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BM is a Raging C*nt.

StarStuff's picture

And I don't even like the "C" word, but it suits BM. SD hasn't seen her mom in about 10mos. The only time SD talks to BM is when SD initiates. So yesterday SD and I were talking about Mother's day, and being that I was in a pleasant mood I mentioned that BM might like to get a hand-made ('cause I'm not buying that bitch shit) card for Mother's Day. So SD asks to call her mom. While on the phone, SD asks BM for BM's address. BM gave SD the house number/street name, but refused to give SD the city, state, or ZIP part of the address! Is she really THAT paranoid that we'll show up on her step with a gift basket or something?! Oh, I was so pissed! I wanted to text BM that she's a piece of shit "mother" and doesn't even deserve the term or the card that SD wants to make her! BM told SD to send the card to BM's mother and she'll get it from her. Raging Cunt.

And THEN I hear SD ask BM why BM never calls SD, and BM went on some story about how she lost her phone, blah blah, excuse excuse. Apparently she found it though, since she managed to answer when SD called her. I HATE THAT FUCKING BITCH!


StarStuff's picture

I've thought of it...and the street name that she gave and the one that popped up are similar, but not quite the same, so who knows?