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SS is going to school in our district...

hismineandours's picture

SS14 moved in with inlaws last month. Dh just heard a few days ago that ss will be attending our school district. Previously when he lived with inlaws he chose to go out of district. Then he moved in with us and of course went to our school. So now we know he is staying. Have some mixed feelings about this. He is in the same grade as my dd14 and a year older than ds13. On one hand, I wish he'd go out of district so we can just eliminate any sort of issues with the kids, but on the other hand I want him to go wherever it is easiest for the inlaws so they will keep him Smile When he went out of district they were driving him back and forth each way and I m sure that added up to a lot of time and money.

Although-after not speaking to dh for 3 weeks-he is already asking if dh can get ahold of his schedule. I already know the kid's schedule for next year as I am the one that gets online and checks that sort of thing and ss14 knows it. I also dont like that aspect of things-I feel like we will end up being asked to assist with various things since my kids go to school there. And I dont want to. I already know there is some sort of high school orientation coming up in a couple of weeks. At this point I plan on saying nothing about it to dh or certainly not ss or mil. I figure if she has taken over his care it is really up to her to figure these sorts of things out.

My dd14 asked him the other day if he would be upset if she asked to have her locker placed away from ss's. It would normally be right next to hers due to the same last name-I was really surprised that he said "no" he would be fine with that-that if she and ss want to leave each other alone it was fine with him and he sees no reason to get involved unless they are doing something wrong to one another.


Jsmom's picture

Let me tell you it is not fun having them in the same school when one of them can't behave. Go to my blogs from two years ago and SD accusing BS17 of picking on her on the school bus...He wasn't until she kept moving to be in the seat by his friends and interrupt their conversation. This went on for months. Thanks to her he drives to school and will be driving SS13 next fall. We have to limit her contact with them as much as possible.

hismineandours's picture

Fortunately they will not be riding the same bus. My ds is in jr hi and ss will be in hish school so I have no concerns regarding him this year. However, with he and my dd in the same grade in a small high school-yeah, there will be problems. There were already problems from March to May when ss was living with us and attending school here. In that short time he did everything from encourage other kids to pick on dd, tell other kids personal things he overheard dd talking about at home, to all other sort of assorted nonsense. We were able to at least address it as ss lived in the home at the time. At this point, my guess is that ss will not hold back. It will literally be a he said/she said sort of thing unless there is something tangible that the school sees. My dd is very popular and is in honor level classes-ss will not likely see her a whole lot as he is not academically gifted and also has been unable to be in extracurriculars thus far due to his grades-so I am hoping for minimal contact-but I am still worried about him running his mouth to her and about her.

hismineandours's picture

Biologically they are just mine. He has been with the two oldest since they were 2 and 9 months old. He will be adopting them. The youngest who is 10 is ours together.