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Update on sd and ex watching baby...

tryingtomakeit's picture

So Friday night, my husband comes in and asked me yet again if I was ok with sd/ex watching our 1 year old child.

I BLEW his hair back and told him to never ask that question agin. First off, the sd cannot even change a diaper. She has not even offered to help feed or change the baby so why in the hell would I let her watch him without my supervision.

Secondly, even if the sd could I didnt want him at the ex's because it is not her child and I can raise my child with out the help of her.

Needless to say, the hubby didnt ask again and the baby and I had a great time just like we always do!! I love that little stinker!!


herewegoagain's picture

What's wrong with your husband? Does he have a screw loose or something? What kind of person would even ask such a stupid question? I can only imagine if you and him had a baby and you allowed YOUR ex to watch him (if you had one)...Sometimes I really wonder if these men are divorced because the BM is crazy or because THEY are morons.

Unfreakingreal's picture

Maybe his ex can come and cook you dinner too while she's at it? What a frigging moron.