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i find it sad when a good dad decides to call it quits

12yrstepmonster's picture

Dh has never missed a support payment

Chased down all the related school activity calendars for years.

Attended everything he could unless he was working OT, or sick.

He is not perfect. He is not big on entertaining kids. He believes in teaching values and morals.

He has been beat down.

Last night after 15 years of support bm told him she didn't need his money she said sign your rights away.

Wtf ever. I'm ready to light into two spoiled brats


BuffaloGal's picture

Because it's all about $ for BM. They basically see CS as "rent" for the skids. As long as dad pays, he sees the kids. He can't pay, or she doesn't need the $, then the rental is terminated. :eyeroll:

StickAFork's picture

A simple "NO" and that's it. A judge won't grant it on grounds of abandonment if he's been supporting them.

Most Evil's picture

This is just a power play. Why should he do what she says, in any circumstance?

He needs to ignore it and definitely not do it.

He needs to continue support, and may not be able to see them when he wants, but -

if he has been paying that long, the kids must be getting near the end of child support and can make their own decisions about him.

Without BM interference!!! It is worth it to just pay and hope the kids come to him later.

If they are too bad, just stop taking the visitation. In our case that corrected a lot of the attitude of both SD and BM.


BuffaloGal's picture

What sucks about this is that it would be a GODSEND for so many SMs on here to get CS and their awful skids out of their lives forever!

stepmomto3bioto1's picture

My thoughts? Who cares what BM says!! Screw her. I say stay strong & simply ask her what she's smoking!!! Then simply say "no"!!!

12yrstepmonster's picture

He would NEVER sign his rights away.

But after 15 years she reps that control bomb- She pissed me off.