expecting the worst today
FDH and BM have a meeting today with Behavioral Therapist to talk about the issues we have been having with SS7. FDH has a LIST of concerns to go over with the lady most of which BM isn't going to like. But I told FDH in order to get the most out of the professional you have to tell her EVERYTHING no matter how it makes you or BM look so that they can sort through it all and find the problem and a solution to it.
For whatever reason BM will admit to us the there are issues but when she is in the doc office/school - everything it fine or she 'has no concerns'. She doesn't want to look bad or for people to think that she isn't a good mother - well that may change once FDH airs all their dirty laundry today.
Here is FDH's list:
- Sleep Problems - has issues staying asleep at night and gets up early.
- Aggression toward his little bother - SS5 is special needs (Autism) and BM favors him, SS7 even told us that SS5 was loved more than him. Now SS7 is mean verbally to SS5 and doesn't want to play with him, picks on him.
- Strong attachment and need for attention from women. Me and his Grandmother mainly. I went for a run last night - gone 30 mins - and FDH said SS7 didn't have a complete melt down but was a little freaked out that I left, kept asking when I was coming back.
- Doesn't want to leave the house any more - he used to love going places but all of a sudden he just wants to be home and pouts if we make plans to leave. Last week he asked BM if they could just stay home, even told her to take off work - because he didn't even want to to to the baby sitters. This week I have been letting him decided what we do and so far we only left the house to go to the store, where he pouted because he didn't get anything.
- Panic attacks
- Concerns about sickness and death. Thinking that is he sick, having a heart attack, can't breathe, ect.
- Always has to get up and go to the bathroom at meal time even if you make him go before had.
- Seems lost with out a TV on.
- pacing or bouncing in place. Repetitive moments
- forgetfulness and lying.
- a little obsessive about some things - major collector. NEEDS all this stuff but doesn't do much with it after he has it, but can't get rid of it.
Those are the main things and I am sure more will come up in the meeting. But I foresee BM calling later to chew FDH out, you know what bring it! This needs to happen.
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Honestly, from someone who
Honestly, from someone who has an anxiety disorder--actually I have two--this boy sounds like he has OCD. I'm not a psychologist, but I would not be surprised if he is diagnosed with it.
I have to agree unfortunately
I have to agree unfortunately with you. Sad thing is that if everyone isn't on board to help with treatment, nothin will work
I am a HUGE believer in CBT but all parties need to be willing to help change the behaviour.
Suck! My son lives with anxiety, and I live sucessufully with BiPolar 1. Anxiety and depression runs in my family. I would find out if this is biological 1st before proceeding!!
I think it is Biological. BM
I think it is Biological. BM has times when she seems to 'panic' over things and blow them way out of proportion (she has threatened to get a restraining order on me because I was trying to come between her and her kids - fyi i didn't do that) I think she is BiPolar some times I am the greatest thing to happen to FDH and others I am trying to kill the kids. She had an uncle that went crazy after mixing sleep meds with anxiety meds. And I think pne of her Gma's had issue with mental illness.
BM even admitted to me in e-mail, when I suggested to her that SS7 would like a little more attention from her... "You might not have realized that and assumed I was the wicked witch of the west out to favor one child over the other but to be honest I have reasons behind what I do and I would be more than happy to share them if you ever wanted to know."
Yeah I didn't ask her to share - she can share that with the therapist.
Also worth noting that if
Also worth noting that if this Therapist suggests treatment and we find out BM isn't following it (and we can prove it) we are considering going for full-custody because she does the same stuff with SS5 and his Autism treatments, she delays, derails and puts off what he needs (because she always wanted a special needs child, turns out she may of two of them)
But we have concerns because of SS7's attachment to women that being taken from BM might be hard for him.
That is want I was thinking
That is want I was thinking too. I have been diagnosed with GAD (Generalized Anxiety Disorder) and I have had Panic Attacks (still do when I get REALLY stressed). SO I have been helping them through this but I am not a professional and not really qualified to 'treat' him.
I have told FDH that SS7 seems a little Obsessive to me. If I had to guess I would say it's a little OCD and a little ADD, with some general anxiety issues.