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Just bought the flights for summer holiday...

not THAT happy's picture

In two weeks we'll be flying to DH's hometown, having the family reunion and then taking MIL and SD to the beach for a whole week. I don't know what makes me more anxious, the family reunion or the whole week at a wonderful beach with SD bitching around and having MIL to criticize every single thing.

Then a month after our family vacations, MIL will come over to be at DS's first birthday party, and she decided to stay for a whole week.....

We haven't had a visit where we don't get into a fight and pickup our suitcases and leave. I'm scared, and anxiety is starting to get me.

Can someone please fast forward time so this can be over already?


SMof2Girls's picture

Have a few cases of wine shipped to the destination and enjoy your vacation!

Best of luck

msc1120's picture

I haven't had a chance to thank you for recommending the surviving infidelity website from the other day. I had actually already signed up there and read and posted a few things but I think I just wasn't ready to take any of it in. Since then though I've been there quite a bit and read a lot of very good information there and I'm feeling a little stronger. Anyway, just wanted to drop you a quick line saying THANK YOU!!

not THAT happy's picture

Good you feel a bit stronger, it is a day by day fight. Please feel free to contact me any time, as I've been in your shoes I can be a good listener.

Hugs Smile

not THAT happy's picture

I haven't log in here for sooo long! that almost a year after I'm just catching up.
So glad you are getting better. It is a long way but it is worth it.
