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Karma What's yours for BM?

justanothergurlNJ's picture

I said in a reply to a previous blog that I hope BMs karma is to meet a guy with kids that has a BM crazier then her! In my mind it would the ultimate karma for her to back what she has so freely given to us. This would be better then dying in a firey car wreck or getting tied to a tree in the middle of the woulds covered in honey and letting nature have it's way with her. Death just seems to easy!

So what's yours?


DaizyDuke's picture

Yeah, I wish BMs would just move far, far away.. like Antartica would be good...and take skids with them. I think I could totally deal with being one of those people that has skids for like 4-6 weeks during the summer. I mean I'd get grumpy preparing for their arrival, and that 4-6 weeks would suck, but I would know there would be an end in site and that they wouldn't be back until the next summer.

justanothergurlNJ's picture

I would rather have the skids 24/7. I month or 2 with BF they would be on the right track. They are young enough that the damge BM has done can be fixed but the window for that is closing.

TASHA1983's picture

"i would NEVER wish death on bm, that would mean skids 24/7."


If I had to deal with his skidmark ANYMORE then the 4 days (EOW) a month that he has him I would tell my BF simply that I love you so much but I cant and wont deal with that....I know I have to tolerate him because he made the huge mistake of impregnating a gold digging whore in his past before I got with him BUT I have the CHOICE to stay or leave....hes stuck with them...SOOO I would probably say I hope you three have a nice life....why would anyone put up with anymore torture then they ALREADY have to endure???!!! Wink

overworkedmom's picture

I think the Karma Train has already hit the Incubator. Her own son won't acknowledge her as his mother any more. He even told her that she isn't his "real" mom anymore- overworked is his mom now.

smdh's picture

She will get her karma when her kid is a teenager. She is raising her to be a manipulative, lying little snot who is entitled to whatever she wants. It won't affect us because my dh won't tolerate her shit, but McCrazy has no control over the kid as it is.

justanothergurlNJ's picture

My Bm is not smart enough to do that lol. She comes out of her face to easy! She couldn't deal with half of what she gives us.

decoy's picture

That her current DH cheats on her just like she did to my DH.

Then, in my little fantasy, he leaves BM for this other lady, and BM is now thrice-divorced with no sugar daddy to allow her to be a SAHM.

She eventually meets husband number 4, and he has young children and a GRUBBING ex-wife that wants every last nickel from him for the CHILLLLLDREN, and she has to take care of the angels EOWE, and cart them around to all their activities their BM has signed them up for.

Oh, and this happens after SKIDS turn 18, so we are done with CS.

Disneyfan's picture

The teen years. }:)

SDs 5 and 7 are going to give their mother (and DF) hell when they hit the teen years. They both try to one up the other and the girls play off of that.

justanothergurlNJ's picture

Bfs boys are the same age. I tell BF all the time if something doesn't change forget CS and college, you better start saving for bail money, lawyer fees and comersary (SP) spending money in jail for phone calls and such. I have been saying this for a while and just the other day BFs Mom said to lol

Unfreakingreal's picture

Our BM has already been hit by the Karma train, but soon the train is gonna hit reverse and run her over yet again. SS19 left her almost 4 years ago and wants pretty much nothing to do with her. He acknowledges her because he is a good kid and feels bad for her. SD11 will do the same, she's been making more and more reference to living in our house so it will eventually happen. BM is alone, miserable, looks 15 years older than she actually is, is broke, has bad credit and did I mention she's ugly as fuck? Can't get any worse than that.

herewegoagain's picture

Karma? lol Ah, yes...well the witch has 3 girls and has taught them well about CS and how to screw the ex...but she just had a son...ah, yes, the poor little guy. He will grow up in a crappy neighborhood, where every teen is mom or a baby daddy...and yes, I can tell you that I KNOW that her son will end up getting some girl preggo and she will lose it when they take him to the cleaners with CS...

PS - I always believe that the bad you do doesn't always come straight back, but that your KIDS actually end up going through something that you thought was fair my mother treated my uncle like crap, thought that his ex-wife was in the right about screwing him with CS, blah, blah, blah...20+ years later, she has seen the impact in our family and is heartbroken over it...Yes, I do believe that when it comes through your kids, it is 100 times worse for you...

herewegoagain's picture

PS - Karma already hit BM when she stole money from us to get herself a new house two weeks after the new CS order was established...while we could not afford to pay ours...her NEW house lasted 8 months before it was foreclosed on lol

Unfreakingreal's picture

On the outside it may appear as though they "thrive" but I can guarantee you appearances aren't always reality. I know someone who is WICKED to the core. She portrays this amazing life, travels everywhere, parties hard and constantly boasts how magnificent her life is. Behind closed doors, her BF gets drunk and beats the shit out of her. Her daughter is a disrespectful, lazy, going nowhere fast type of brat. Her credit is shot, she bounces checks left and right. She lives in the ghetto & has absolutely no relationship with one of her siblings because she is jealous of the life he has created for himself. So believe me, Karma exists. Even though it may not be visible to the naked eye.

12yrstepmonster's picture

Karma train visited:
Bms marriage lasted 1 year she couldn't hack the skid entitlement issues, or her kids not being treated fairly.

She has told DH he is a crappy dad, they want nothing to do with our house for 14 years. She fought every extended visit. And complained that she did it on her own. Now she really does. With the exception of the 7.5 k worth of support she is getting for one kid.

Bm can't hold a relationship longer than a yr.

SD is 20.5 dropped out of college, quit a good job moved out of state to babysitter.

However she always comes out smelling like the rose

just tired's picture

The Karma Bus has already hit BM. DH & I are her Karma Bus. It chaps her ass that we are together, that we are happy, and that her stupid stunts and bullshit doesn't affect us (that she knows about....we refuse to give her that satisfaction).

So, every soccer game we are at, every chorus concert we attend, every extracurricular activity we support and are there together, smiling, holding hands, laughing.....THAT is her Karma Bus. That she is unable to make us as miserable as she is and split us up...that is her Karma Bus. And the bus will continue to stop at the end of her driveway and wait for her until the day she dies, because I ain't goin' nowhere bitch.

SMof2Girls's picture

That she get dishonorably discharged from the Navy for SOMETHING (I don't care what). The Navy is so completely precious to her .. it's the reason she can't put her kids first and make decisions for THEIR best interest. Not to mention how much more difficult it is to manage pick ups and drop offs when she lives on a military base.

Shaman29's picture

Just the other night, DH said he hoped Uberskank would get a flesh eating bacteria. But I pointed out she's so repulsive, that the bacteria would probably gag after the first bite of her harpy flesh, and then turn on itself and commit suicide.

DH laughed so hard he had to get up and go use the bathroom.

Shaman29's picture

Seriously though.......

She already had the daughter of her exBF treat her the EXACT same way DH's kid treated me. That was kind of cool. Especially when DH's kid started complaining about it (this girl was also DH's kid's friend). She kept going on and on about how mean this girl was to Uberskank, detailing everything she did to her mom.

My jaw dropped to the table.

Uberskank is now embarking on a long distance relationship with an old friend from HS. He lives out of state. She took the kids on another road trip there for a fun week (which amazingly coincided with DH's week with his kid, but I digress).

So my Karma wish for Uberskank. That they pack up and move out of state. That DH's kid rebels against her from moving her away from her friends her last two years in HS. That this new beau cheats on her. That his kids HATE her and treat her the same way DH's kid treats me.

I can't wait to hear the spin on when they come back after every fails. Because history has shown me the minute Uberskank gets what she wants, she doesn't want it any longer.

My second choice will always be a house dropping on her.

lac925's picture

Our BM is already going through HER karma }:) She is constantly out of money and her spoiled brats (thanks to her spoiling them) are always giving her a hard time }:)

OH! And she cheated on FDH when they were together, so now, she can't even be seen with her BF because of a charge she put on him one day when she was pissed at him Wink And FDH and I have been together for nearly 7 years and are getting married in October Smile

But honestly, just seeing FDH and I happy and doing well (with our OWN little family) has her seeing red and green. So that's good enough for me!