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Adult SS 22 is a dream

Smomof3's picture

My adult ss22 stopped by to visit me today at work. I love him to pieces and i'm so glad he's grown into such a good adult.

He comes to me with questions that I think he's afraid to ask anyone else, which makes me feel special. Sometimes it's sex questions and sometimes it ettiquette. He's getting married in Oct. and they are buying a house this month. Today asked me if it was ok to ask for their wedding gifts in advance...I explained how while he had good intentions, that was bad manners and tacky.

We give him the space he needs and we cow down to his BM. It just makes life easier for him in the long run. She tries to compete with us which makes everything uncomfortable.

Skids aren't all bad. Can't wait until I get through the terrible teens with the other two.


karenemoy's picture

You are very lucky, my SS22 is a heroin addict who has no place to live. Certainly not with us.

StarStuff's picture

Sounds wonderful. I really enjoy reading postst like this. Like a ray of sunshine on a cloudy day. Congrats to him and his bride-to-be!

BSgoinon's picture

I seriously pray that this is how SS turns out. He is very open and honest with me now (at age 9) I am working hard to keep it that way. He talks to me about everything and I am always sure to let him know that it is my job to protect him but I can't if I don't know what is going on.

Congrats on having sucha good relationship with him. That is an accomplishment for sure.

Pensive Stepmom's picture

How long have you been married? This is a great post as it give us all hope. I am wondering did you just luck out, was it your attitude, your DH's attitude or a mixture of all of the above?

Smomof3's picture

We'v been together for 9 years and married for 3. It wasn't always good. His BM was horrible to deal with and he went through the aweful teens.