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Update to request for help with my kid's SM

round2's picture

I took everyone's advice to heart and reached out to my ExH. I called twice (he did not answer) and have sent an email, with pictures attached, very nicely asking for their version of what happened.

Nothing, no response, virtual tumbleweeds for a response.

My kids have all asked not to go to his house this weekend and told them they are alwasy welcome at home but they have to own their relationship with their dad and they have to communicate their wishes to him directly. The older 2 sent him texts last night telling him they want to stay home this weekend.

This whole thing sucks on a variety of levels and it makes my heart ache for my kids.


DeeDeeTX's picture

It sounds like dad doesn't stay really hands on involved with the kids, and leaves all to the stepmom.....and I gotta say, if hubs isn't very involved it would take a saint of a woman to deal well with 3 teen and preteen SKs as well as newborn infants.

Sounds like it may be best for kids not to go over there, unless exH is on board with being more involved....but it sounds more like he's a path of least resistance guy, so I wouldn't hold my breath.

round2's picture

Calm down HRNYC, a friend of mine who is required notifier is rpeorting it to CPS on my behalf. They will take it more seriously from a professional than from an ex-wife.

cant win for losin's picture

You know what, I would just go straight to the source. Yup, I would talk to the SM. I would calmly, call and ask to talk to her in person. Trust your gut, do you feel that your children are in true danger there? Do you feel that this SM is an abusive woman? Or do you think that maybe this is a SM who lost control for a moment? As a SM I would be able to relate to her problems. Yes, I would like to say that I would ALWAYS be able to practice control and not let it get THAT out of control that I would leave a mark on my SK. That is why I would not only want to hear from her what happened about the incident, but I would want to know what is going on for her as a SM. Is she that SM that is home to attend to the SK's all the time?
But most def, if I reached out to the BD and he left me hangin like that then I would just go straight to her.