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Do any of you get tattled on by your skids?

Unhappy's picture

This is one thing that I can't stand. SD(7) will tell on me to DH all of the time over stupid things like making her put her own clothes away or making watching her vacume the floor to make sure that she's doing it right. It coul dbe over anything like asking her not open a new box of fruit snacks because there is one already open. It's like she expects DH to take her side and get made at me. She's even gone as far as to make things up about me and tell on me to DH.

It doesn't seen to bother DH that much even though I tell him that it bothers me. I told him that we need to do something to correct this behavior but it's fallen on deaf ears.

Does anybody else deal with this and does anybody have an explanation as to why she would be doing this?


Purplemom's picture

She is doing it because she sees herself as an adult who gets to make decisions and manage things the way she wants to. Does your h let her get away with other mini wife isnms?

overworkedmom's picture

I do all the time and when DH looks at me after the "tattle" to see if it is true or not( when he lies there is punishment)- I respond with "Yep!". He then tell FSS6- she's the adult and you will respect what she says.

Unhappy's picture

Do you really think that? I know she views herself as being in adult status but I thought she was doing it more as a way to devide and conquer to get DH and I to fight.

DH never believes her but he there aren't any consequences for the behavior either.

Unhappy's picture

That's a really good suggestion dtzyblnd. I told DH that when she does it he should walk up to me like he's mad and then grab me and start kissing me as a punishment. I figured that would take the wind right out of her sails.

Invisiblestepmom14's picture

I got one, my SD tattled on my DH last night! It's his kid! LOL It was something stupid like she thought the dogs weren't fed on time. My DH got onto her about tattling and that "Snitches get stitches". LOL Thankfully he doesn't allow the kids to pit the parents against each other!

Unhappy's picture

Maybe that's why it drives me crazy. Because deep down inside I know that she thinks that she is above me on the totem pole and that's why she's doing it.

Unhappy's picture

It just drives me nuts and I don't know why. I shouldn't let it bother me but it does. I never thought about the fact that since because she thinks she has adult status it could be contributing to this behavior.

Anywho78's picture

Mine used to do that...the plan that SO & I came up with was that he was to respond to "Dad, Anywho just....." with "Okay....did ya have a point?" Once the shock from this particular response wore off, he sat both of them down & explained to them that I'm a GROWN UP & telling kids to do stuff is MY JOB (LOL) he told them that if they didn't stop tattling on me, that he would make them do extra chores & sentence writing. Both SD & SS slipped once & had to do as told. Hasn't been an issue since.

This was when they were 5 & 6.

dreadingit's picture

My skids tattle on me and my son, but it's usually only to their bm, not to dh. SS is the WORST--he picks apart the stupidest, most inconsequential things from the day and turns them into a 2 hour drama fest on the phone with bm. He knows that she's only happy if she thinks they're UNhappy at dad's, so he feeds her.
The other day just me, my son, & skids were in the car. SS asked me if I could do some silly, crazy driving stunt. I said, "Yes, I can. But I won't. Because if I did, you'd just tattle on me to someone about how I drove so badly and dangerously, wouldn't you?" He stammered all over that one, wondering WHY I would think that? He doesn't tattle!! MMhmm. Whatever, kid. You might be smarter than your mother, but I'm NOT HER!

ThatGirl's picture

I even get it from SS14. Just the other night we had a birthday dinner for FIL and SD24. Big dinner, we were all stuffed, I had cleared the table and was loading the dishwasher and SS14 comes into the kitchen, grabs the cake, take it to the dining room and sits smack dab in front of it with his chin on the table. I tell him to please not sit there yet, as no one is ready for cake. Cake time comes along and everyone gathers at the table, except SS14. SO tells him to come sing Happy Birthday, and he says, "I can't. SHE says I'm not allowed." Little f'er!

Unhappy's picture

Holy carp ThatGirl. My SD does that all of the time to me.

SD: Unahppy can I have a bowl of cereal?
ME: In a minute. I need to finish (insert being right in the middle of something).

A couple minutes later DH appears.

DH: BD, do you want a bowl of cereal?
BD: She said that I can't have any breakfast.

DH will look at me and I just flat out tell him that I never said that and that I told her to wait until I was done doing whatever I was doing.

Shaman29's picture

DH's kid used to tattle on me to Uberskank. I found out during our numerous hearings. The last one I was accused of starving her child because I banned her from the stove and oven. This kid had started two fires by using dish towels to take things off of the stove and ruined several pots and pans by leaving empty or nearly empty pots and pans on the burner.

As a result I told her if she can't toast it or nuke it too bad. No more stove or oven in my house.

She also brought up how I referred to DH's kid as his precious, little princess. Which was true. He was doing all of her chores for her and then PAYING her an allowance for those chores. This was after he took a pay cut and suddenly I'm paying more than my share because he couldn't make ends meet. And he's giving her a fricking allowance for sitting on her ass.

I lost my temper and yelled that I can't believe you won't make your precious, little princess wash a f**king dish or pick up after her own lazy f**king ass.

Nightshade's picture

My then 28 yo SD told DH that she emails him "all the time" and I must be deleting them!! LOL, DH told her that he sees them, he just doesn't respond to the drama and stop trying to stir shit by saying things like that about me....she shut up pretty fast.

Unhappy's picture

My SD did this one time while I was sitting on the love seat on the other side of the living room. She walked right in and told on me for telling her to do something. She glanced over and saw me sitting there and her eyes got all big. I called her out on it and told, "you didn't realize I was here when you came to tell on me huh." Her response, "I don't care."

Unhappy's picture

She spends plenty of time with DH. That's not the problem. DH will be outside in the garage doing something or taking a shower like with the cereal incident. He's not always around. It's the same for my BD. I'm still at work when DH picks her up. Even though she's my BD and it's my time, I just can't be there for every minute of every day.

GoodbyeNormaJean's picture

SD5 used to. She got a foul little surprise. I started tattling on myself. I would text DH while he was at work. Then when she would tell on me, he would say "I know. I told her to put you down for a nap. You were whining."

Ha ha! Now what!?!?

Unhappy's picture

I've even tried to tell her not when I know what she's up to. Last Winter she wanted to go outside an play when her hair was soaked after a bath. I told her that she needed to to wait until her hair was dry because it was to cold to go outside like that. She then asks where DH is and I told her that he was outside on the back patio. Where do you think she headed? Straight for the sliding glass door. I stopped her before she was able to open and told her that I just said that she couldn't go outside and that she didn't need to tattle on me. Her response, "I wasn't." DH enters the house shortly after that and here comes SD. Right when she opened her mouth to tattle on me I cut her off and flat out to DH that she's going to tattle on me right now because I said that she can't go play outside in the cold when her hair was soaked. Let's just say that shut her up.

What was her punishment from DH for trying to get us to fight and not listening twice? DH blew dry her hair so she could go outside and play.

smdh's picture

SD8 tattles and lies to her mother all the time about me, but she wouldn't dare tattle on me to dh. Of course, McCrazy buys her new toys if she says I am mean to her so it really doesn't matter how I treat her.

hismineandours's picture

Ss14 used to do this but dh stopped listening to it a few years ago and that effectively silenced him here. He still tattles on me to anyone who will listen- bm, inlaws-eh, I used to care but not so much anymore. He does like to try and tattle on my kids though. However, my 3 were pretty good about sticking together and his stories were much less effective when u have 3 other kids saying the opposite. I think he tattles on me in an effort to gain sympathy- he really likes people to feel sorry for him and to try and make up for all the hurt from the wicked nasty sm. I think he tattles on my kids just to level the playing field. He's an eff up to put it bluntly. My kids, while not perfect are very different than him. He never grasped the idea that they earned certain things or privileges with good behaviors. That wasn't fair in his mind so he was going to do whatever he could to make sure they lost privileges.