and he told me the whole car ride up SD16 was taking about some boy who is 20 and he has been texting her :jawdrop: GREAT...New drama....So i told him I cant even think about that and good luck to her. We got back from the run and BS14, his friend and SD's friend were walking towards us...I asked where is SD, her friend tells me she is not feeling well...So I get to site and DH is sitting there with a weird face on him, SD is in her tent..So i ask whats wrong....DH says sd is not feeling well....So long story short she spent the rest of day and night in her tent...Not sick because I found out later she was talking to 20 year old boy the whole time....OK whatever....

Sat comes and the clingy shit begins....SD stayed with us the whole time....The only time i was not with her was when i went for a run...I went for 2 on sat because i had enough of her around....DH told her a number of times go hang with your friend what is wrong with you....Her response was My anxiety is bothering me...I dont feel right...But the whole time she is texting this 20 year old, laughing....I completely ignored it and enjoyed my weekend with my kids...DH sat night in our tent says i am so sorry, this is not going as planned, I dont know what to do with her, WTF....

I told DH you have a long road ahead of you. She needs more therapy, she needs structure she has alot of issues and it is not going to clear up in just a month...he was very upset because he told me he was hoping this weekend went over great and maybe they could move back in but he knows this is not going to happen. i told him I loved him and I was not going anywhere but i could not have them come back...Sunday when we left she was all stupid being daddy daddy daddy...Giving me dirty looks, being cocky, i didnt get upset but when we got home unpacked i did ask DH to leave....BS14 told me she gets cocky with me again I am going to slap her....i told DH and he yelled at her and they left....He told her no phone today and she said to him yah right dream on....I said OK time to go.....Didnt ask what happened, didnt care to be honest...i do not see anything changing with her and until she is gone whether it be college or when she gets married i will continue them not living with us...sad really and i thought i would be more upset by it....But I'm not...i like my peace, I like her not being around....There will be no more family vaca's for awhile...Maybe next year we can try again...Until that time....My life goes on...


Helena.Handbasket's picture

I love how clearly you handle things with SO now. She is the obvious issue here and you stop it from invading you and your kids immediately.

cant win for losin's picture

I think dh's comment about hoping the weekend would go well enough that they could move back in, speaks volume. To me anyway it does.
To me it says that he is hoping that there is just a "one time incident" that will happen and erase everything instantly, and they can move back in and he can go on as before. To me, I don't think he still takes it seriously enough that he really needs to do some hard core work. Work and time. I just don't think he truly "get's it."

but I am so happy to hear you staying your ground. Keep up the good work. And i also commend you for letting these little times here and there happen (with sd being around) cause i sure in the hell would NOT.

LizzieA's picture

The answer is simple. DH should have confiscated her phone and told her to get out of the tent. What a wimp.

3familiesIn1's picture


Doesn't know what to do with her? Take the phone. Done.

Why is it these men don't see the simple solutions - say, act, follow through, move on.

Good for you Daisy - you set your expectations up front, you stuck to your guns and you enjoyed your trip. DH was stuck babysitting his 16 year old and allowed her to ruin his trip.

Ommy's picture

Thank you for standing your ground. I am happy for you. You have found your voice. Plus, from reading you recent blogs you sound so much happier. Keep it up. Your SO will realize that you arent changing your mind and that he actually has to parent his child.

stepmisery's picture

Just going to college or getting married won't change things for this girl. And what's the likelihood of those things happening when her father is the center of her universe?

If she really suffers from such debilitating anxiety, is she on medication? Learning how to meditate or some techniques or tips to deal with anxiety as it comes on? Under the care of a doctor?

DH needs to learn how to not be manipulated by her anxiety. What's the worst that would happen? Does DH fear SD will harm herself if she feels anxious and Daddy isn't there to soothe her?

When she started hanging and clinging, that's when he should have pointedly got up and got involved with activities with other people and let SD hang on her own. They both have to learn that SD is not a fragile flower that is going to shatter if she has to face life on her own two feet.

Or maybe DH does not make real changes because he secretly is thrilled with her high need for him - maybe it is vindication over BM?

daisy0202's picture

I am so standing my ground and he knows it. I am much happier since they have left. Dont get me wrong i miss my DH so much but i do not miss the drama, the bullshit, the constant childish behavior.....OMG it was mind blowing!!!!!!

Oh forgot to mention SD told BS21 that she felt distant from all of us and feels she didnt belong...BS21 told her you need alot more therapy than you are getting. My mom bends over backwards for you and you just expect her to keep doing this when you behave like a baby, grow up already, what is wrong with you, if I was my mom I wouldnt even talk to you....He said her face was priceless (she likes to talk to my oldest she feels she relates to his age more she told him) LMAO He says she is crazy...

imthewife's picture

No 16 yr old talks to a 20 yr old. And most certainly mot during family outting with a friend along.

She is mentally unstable...noting the "anxiety is acting up..." comment. Whatever, honey...way to try and play it!

Amazing that DH doesn't know what to do...

Purplemom's picture

^^^ This... I wonder who this 20 year old is.... Daisy's SD 16 is a prime target for predators because she is so clueless.. no boundaries, attention starved etc.... I see that ending badly for her.. hopefully no baby results!