BM irritated me so much, I texted her and opened up a can of psychotic worms! Has this happened to you???
So, Friday night at 11:15, I'm out back on our patio and I hear DH's phone ring. Instantly, I feel my adrenaline start pumping and I KNOW who it is..I just had that feeling. I give it 15 seconds and I walk in and DH is in the living room on the phone and I hear "I don't care, call the police, I can't help you."
I'm staring at DH and my heart is pounding so hard it hurts. I'm livid! I feel like I'm going to snap. He hangs up. It was BM. I look at DH and I'm seeing red. I snap and say "Why the fuck is she calling you at 11 at night? What the fuck does she want!!!?" DH says that BM called screaming and crying saying her fiance bashed her head in and ripped out all of her hair. DH said that BM acted like DH should drive up there and do something. I am too angry to speak. Finally, Ii tell DH he needs to call the police and tell them and they will do a welfare check on BM. DH sad that BM said she can't call the police on her own because she is the onethat has the criminal history...Oh Fucking Well.
Me and DH go out back on our patio and I'm going off. Im asking him why the fuck she feels the need to call him, I tell him that she's been trying to make DH feel sorry for her for months now and that I know she wants him back, even if it's only to see SD. I'm running my mouth and finally..I grab DH's phone, I find her number. I start to text her and DH is trying to explain to me that I haven't ever spoken one word to her and it's going to open a can of worms and that she'll never leave me alone once she has my number. this point I'm soooo livid, I could drive to her house and end up in jail..I'm tired of her and her stupid antics.
I text her and all I say is "It would be greatly appreciated if you do not contact my husband unless it relates to SD directly." 30 seconds later my phone is ringing. It's BM. I answer very happy and chipper.
In a very deep voice, like shes trying to sound tough and puff out her feathers BM says "Listen here you little bitch, did you know DH and I have been having little meetings last week?" I'm laughing as shes talking because she sounds so ridiculous. She hangs up.
She texts me telling me that her and DH have been hanging out and that they picked up SD together from camp and they talked for over an hour and he hugged BM and he left. and that DH wants her back and she has proof. I told her she can forward me anything she likes and she also has my email so feel free to email me anything. BM starts to talk in cirlces and obviously has zero proof.
I "LOL" at her because she can't even finish a coherent text because shes so angry. I tell her that shes just sad and lonely. She keeps talking about DH and her and blah blah blah about how much DH wants her....however..meetings last week, huh? We were camping all last week...I dont remember seeing BM. Picked up SD from camp together, eh? BM obviously doesn't know I met DH 5 min away from camp to have lunch together LOL.
I finally told BM that she doesn't get under my skin like she does everyone else and she cannot hurt me. My last text to BM said "Take all this engery you're using to hate me and put it towards some useful life goals." She called me a cu** and I haven't heard anything else.
Ugh..I know I'll hear from her again...eventually
Oh, I forgot to add this: I told BM that I'm sorry I have what she can't seem to get such as a family, a home and the man she couldn't control.
- LaMareOssa's blog
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OH yeah, I have been
OH yeah, I have been there...It has been several years ago, but I have done that. BM used to tell me that DH was "with her right now" so I would hand the phone to DH (who was laying right next to me) with the comment of "that's strange he is laying right here in bed with me?? how is that possible?" by the time DH would grab the phone, she hung up.
So, where was SD during all of this, not at BM's I am hoping??
SD was her room
SD was her room at our house
DH has full custody as of last Jan. 
For good reason!
For good reason!
I feel a little better. There
I feel a little better. There was so much more I wanted to say, but I didn't. I didn't like having to be so polite (She will save those texts for years and try to use them to her advantage) But...I thought of this after the fact...BM told me DH and her had a nice trip back from camp and I SHOULD have said "Really? That's great! I'm having a nice time raising your daughter." }:) DH said thats something I should save and say to her face, if needed. lol
Next time you do the calling
Next time you do the calling of the cops avoids DH feeling upset your upset (he can't control another persons behavior, he can try but it's futile), it calls her out on her shit, and it avoids the crazy texting.
LMBO!!! I love it when they
LMBO!!! I love it when they run their mouth and have zero proof or anything for that matter...they are just train wrecks and definitely great entertainment...especially since we already know the truth about what they are "claiming"...
One thing I learnt, you
One thing I learnt, you cnanot control other people. Why get upset when she calls late at night? Do you think your text would stop her in her tracks? Don't you trust your DH to handle the call alone? It sounds like he did the right thing.
Now she knows it annoys you she will text/call you, But you knew this didn't you?
I do trust DH, but I'm so
I do trust DH, but I'm so tired of it, I couldnt keep my mouth shut for another 7 years. I knew it wouldn't shut her up, but saying it to her made me feel better.
^^^THIS He can't control BM,
He can't control BM, he told her to handle it herself. YOU let yourself get worked into a total tizzy and ruined your night with YOUR husband. Why do that? Why let her ruffle you like that? Shit, if you'd just left well enough alone after DH hung on her, your night would have been FINE. You and your husband. Not you and him having an all out war over this dumb bitch.
I did the same thing once...
I did the same thing once... BM2 called and left DH a VM about how SS was supposedly "upset" because we got a Christmas Tree without him and then it turned into Daizy bashing.. in that I probably don't realize that I am upsetting him when I do things without him blah blah blah....if anything I was the one who was always doing shit with SS... NOT her, NOT DH! WTF??So I called that bitch up. BIG MISTAKE. We ended up in a huge brawl and I finally just hung up on her when she kept talking over me. She called DHs phone back and left another VM that said that he better keep me on a leash and called me a skank. I was SOOOOO tempted to call her back and remind her that SHE is the one with two illegitmate children, NOT I, so she ought to watch who she was calling skank.. but decided it wasn't even worth my time.
About a year after that, she tried to get DH to talk me into going and having coffee with her, I flat out refused. Then I ran into her one day coming out of the Dr. office and she stopped me and apologized for her shitty behavior. I told her "thanks" and haven't spoken to her since. That was about 3 years ago. I don't think she dares speak to me now, I actually saw her at the store about a month ago and I KNOW she saw me... I was giving her every opportunity to speak to me but she wouldn't. Hopefully she's finally gotten it through her thick head full of rocks that I detest her, she is crap on my shoe and to just leave me the hell alone.
You are my hero. I have been
You are my hero. I have been that mad before and the only thing holding me back was I was on a business trip and did not have the crazy bitches number handy.
I know it wont help the overall situation but sometimes it just makes you feel better.
I don't really understand
I don't really understand anything BM says, so we never argue. I don't speak "Alabama trailer park"
Does she need subtitles like
Does she need subtitles like that insane Honey BOO BOO girl and her family??? LMFAO
Yes! Even when she sends text
Yes! Even when she sends text or email it's hard to decipher. It's like "HAVE NOT BUT GIT 200 HUNERD DOLLERS THIS WEAK!!!!!"
OR FROM SS13 "just to tel you mom did tell me to rite this I did it my self."
Good Lord
Good Lord
She writes like that on court
She writes like that on court documents too. All I can really gather from her attempts to communicate with me is that she thinks DH is a shitty father, and that we are ruining her life and the skid's lives.
That's so ffffing funny! My
That's so ffffing funny! My SD14 has the same type of vocabulary and crappy spelling! When she would text me I'd have the hardest time trying to make sense of it, I'd finally just call her and say "WHAT?"
lol, at least you can
lol, at least you can understand her when she speaks.
LMAO yeah, sometimes. She
LMAO yeah, sometimes. She drones on and on in this monotone voice with a gazillion ummmmms and uhhhhhhs and you knows? It's painful to hear her tell a story! She's 14 with the intelligence and IQ of a 4 yr old. And no, no learning disabilities or mental illness either. She's just ffffing stupid!
That's how BM spells on our
That's how BM spells on our end. I can't even begin to decipher what in the hell she's trying to say. And then I look at my SO like 'Wasn't that a huge red flag for you!?'
I probably think that 100x daily. 'Wasn't that a huge red flag for you?'
Ex. 'She said she couldn't get pregnant'.
Wasn't that a big red flag for you?
'Then after she did get pregnant, she said she had a genetic disorder that doesn't allow birth control to work for her.'
She said taking out that loan would really help us. Then she wanted another. Then she wanted to file bankruptcy. She thought it would be a good idea to stay at home and raise the kids and not work.
BIG RED FLAG?! Anyone see that? ANYONE?
... I guess what I SHOULD BE SAYING is 'He married a moron psychotic man-trap before...ISNT THAT A BIG RED FLAG FOR ME!??'
Good for you! PS - what you
Good for you!
PS - what you SHOULD HAVE SAID fuc#$%ing time you call my husband, I will call your sorry ass BF and tell HIM that you are trying to screw my husband, so he'll smash your face in and pull your hair out once again!
Yes, I did something similar to BM when she called my house to flirt with DH and I was sick of it...guess what? It took her YEARS to call back...never again did she call back with that
Sometimes taking the high
Sometimes taking the high road leaves you with a bloody nose, because the elvation is so high.
Its not always easy taking the high road EVERY FRIGGEN TIME.
I've been there. I've seen red. The endless phone calls and e-mails.
I really, really hate conflict. So fine, just this time, I applaud you. Sometimes it feels damn good to push back when you've been pushed too far.
Sometimes you have stand up to the bully or be forever victimized.
Thats awesome!!! I was
Thats awesome!!! I was smiling for you when I read this!!!! In the beginning of our BM drama she would constantly text me and my BF and also post things on FB about me. I never responded, never said anything back for months! Well, I told my BF I had enough and I was going to respond to her antics one time and that would be it. I decided to make it very public too - I un-blocked all of the 20 people on my FB block list and made my page public and posted a nice little note ( ok, it was 5 pages if you printed it!) I let everyone know exactly what was going on, what she has done, what she has said etc…needless to say it was great!!! I even predicted everything she would say in response to it too! AND she hasn't posted anything on FB since!
Sometimes you just gotta level the playing field.