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Dealing with husband's former step daughter...HELP!

Slim Ryan's picture

Ok. I need all the advice I can get. My husband has an 8yo daughter and 16yo stepdaughter (which he has been in her life since she was 3years old.) He has been divorced from their mom for 6years now. He gets BOTH girls every other weekend and every Tuesday- although only his bio child is court ordered. I get really frustrated that the ex doesn't realize that the 16yo is not his responsibility to run around to sports during the week, giving allowances to, etc. Am I being selfish? I can understand him running all around for his bio child but not the former stepkid. He has a new life now. We are trying to start our own family. I don't mind the teenager coming over every now and then, but EVERY time the 8yo comes over is too much. Not to mention, the time my husband spends running her all around to her cheerleading competitions,etc. I'm over it.
Any feedback is welcome.


Slim Ryan's picture

I appreciate your feedback. I knew he was involved in her life...but it has gotten to the point where she requests stuff just because she knows it's an incovenience to our time, ie: asking for a ride to something 20miles away on a day she knows we have things planned. And hes too nice to say no. Also, it's the way the mom DEMANDs him to do things for the girl. Like calling and saying, "You need to pick Jessica up from school tomorrow because she's staying after for cheerleading practice." ... YOU NEED TO?? Last I remember, you guys are divorced so he's no longer your live in taxi for you and his step kid. He's married now. I don't think the mom is getting that. She chose to leave him out in the cold for another man. If she wanted him to still be their mealticket and taxi, she shouldn't have put him out. Its like she still wants the benefits of being married but without the husband.

Annanymous's picture

This sounds like her way of trying to feel secure and wanted. It isn't the stepdaughters fault that her parents divorced, and if he stepped up to be Dad to her from age 3 to 16, he would be a total POS if he dumped her at that point and cared only for his own bio child.

I know what it is like to have a biodad disappear and then a stepdad say he is dad but then drop me like a dog turd. It is crushing.

He made the commitment to that girl to be a parent, so I don't see anything wrong with "you need to do xyz for Jessica", or I need you to, or Jessica needs you to xyz. He will always be a taxi and allowance fund for both his daughters. I think that makes you one lucky woman to have a man like that, who didn't drop the teen girl, when teen girls are most annoying already on top of having no legal obligation to continue being her father figure.

I know you may have that gut instinct of territory and resources for your household and potential children, but backing him up as Jessica's Dad is a beautiful thing. I know what it is like to be Jessica and have the SM push to get rid of you - my biodad's wife pushed him and encouraged him to terminate his rights then my stepdad-who-adopted me got with another woman and dropped me like I was nothing. I had NO self-esteem, I thought if TWO Dads both didn't love or care about me, what man would? I ended up SO fortunate with a good man and good life, but it could have gone sooo badly. I guess it makes me feel a little better just hearing about your DH being such a good man and good Dad and that makes me happy in a wishful way. Though I completely do understand your instinctual reaction. Just try to see it from the other side and just consider that he has two daughters, biological and legally obligated or not. I think your heart will double in size with love and respect for your DH knowing that no matter how horrible BM was/is, no matter what she did or didn't do, YOUR DH is a real man that didn't kick the older child to the curb in spite of the mother.

As for the asking for rides when you have plans, that's just what they do to their parents. Tweens and teens aren't known for their consideration and thoughtfulness about parents as people with lives of their own. We are taxis, food makers, and maids that sit on a shelf when not in their sight just waiting to drive them somewhere, feed them, or wash their laundry. In my mind, it means she really does just think of him as DAD, because I couldn't imagine doing that with my bio-father, but did to my mother all the time and grandparents. Poor Grandparents, I ran them ragged as a teen, but at the time, I thought their lives revolved around driving me and that they were overjoyed to give me allowance. LOL

Annanymous's picture

I have to add, I adore my grandparents with all my heart, always have, and miss them terribly since I moved out of town 20 years ago. In my late teens/early 20s, I hardly called unless I needed something. I would be partying or working or at school and it would just slip my mind; I would think about them around 2am and say aw crap, call them, and weeks would go by. I got better at that, obviously, once I finally grew up, but it doesn't mean she doesn't love him or think about him, she is just self-centered at the moment, carried away with her own stuff, and not to thoughtful. I hate to admit I was like that, but I was, pretty bad.

Now I call them to say hi or ask how their doctor appointment went or just to listen while they talk about their palpitations or bad hip. Now I really feel bad that i haven't been able to visit and am going to have to make a point to go see them!

I think this is really going to work out for you, OP, and you and your DH are going to be so happy and you will become comfortable with the 16yr old and before long, that concept won't bother you at all any more. Wishing the very best for you, you seem like a warm caring person who is just struggling with that feeling, and there is nothing bad about that at all. I felt a twinge of it when my DH first mentioned SD12s older sister, but things are great for us.

Slim Ryan's picture

I have read your message twice..thank you so much for your advice. I'm glad it didn't turn out badly for you with feeling like two men rejected you. I guess that's a way for me to think about it. Thank you Smile

Anneth's picture

I am in similar situation.I have 12 years old girl whom I raised alone for 10 years after divorced. My current boyfriend has son (biological) and stepdaughter that he adopted since she was 5 years old. She is now 10 years and still wearing diapers. MY bf and his wife divorced over 6 years. His ex got new boyfriend and has a daughter with him. Currently his bf kicked her out. The stepdaughter has behavior which it looks like bipolar disorder.

My bf and her ex hid this from school and social service until 2 weeks ago when I encouraged my bf to tell the school so she would get help that she needs. The stepdaughter still belongs in a special classroom (One school in northern Denmark) but the school doesn't know about her overall mental conditions. The reason her mother didn't want to inform the school is that she is afraid it will give shame to her family's status.

His ex is currently on psychological treatment at the hospital so my bf ran back home from overseas work to take care of the kids because his ex's mother doesn't want to look after them during the 5 weeks treatment of her daughter.

I told my bf that I am willing to accept his son ut not his stepdaughter. I told him that his step daughter has a mother with lots of money she inherited from his stepfather who also adopted her after marrying her mother and the money she got from the divorce.

The biological father of my bf's stepdaughter doesn't want to accept his daughter. I have not spoken with her biological father but I heard that he said he didn't want to have family with that woman so broke off with her and suddenly she got pregnant.

I came to Denmark just to see the actual situation and after being with them for few weeks, I wanted to flee. I love my bf very much . He is very kind but now I see why he is being used by his ex and his ex daughter. he is too kind. he services his kids.He runs errands. When the daughter turns hysterical because one fruit is missing in the fridge, he runs like hell trying to find an open shops to buy.

When the son turns hysterical because he lost the game (call of duty), he goes and begs the son not to cry.
When the daughter turns hysterical swearing to him because he bought a spinner toys and the color she doesn't like, my bf drove 30 mins and 30 mins back to get it changed in the shop and gave it to her.

The kids naturally swear at home like "fuck deg" which means fuck you. or What the fuct. and they naturally scream to each other fuck you when they dont get what they want.

After seeing this, I wanted to leave immediately. I wanted to flee and never return.

After talks with my bf, I decided to stay and suggested some discipline methods. I suggested no more "fuck you" in the house. no more jumping for anger when something isn't in the fridge. No more screaming in the morning when the rest of other people are still sleeping. We say good night and I love you daddy before sleep. We say thank you daddy for breakfast, lunch, dinner, or anything he gets for us.

My bf started this rules and it is working well with the son but the step daughter refused. When he tells the stepdaughter to do such, she would go and immediately calls her grandma and mother complaining about his stepfather mistreating her. And the grandma would tell my bf not to do such and so on. And he cursed himself alone and follow what his ex's mother say.

First to second week, the kids loved the foods I cook. They said they would like me to stay and so they would have these great food everyday. But since the rules started being implemented, the stepdaughter started complaining about the food saying they are too asian and so on and so forth.

My bf' brothers and sister with their family came and had lunch with us and they saw how she got angry because she doesn't want to eat the foods I cooked ( spring rolls, Filipino style chicken adobo, Thai curry with coconut, fried rice with mince meat). She started calling her grandma and mother saying I interfere a lot because I asked a question "what are you going to wear tomorrow's school party". The grandma told my bf not to involve me with the kids.

I told my bf "if you take a woman in your life,there is no way not to involve her especially if the kids live with you. If I will be your wife, I will always interfere regarding what's happening in the house. if you dont want that, then I am out". And I told him that if we wants to marry me, he needs to sign a paper that says his stepdaughter will never put foot in my house. If he wants to spend time with her, go visit her. Take her somewhere but I wont be part of it. I encourage him to continue financial support for her despite the mother's wealth and continue contact with her but without me being involved.

He said, "we will find a solutions for all of these. Dont leave me". But for me, I just need to go home, hug my daughter for being not rude to mommy and just think of how to run my business better.

His family and friends look at me like I am a heartless monster who rejects a child. But for me, the stepdaughter isn't my responsibility, she has mother, grandma, biological father, 2nd stepfather, who has responsibilities over her but I am not one of them. And she needs professional helps if she is to be better.I have a daughter to worry about, I have nephews and nieces who deserve helps better, I have very poor relatives who actually need help. I do not have time for his stepdaughter's whims and demands.

I hope her to be better. I hope her to appreciate what all people around her try to give her.

20YearsAsAStep-Mom's picture

So if he adopted a child and divorced the mom you wouldn't expect him to see the child because they are not bio? Doesn't make much sense to me. I know 16 year olds are a pain, but she is his daughter even though they are not blood related. The sooner you accept that the better off you and your family will be. Not meaning to be harsh but this is how i see it. Good luck.

Slim Ryan's picture

Thank you. I have discussed it with him. It has been an ongoing issue. But my husband always reassure that I come first but he "still loves her as his daughter and want to continue doing things for her and be there for her". Thanks for the feedback about your stepmoms relationship. That helps see it from another perspective. And yes, she will be 18 next december but actually graduating May 2013 and going to college...i hope far far away sad to say

Kendall's picture

I know how you feel because my DH is raising 2 that aren't biologically his (BM was a major whore). What is irritating you is her attitude that he is obligated to do these things for her daughter instead of recognizing it is by choice. I deal with the same thing here. What keeps me sane is concentrating on BS 2 weeks and BS 11. BM's spawn are his concern by choice. I don't feel like that about his BS with BM, but when it comes to those two, I'm counting the days until they are gone. His SD is 17 also, and graduating this year, hopefully to go far, far away.

Slim Ryan's picture

Far far away are my sentiments exactly! I'm hoping for the same thing lol

StickAFork's picture

Ryan, I come from the other side. I have 3 bios and one step from my first marriage. My DH is very accepting of my SD. She is grown now, and he has offered to help buy a car in her name, put her through college, etc.
Also, when he and I married, she was in our wedding. She lived with us for a few years as well. I would never accepted him wanting me to boot her out of my life just because my marriage to her father ended. It is one of the most admirable things about him.

Now, on your side, I think you should accept this girl as his daughter. He has treated her as such for years, and it's a testament to his character that he's chosen to continue. So, instead of focusing on how she's "not his kid," accept that she is, and be glad the child support isn't increased accordingly. Smile

StickAFork's picture

Ryan, I come from the other side. I have 3 bios and one step from my first marriage. My DH is very accepting of my SD. She is grown now, and he has offered to help buy a car in her name, put her through college, etc.
Also, when he and I married, she was in our wedding. She lived with us for a few years as well. I would never accepted him wanting me to boot her out of my life just because my marriage to her father ended. It is one of the most admirable things about him.

Now, on your side, I think you should accept this girl as his daughter. He has treated her as such for years, and it's a testament to his character that he's chosen to continue. So, instead of focusing on how she's "not his kid," accept that she is, and be glad the child support isn't increased accordingly. Smile

Slim Ryan's picture

WoW..see that's why these blogs are helpful. It's so hard to get unbiased advice from ppl that arent going through what Im going through, but your testimony is really an eye opener for me. I really appreciate you sharing that. I really want to work on being more supportive of my's just really hard. But you're right, maybe if I stop focusing on her not being his kid I will think more clearly. It just irritates me that she hardly calls to tell him hello..its just always calling when she needs something. Idk. Pray for me

Slim Ryan's picture

too busy with sports to ever try to get a license. and she'll be 17 this year still not driving..ugh

Slim Ryan's picture

AMEN!! I think its that sense of entitlement bullsh*t is what gets under my skin. She throws them in all these activities and just expect him to play taxi, sometimes things are out of town on OUR no kids weekend. He is getting better with saying no..after I have bitched a lot about what we are NOT going to do. But it shouldn't have taken all that. It only makes me the enemy to them. But oh well. If that's what it takes for them to realize theirs a new sherriff in town, then so be it lol.

Frustr8d1's picture

Ryan, That's amazing you can be supportive of your husband but keep a balance, and remember you are a huge part of the equation too. I would personally have a hard time with this one, so don't feel bad if you second guess your feelings that maybe DH is doing a little too much.

My DH had a SD from a previous marriage but this SD only saw DH 1-2 times per year because BM did not have custody of her. This former SD lived with her own biodad her whole life. After the divorce, DH got sucked into responsibilities that were way beyond his duty. BM tried to use this SD to make DH feel guilty. BM even convinced DH to pay for a life insurance policy on himself to give to this SD! BM also convinced DH to keep former SD on his car insurance policy. When DH and I got married, he was still buying expensive gifts for this former SD and BM was just gloating that she had found another way to drain our resources (and emotions).

Every situation is different so what I'm saying is, DON'T feel guilty if you think you and your new family is getting cheated! It's still not right.

If I wanted to be a saint and save someone else's child, I would have built my house in Haiti.

Pinki3663's picture

My SO and I are in the same situation except I would have kicked him to the curb if he had any want to abandon his step son. My SD is 9 and my SS is 13. The SS is not his biological child and everything the court order says for the younger one goes for him. My SO has been his father since he was 2. BM tried the whole "you're not his father bit and tried to keep him from coming by scheduling special activities on the weekends we were expecting both kids to come. but then would drop him the first time she had plans and wanted a break from both. SO put an end to that quick.

I come from a blended family. I have 3 older sisters and 2 older brothers. I have one "full blooded" sister and the others are halves meaning my mother was an SM to 2 children and my father was SF to 2 children. So what you are asking would be equivalent to my father dropping my sister even though he raised her since she was 3..I just couldn't see that happening my father and mother loved us all and now that I think of it we did have a truly successful blended family.

Slim Ryan's picture

No, it's nothing like that at all. She kinda stays to herself when she comes over, hanging out in her own room. She shows no display of affection towards him at all.

ctnmom's picture

Ryan I was in a similar situation. SS35 is my husband's nephew, not his kid. I came into the picture when he was 6. From my years of expierience I can tell you the problem, IMHO, is you DH, not BM or SD. He ALLOWS himself to be spoken to/ taken advantage of/ that way. If he refuses to set up reasonable boundries, well, this is your life. Try to ignore/step away to save your sanity. The only thing I might advise DH if I were you is to tell BM to change her wording/tone and remember that they're no longer married, anything that he does outside of a CO is a FAVOR and he expects her to understand that. But he probably won't say that anyway. :O Good luck and God bless.

hereiam's picture

Your DH needs to set some boundaries with BM. That is the real problem.

I must say, one of the the things I love about my husband is his ability to unconditionally love people who are not related to him. His ex-wife turned his stepson against him but my husband did love him as his own and would have always treated him as his own if given the chance (so, I kind of lucked out, thanks BM).