Co-Sleeping Drama
SS10 sleeps with BM.
It’s got to the point where he doesn’t even try to sleep in his own bed at her house, just goes right into her bed at bedtime. When BM attempts to have SS10 sleep in his own bed he throws a massive fit–crocodile tears, cries till he makes himself sick etc. Of course BM caves-she can’t stand to have SS10 upset-she’s better at being a friend than a parent.
So her solution is? …BM wants DH talk to SS10 about it, to take care of it for her. Brilliant.
To my DH’s credit this was his response to her: “I think you and SS10 should talk to a shrink about this. This is something that you (BM) need to fix on your own because it’s not happening at my house. I’ll talk to him but I don’t think it will do any good since this is something you need to handle with him on your own.”
Let me just add that when I met DH SS10 was 3, at that time DH was working with him to get him to sleep in his own bed. SS10 (then 3) would crawl into DH’s bed during the night and a lot of the times DH was exhausted and didn’t realize it till morning. SS10 did this with BM too but she thought it was cute and never bothered to address the issue.
In fact, DH delayed moving in with me because of this issue, he didn’t want SS10 to ever crawl into bed with us. It took DH a good 2 years before SS10 was totally sleeping the whole night in his own bed. Many nights of DH getting up and walking SS10 back to bed and sitting with SS10 till he was asleep, but it has paid off for us.
The thing is SS10 just does this with BM. No one else.
DH talked to SS10 last night. DH told SS10 that he needs to start sleeping in his own bed at BM’s house. He also told SS10 that he should talk to BM about why he feels he needs to sleep in her bed. The rest of the evening SS10 was sullen and quiet.
I don't think SS10 will make this easy for BM. I think this is going to cause big time drama at BM's house in the near future. That is if BM chooses to actually follow-thru. Which I don't see her doing as she hasn't in the past.
- BettyRay's blog
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This is exactly what I told
This is exactly what I told DH. Her house, her issue, period. DH agreed and said he was just going to talk to SS10 about it this one time.
We have a similar issue - SS7
We have a similar issue - SS7 sleeps with BM at her house.
Although I normally agree, her house her problem... its our problem because we have 50-50 and the kid can't sleep here.
He doesn't know how to fall asleep because he is used to his Mami in bed with him.
He doesn't know how to fall asleep because BM has a TV in her room and its on when he goes to bed and I assume on and off all night if he wakes.
He gets up multiple times a night here - often he will move to the playroom and put the TV on because he is used to that - we don't always hear it and DH hasn't unplugged it like I suggested - so SS7 is up in the middle of the night on the sofa semi sleeping with the TV on - and always up very very early with the TV on laying on the sofa.
He can't sleep without his lights on - again because he has never gone to sleep in the dark - he is terrified of the dark also - often he is up and turns on all his lights then tries to sleep.
When he doesn't sleep well, its almost a for sure that he will get written up at school the next day because he is tired and bitchy and has enough trouble following school rules when he isn't tired.
His co-sleeping with BM makes it so he can't sleep here. She likes it because she is lonely and its too much work to make him go to his own bed because he doesn't want to and she like the OP indicated with her BM - doesn't ever like to disappoint SS7.
btw - i am out of it, I don't mention it to DH anymore since I disengaged, this morning when I went up after 6AM he was already watching TV and half asleep on the sofa where you could tell he'd been for some time - I dont even tell DH anymore since he doesn't do anything about it anyway.
I can identify. When they
I can identify.
When they first moved in there was a TV in their bedroom. They would watch it at night and in the morning. All it did was make them unable to fall asleep or wake up on their own. I finally got DH to get rid of it when they got seperate rooms.
To this day SS10 gets up at the crack of dawn to play video games - it's insane. I don't say anything anymore either.
Many parents don't realize
Many parents don't realize that, in order to break an unwanted behavior out of their kids, they just have to be more stubborn than the kid is. BM clearly doesn't understand this, which is why the kid throws a HUGE fit when she tries. The kid knows she will cave - all he has to do is scream louder and flail around even more. Tears are a bonus, because it's not like he is *really* upset or hurt. It's all just a manipulation and she allows herself to be manipulated. By a kid.
*eye roll*
Just be grateful that you don't have to deal with that in your own home. At least SOMEONE is doing right by this kid.
On a side note: just wait until his friends find out he still sleeps with Mommy. She thinks he's got problems now? Pfft.
DH brought this up last
DH brought this up last night. He was saying if SS10's friends find out they're never going to let him live this down.
BM really has not follow-thru. She gives in and gives up easily. SSons know this and totally take advantage of her.
Our BM did this with SS7
Our BM did this with SS7 recently. SS7 has sleep issues so her solution was to let him sleep with her. When he tries to crawl in our bed I get out of bed and refuse to get back in until he gets out. We even told SS7 therapist and she said that was a horrible thing to start. SS7 needs to sleep in his own bed.
It's also worth noting that BM is married and would kick her hubby out of bed so SS7 could sleep with her. That is SO healthy
This is just a BM being lazy.
This is just a BM being lazy. I raised my BS12 for 10 years all by myself and from the age of 3 he slept in his own bed. Was it easy??? HELL NO! I stuck with it though and he's quiet an independent fellow. These women are severly handicapping their kids by allowing this. GEEZ!
Jmom - I totally agree with
Jmom - I totally agree with you. BM being lazy has a lot to do with this but there are other factors too.
IMHO - SS10 is insecure and starved for attention at BM's house. SS10 has told us numerous times that "mom is always on facebook" He wants to spend one-on-one time with BM. She may be physically present but she's not there emotionally.
She also used to be on-call when she worked nights and there were times she went into work after the boys went to bed. We didn't know till after it had happened. BM was too dumb to have us take the boys on her on-call nights. So SS10, then 5, woke up and mom wasn't there. How scary for a kid. She'd leave SS15, then 10, in-charge.
SisterNeko - This is one
SisterNeko - This is one issue where DH and I were in total agreement. And getting SS10 to sleep in his bed was a process, it took time. BM is looking for a quick fix. Not.Going.To.Happen.
Just a side-note here but a couple of years ago DH and BM were talking to a therapist regarding SS10's ADD evalutions. The therapist asked for more background info. on his behavior at home. BM blurted out "he still sleeps with me." The therapist turned to her and said, "that has nothing to do with ADD and should be stopped as soon as possible. We can schedule a seperate session to address that issue if you'd like." BM sat there in silence the rest of the session and never followed-up with the therapist.
Now that is very interesting
Now that is very interesting . . .
Yes it is. ~BettyRay
Yes it is.
I think it got started when
I think it got started when FDH was single after the break up. The boys (yes both of them) would climb in bed with him some mornings and it brought him comfort. Not saying that was right and trust me FDH is on board with it not continuing. From my stand point they are not my kids and I don't feel comfortable snuggling in bed with them, makes me feel like a pedophile.
in fact i broke him of it by allowing my cat to join us in bed and when he got mad I just said if your 'kids' can sleep in here then so can mine. lol He said mine where dirty and I said so were his. And my cats took much mush less room.
Too funny. DH and I had a
Too funny. DH and I had a similar discussion about my dog
When we first got together I had a dog who was 12 at the time. The dog was my fur-baby, he slept at the foot of my bed. It drove DH nuts. If I went to bed before DH the dog wouldn't let him in bed
Anyway DH was bitching about the dog one night and how he should NOT be in our bed and I just rolled over looked at DH and said,"listen he and I have been together for 12 years, way longer than you and I, the way I see it the dog has more of a right to be here than you do, if you don't like it leave." DH just looked at me in shock and never said another word about it.