The Kid Whisperer Files-Trick #1
Sit the skid down and calmly say to them: "I am going to give you this $10. Best life lesson I will ever teach you is this: When I (or an authority figure) ask you to do something, you say "Yes, M'am". They will then say "Yes, M'am"-you give them the $10, smile at them and this will stay with them a life-time.
Kids are like puppies- you gain their trust, you reward them for following a rule, and you will have a whole different breed.
This makes absolutely no
This makes absolutely no sense to me. If I asked a kid to do something, I would then say thank you when they did something.
What, you are going to give them $10.00 every time you ask them to do something??
Seriously, do you really have kids?? Or are you reading some old self help parenting book and passing these little "gems" on?
Have you tried it? And yes- I
Have you tried it? And yes- I have two plus 3 and they are all amazing. And your language is kinda abrasive -are you happy today?
HA!!!! I LOL'ed at this
HA!!!! I LOL'ed at this one!!!
>>>Only if someone is going
>>>Only if someone is going to give me $10 every time I do something.<<<
My language isn't abrasive at
My language isn't abrasive at all..perhaps you can't take criticism? :?
And no, I think it would be the height of stupidity to bribe or pay off children for something that you tell them to do. Obviously, some people aren't afraid of heights.
^^^AGREED^^^ OCC takes the
^^^AGREED^^^ OCC takes the cake.
Oh, but OCC has that hat on
Oh, but OCC has that hat on his head. Or a pizza, or maybe a piece of cardboard?
The hours I have spent wondering what that is on his head.
It's a hat all-right... an
It's a hat all-right... an a$$hat.
I'd was hoping it was pizza.
I'd was hoping it was pizza. I would like a pizza hat.
It's just his ass, thats
It's just his ass, thats where he keeps his head.
OMG! Hahahaha!
OMG! Hahahaha!
Oh, and BTW- I am a doctor,
Oh, and BTW- I am a doctor, so I have extensive training in psychology and psychotherapy too. What are your credentials?
I bet they have a license
I bet they have a license plate that says ASS-MAN like Kramer from Seinfeld. LOL
I am Angelina Jolie and I am
I am Angelina Jolie and I am raising a plethora of rainbow colored children while maintaining a career and being engaged to one of the world's most beautiful men.
Plus, I am also a doctor who specializes in narcissistic behavior, schizophrenia, and treat patients who suffer under delusions of grandeur.
Makes it easy to see the signs.
And yes, everyone-Brad IS good in bed.
(squeals like a naive
(squeals like a naive teenager) ooooooooh, Jen and Angie on THIS site. I'm soooo excited.
It must be true, it must really be you. why would anyone LIE on the internet?!!!!
Angie, eat a burger.
Jen- your fabulous girl
Brad- call me!
Hey, I have a high
Hey, I have a high metabolism!
Besides, I wear all black and it just makes me look that thin. Really.
But I have all of these
But I have all of these kids!! I am a do-gooder.
Don't you know that you are all supposed to love me and think I am a wonderful mother and forget about the fact that I am a husband stealer??
I work for Unicef for God's sake.
I have to agree with the
I have to agree with the others here. My parents raised 9 kids in a 1-income household. There were not $1 bills to buy good behavior with, muchless $10 bills. There was a whole lot of really good parenting that cost a lot in tough love, but they managed to raise 9 happy healthy children without having to purchase our respect.
They just taught us that respect was expected, so we gave it.
Common-sense comes doesn't come with a degree...medical, law, or otherwise.
just a sec....when i am done
just a sec....when i am done LMAO at the re-donk-ul-ness of this pristine full proof advice from an expert I shall try said FOOL proof advice.
Talk about setting your kids
Talk about setting your kids up for a pre determined career choice......taking money for favors!!!! LMFAO
Are we being punk'd? Where's
Are we being punk'd? Where's Ashton???
"Sit the kid down and calmly
"Sit the kid down and calmly say to them: "I am going to give you this $10. Best life lesson I will ever teach you is this: When I (or an authority figure) ask you to do something, you say "Yes, Sir". They will then say "Yes, Sir"-you give them the $10, smile at them and then DO WHATEVER YOU WANT TO THEM. This will stay with them a life-time. Kids are like puppies- you gain their trust, you reward them for following a rule, and you will have a whole different breed." ... said Jerry Sandusky, as he described his fool-proof method of coercing young boys so he could rape them.
The only place this "file" belongs is in the shredder.
i hope we don't have to wait
i hope we don't have to wait long for tip #2!!!! }:)
LMFAO! Tip# 2: Never ever
Tip# 2: Never ever EVER tell your child "no". They'll hate you forever.
Yes Ma'am... OK, where's my
Yes Ma'am...
OK, where's my $10?
Just kidding.
I soooooooooooooo identify
I soooooooooooooo identify with that one! SS 14 at the time got birthday money and it was burning a hole in his pocket. Gamestop was a MUST! I said NO! OMG I shall perish in hell for that one!
No shit?! THAT is tip #2?
No shit?! THAT is tip #2? Well screw me sideways, I'm fuckin up my kids life all over the place. I don't give them money bribes, I tell them no....
ugh the agony of my failed parenting skills! EPIC FAIL to me. I'm so glad I have come here, not only for validation on the fact that I am not the ONLY INSANE EVIL stepmom on the earth, but to learn that I am also coming up short in the world of MOTHERHOOD!
Believe me. I'm a doctor.
Believe me. I'm a doctor.
I will send you $10.00 if you
I will send you $10.00 if you will beat up BM. I will even say Thank you.
I'll have to sell the house
I'll have to sell the house for it, but you did call me Ma'am, so...
LMAO classic right there
LMAO classic right there Echo. ha ha ha
Echo, you are killing
Echo, you are killing me.....I am going to get fired...
I guess she wants you to give
I guess she wants you to give them a dog treat?
What about a nickle? I can't
What about a nickle? I can't afford $10 every time they say yes ma'am. My kids are well behaved, I would be in the poor house real fast.
OK I am going to take my 10
OK I am going to take my 10 bucks and bet that you don't get an answer to this very insightful question.... just sayin' you always seem to ask these logic, to the point questions, and the OP avoids em.
OP, in your "come-back" blog
OP, in your "come-back" blog you posted that your family is frugal & that you live on a modest budget. Where does "frugal" or "modest budget" fit in if you're paying your kids for respect?
Right?? OMG, I have been
Right?? OMG, I have been dying laughing at this whole blog.
I cannot WAIT for tip #2. I just wonder how her DOG behaves!
I'm LOVING the way this has
I'm LOVING the way this has taken off!
i just can't leave this blog
i just can't leave this blog alone. LOL
Since people are listing their "credentials" I figure I must list mine too.
My nose. Yes my nose is a credential , and my nose says this smells like BULLSHIT. }:)
(sarcastic tone now) Now, while I do believe this is sound advice, i must listen to my nose. After all my nose IS a professional. It has been in it's profession for over 30 years. This gives my nose EXPERT status. Therefore, i cannot follow your sound expert advice.
I do believe my idol Toucan Same said it best, "my nose knows. It ALWAYS knows"

OMG.....a doctor in
OMG.....a doctor in psychology no less. Great!!!
I have a degree in common sense, which tells me your advice is a bunch of fricking hooey! Seriously, how many entitled children are you raising? You're probably the family at the restaurant that let's their kids run around with forks in their mouths and knives in their hands.
Geez.....worst advice ever. I don't have kids and even I can see what a load of indulgent crap this is.
You guys are mean. No wonder
You guys are mean. No wonder your skids are struggling with you. Well, mine adore me. I run the household like a corporation. There is a schedule, a mission, a financial budget and a list of rules that are signed by all children in the household. I am loving being a step-mom and a mom and a doctor and a business woman. In short- I have it all
Sorry about your luck. If you don;t like my advice, the don't take it. Oh, and BTW- if you are taking ANY money from the State or the Feds- thank me for it, I pay more taxes than most of you put together.
well, i guess she told
well, i guess she told us.....
how's that shit splatter coming along?
"There is a schedule, a
"There is a schedule, a mission, a financial budget and a list of rules that are signed by all children in the household."
Perhaps there is all of that, but don't forget about payroll.
Yes,hon. You are the only one
Yes,hon. You are the only one of us that knows how to run a house....yawn.......whatever you say. Why do you think you pay more taxes than anyone else here? Do you REALLY think you are the only professional (and I seriously doubt your claims) on this site?
I know a LOT of doctors, and not one of them sounds as uneducated as you. Curious.
Didn't you say you became a blended family very recently? How recently was this wonderful occurence?
"I pay more taxes than most
"I pay more taxes than most of you put together."
I'll bet you pay your kids more than most of us put together too.
P.S. You don't have it all. You're kids/skids have your bank account.
She could really be
She could really be delusional. I mean, BM thinks she is a great person.
"I am loving being a step-mom
"I am loving being a step-mom and a mom and a doctor and a business woman. In short- I have it all "
okay, i'll ask the obvious then.....
what the hell are you doing here Mrs. Have it all?!!!!!
I am Angelina Jolie and I am
I am Angelina Jolie and I am raising a plethora of rainbow colored children while maintaining a career and being engaged to one of the world's most beautiful men.
Plus, I am also a doctor who specializes in narcissistic behavior, schizophrenia, and treat patients who suffer under delusions of grandeur.
Makes it easy to see the signs.
And yes, everyone-Brad IS good in bed.
Actually, I have been compared to her. And yes, my children are far superior, all of them, and my husband is perfect looking, behaving and perfect in bed too. Sorry, but I do not dwell in miserable lives like a lot of whiners I listen to about their parenting :)And my narcissistic children run laps around your scarred ones and I get compliments from strangers as to how funny and perfect my children are- all of them. Might want to open your bitter and hating ears and get some advice from The Machine as my hubby calls me
That's too bad. I'm more a
That's too bad. I'm more a Jen fan.
I love how this has unfolded.
I love how this has unfolded.
I'm a little peckish. Mayhaps you have a hotpocket I can nibble on?
HUTA Syndrome.
HUTA Syndrome.
You do know you just called
You do know you just called your children narcissistic? As in, damaged psychologically? LOL
OMG, I love you. Your husband calls you a MACHINE, and you think it is complimentary?? I am dying. Machines are cold, hard, robotic, and cannot think for themselves. Are you sure you want to keep bragging on that??? LOL
Please post tip #2. I cannot WAIT.
I tell you, anyone in a
I tell you, anyone in a doctor's coat that has a violin playing ,chinese speaking dog that is recovering from being kicked down the stairs and says the word "Ma'am", while sticking their leg out of the slit in their skirt and tossing $10.00 bills everywhere-
I am going to be on them like a freaking spider monkey. wrote exactly wrote exactly what I was thinking.
"You guys are mean" ROFLMAO
"You guys are mean" ROFLMAO you sound just like my 12 year old
Mental image of her stamping
Mental image of her stamping her foot and crossing her arms. Screen name should be Varooka.
Yay! Wait....should I give
Wait....should I give 10 of those internet points to DH's kid for saying yes M'am?
Oooohhh. I can put a little
Oooohhh. I can put a little pink ribbon in her hair and say "Up DH's kid, up!" And when she sits up and says yes m'am.....I'll give her a cookie and 10 of my internet points.
Redemption at last!
She was a bad egg.
She was a bad egg.
LOL actually in the book, it
LOL actually in the book, it is squirrels n nuts.
she is a cracked nut! ha ha ha }:)
and then her perfect husband
and then her perfect husband can chase down the chute after her. LOL
OK- I gotta give it to you
OK- I gotta give it to you guys- most comments (after I read them between patients)- have cracked ME up. But the initial ones were just bitter, so I skipped to the fourth page and you guys entertained me.
Well, sorry to let you guys down, but BM even said to DH "Aren't you glad I cheated on you, otherwise you would have never met SM and been so happy". He said "It is the BEST wedding gift anyone could have ever given me".
So, you guys laugh, but I doubt Angelina would hang with most of you.
Even your profile names are negative.
Yep- Advice #2: Be more like me and less like yourselves and your skids might have a chance
I wouldn't hang with
I wouldn't hang with Angelina...even for $10.
What's wrong with
What's wrong with "twopines"?
Pine trees are peaceful, perhaps even "tranquil", and I have TWO of them.
I don't think my name is
I don't think my name is negative. I just get aggravated with foolish, stupid people. I guess I hit a nerve with OP.
And as anyone who has been
And as anyone who has been around internet boards knows, dissing on the screennames is like step #4 of the OP trying to defend/justify the schlock they just wrote.
Next will be the "If you would all spent as much time PARENTING your kids instead of being mean and nasty to ME, you'd be a lot happier!!" line.
It's all very predictable.
OMG!!! Will you be my new
OMG!!! Will you be my new best friend???
*makes herself comfortable on
*makes herself comfortable on the sofa and passes the flask to Echo*
Now on with the show!
You forgot pathological liar.
You forgot pathological liar. LOL
No shit? Serious? I have only
No shit? Serious? I have only heard of one person named Echo. "Any which way but Loose" That Clint Eastwood movie.
LOL I always crack up when she says her name to someone new and they say "what?" and she has to say it again.
>>>>but BM even said to DH
>>>>but BM even said to DH "Aren't you glad I cheated on you, otherwise you would have never met SM and been so happy". He said "It is the BEST wedding gift anyone could have ever given me"
Wow, that is so.... weird.
I am glad you found some humor in this thread... it did take off on a comidic trail there
Let me be clear... most of us here, are very sarcastic. I think if we weren't, we would go crazy with some of the stuff we have to deal with. Included in that sarcasm, I believe a great many of us used sarcasm in our screen names. Mine, there is BULLSHIT Goin on, but not from my sweet sweet SS, he is amazing. It is his BM that is full of "it". We have had a lot of BM's come and go on this board that just come in here to stir up crap and leave.
You have to admit, to waltz on to a STEPparenting board, and tell us that we should PAY our kids to be polite, is quite outlandish. For one, we aren't all... DOCTORS. I mean DH and I make really good money, but I feel that if I have to PAY my kids to behave, I have failed as a parent. I am a little astonished that with all of you education and degrees you can't see the issues with this method.
I don't really want to be more like you, in the sense that I don't want to have to PAY my children to show me respect. I have EARNED that through, well... BIRTHING THEM and caring for them and loving and providing for them... provide them a safe place to live and eat and all of that good stuff.
I am glad that your Skids get along with you. That is nice that you have that. I am just not on board with your method of getting them there. I do my way, you do yours.
And on another note... I am not REALLY an "evil Stepmom" that too is sarcasm. My SS loves me.
See, the doctor's I know
See, the doctor's I know actually work between patient's, rather than check blogs.
Do you maybe work for American Girl? Are you a dolly doctor?
Submitted by aggravated1 on
Submitted by aggravated1 on Thu, 07/12/2012 - 12:51pm.
See, the doctor's I know actually work between patient's, rather than check blogs.
Do you maybe work for American Girl? Are you a dolly doctor?
My staff is trained to take care of anything while I am blogging about how to be less of a b*tc* to your skids. Try that in your corporation. Right-which one?
So you didn't answer the
So you didn't answer the question. Do you reattach the arms, or are you in charge of the hair? I thought they had a machine do that.
Wait.....oh. I gotcha. Dolly doctor it is.
*water spew* omfg That right
*water spew*
That right there would explain EVERYthing.
Yea, I wanna be like you...I
Yea, I wanna be like you...I wanna be a MACHINE baby! YEAH!!!! A MACHINE!!!!!
This reminds me of a story my
This reminds me of a story my 11th grade History teacher told us once.
She and her husband were getting ready to leave for a trip when her youngest son asked for something. She told him no b/c they were busy. Son then sighs in annoyance and repeats his request with a "please" added to the end. She says no again, restating that they are busy. Son then replies in anger, "but I *said* please!"
Yep, she had unintentionally trained him that any time he said please, he got what he asked for.
Oh wow, your daughter tells
Oh wow, your daughter tells you "you are mean"? Mine loves me. Hmmm...interesting.
Oh, and someone with my extensive knowledge might teach you guys something abuot not hating your skids. I get nauseous every time I see you guys stating how much you HATE your skids. That is despicable. Send them to me. I love them. It is your lack of affection for these little creatures that will make this world a hideous place, not my paying $10 for her to learn to say "Yes M'am or Sir".
And, BTW- there ARE some wonderful step-parents on this site that are truly struggling to improve their parenting because they truly care. The rest of you should be exposed for what you really are, the wicked stepmothers that are mentioned in fairy-tales as old as time.
Do YOUR children know Chinese violin? Mine will. And you will probably pay to watch them perform some day
Plus, I think she has only
Plus, I think she has only been a stepmom to these creatures for a short time. Of course, she won't answer that question.
And send our kids to her? Ewwwwww. Creepy.
"Dude"??? Did you learn to
"Dude"??? Did you learn to address adults as dude in your up-bringing? How old are you?
Submitted by aggravated1 on Thu, 07/12/2012 - 12:49pm.
I don't think my name is negative. I just get aggravated with foolish, stupid people. I guess I hit a nerve with OP.
No reply. I hear and Echo
Who called someone dude?
Who called someone dude? Please have a meeting with your personalities and get it straight before you post again. It would be quite helpful. Perhaps one of your assistants can carve the doll vulva while you get it together.
If you are an adult
If you are an adult addressing another adult, then both adults are peers. In that case, "dude" is appropriate - as would be "chick," "hon," "sweetie," or even "you there."
This site reminds me of
This site reminds me of Dante's Inferno. Didn't think you know what I am talking about. Google it. I am sorry for your children. No wonder to come to my house and beg that I adopt them. I wouldn't even send my dog to most of your homes. Most people here should be reported to CPS. With this, I am done here. You people don;t want advice, you want to tell us how much you hate these helpless little beings that God entrusted you to take care of. I hope your husbands read your threads and drop you like the mean-spirited people you are. I pray for you and those poor children.