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I just want a NO SKID DAY!!!!!!!!!!

Fading's picture

Saturday is my birthday. I didn't ask for ANYTHING except NO SKID, NO ANYTHING. But what does DH do? He schedules a freaking birthday dinner with SD and his family....Not my family, HIS FAMILY. You know the MIL that annoys the piss out of me, the BIL I hate, the BIL who likes to only talk about how great he is, Kong and her brats, and last but not least the one child on this planet that I cannot STAND to be around...SD!!!!! I told him more than 18 times over the last 2 weeks I just want a day where I can lounge around in my PJs and not have to do or worry about anything. But god forbid we can't just let it go at that! NOOOO WAY!!!! SD wants to go BOWLING for MY BIRTHDAY and SPEND THE NIGHT. FFS!!! DH told her no to bowling thank god, but she is still spending the night. I am thinking about just taking off tomorrow night, finding a nice hotel far away from here, and staying until Monday... I am beyond pissed.

Ok, done. Vent over. GRRRR...

Oh and I would totally take the dogs and bird with me so that little *insert explicitive* can't hurt them.


Shaman29's picture


Tell him no, no, no and no. This is not what you've been telling him you wanted to do for your birthday. Tell him to leave your SD at home, no to dinner with his family and you're plan is to take care of yourself.

I did like your idea about taking off with your bird and dogs and getting away for a few days.

Not_what_I_wanted's picture

Say thanks, but no thanks to the dinner and family. If he cant understand when you say what YOU want on YOUR birthday, then go do it without him. Maybe then he will understand. Its not ideal, but sometimes we have to do that to get our point across.

I have told my DH, in no uncertain terms, MY birthday is for ME. NO SD with us, no BioSon, nobody, Just you and I this year. two weeks from tmrw, so we'll see if he understands.

good luck to you.

RedWingsFan's picture

Wow, isn't it YOUR birthday?? So he makes plans for YOU on YOUR birthday to include HIS kid and HIS family? Is he nutso? Sorry but if my DH did that, I'd move my ass out of the house for a week or however long it took for him to come back to his senses!

So, to be nice, you could say "Gee, I really appreciate the idea you had for dinner and everyone to be there to celebrate my birthday; but honestly, what I reallllllllllly want is just to have you to myself for my special day. Just ONE day out of the entire year is all I'm asking for. Can you give me that please? No bells, no whistles, no family, kids, nothing. Just me and you. Let's take a drive, go see a movie, take a walk through the park, whatever. But all I want for my birthday is to share that day alone with you!"

How do you think he'd respond to that?

If he doesn't respond favorably, I'd let him know I've done my best to explain what I wanted from you and now I'm taking my dog and my bird and I'm going off to spend my birthday the way *I* want!

imjustthemaid's picture

That is so not fair to you. I would not go for it at all!! You have to explain to him its your birthday and it should be what you want to do.

This year for my bday I told DH no SD15 at all!! She makes me uncomfortable, I don't like opening presents around her and she aggravates me so he didn't let her come. It was a great bday. It was me, DH, DD10 and BD4.

ThatGirl's picture

Stand up for yourself. Tell him again that you do not birthday dinner with family and you do not want SD. If he still doesn't listen, time for that hotel with dogs and birds!

stepmonster_2011's picture


In fact - you wanna come over and hang out at my house?

There - now you have plans and can't go to your ILs.

And! I've got cookies!