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BM and I are apparently best friends now.....kinda longish

IAmALady77's picture

shocking, I know. And trust me I know that deep down she won't be able to keep this up for longer than a month or 2, but after almost 2 years of the constant battle with her, a fake friendship is better than nothing!

I've blogged before about how I have been trying my hardest to be friendly and how a month or so ago I got on the phone with her and let her have it. I told her everything that I always wanted to say and she did the same. Since then, she has done a complete 180 and it is honestly kind of freaking me out.

Like when she wanted JUST ME to take her to the farm to see SDs horse for an hour and made a point to uninvite SO.

Well the other night she messaged me on FB and we were talking about SDs halloween costume and the fact that she may have Eczema. And she randomly out of the blue states this:

BM: Well its usually not red...just dry and bumpy. But yeah pick some up. She gets bumpy on her arms and legs. I'm so happy we are able to get along now. It means the world to me!

I told her that was sweet and I was happy that we could get along too!

BM: Seriousally I think it was cuz we made eachother cry that one night. Sometimes bitches just need to cry to understand eachother! Amd I am so thankful SD has you and SO both! Love you all!!!!!
We should have a girls day!! Does SO work Monday?

I told her that SO has Mondays off usually but I am already having a few girls over wed. night (tonight) and that she is more than welcome to come.

she agrees and we talk about her new boyfriend. I was amused because just a month ago she was all "SD is the only kid I will ever have" and " I'm going to be a crazy cat lady, Ill be single forever..."

and now she is looking at engagement rings on pinterest and has a whole board dedicated to a wedding lol...which is fine, I want her to be was just funny Smile

Anyway so last night I get the following:

BM: Ok I have an idea! I work early Thursday, at 9:45. Instead of SO meeting me at 9:15 Thursday, would you two just rather keep her overnight tomorrow? (tonight)

side note: We are supposed to have SD thursday and friday overnight. BM is proposing that we keep her tonight as well.....mmkay. If you read my past blogs you know how incredibly surprising this is.

I tell her I'm not sure how this would work since SO will be at work all night tonight and I'm having people over....

BM: It well I can't bring her to daycare Thursday. I guess I was thinking that when I come over she can just go to sleep while I'm there. That might be easier then having to wake him up early. And just keep her the three nights. It doesn't matter to me. Just an idea. But I can always meet him in the morning too.

I talked to SO and he said that was fine with him.

So you can see, I love that she is being rational and normal....and I've screenshot and documented everything for the next time she threatens to take us to court to take away our time because this is the SECOND time now that she has had me take SD even though SO was at work. And BOTH times I have told her SO was at work.

So now we have SD THREE overnights in a row.

And I am hanging out with BM and a few of my girlfriends tonight....

Is it weird that I'm nervous?


Sweetnothings's picture

Hmmmmm, I would smell a rat, I'm afraid, especially if you have a long history of bad BM behaviour before this....

All pally and bfs ??? I would be wondering if my BM was looking for me to be a bf or to be her bi* ch !!!

Good Luck !!!

stormabruin's picture

I don't think it's weird that you're nervous at all. I think that our guts give us feelings for good reason.

I think that inviting her into your home, especially given the past differences between the two of you combined with the fact that your SO won't be there, invites her to stomp on boundaries that leave you vulnerable.

Not only are you bringing her into your home, but you're bringing her into a circle of your friends...people I assume you turn to for support when times are difficult. That's too close, IMO.

Kilgore SMom's picture

No its not. Bm is happy with the new guy. As long as she is happy every thing will be ok. But if they break up look out because it may all change. I have seen that happen alot to the girls on this site. Chances are Bm won't stay long at your party either, shes probably making plans to go out with the BF. Don't put to much into what she sayes or how nice she is being because you may get your feeling hurt. Also never tell he anything you don't want misspoken, or told to anyone else. Beware!!!

PeanutandSons's picture

Honestly, I see this as a positive thing. The more common ground you can work out the better in the long run.

Obviously keep your guard up and don't say anything that could be thrown back at you later, but if you two can develop a genuine repoir, then your life will be so much easier. There are a few posters on here with fantastic relationships with their kids s tepmoms and it works out wonderfully for everyone, especially the kids. If you have the opportunity to be in that situation, then is take it.

You are on your home turf, surrounded by your friends.... So its she's trying to ambush you. Just start slow and see how it all turn out.

IAmALady77's picture

To answer kristenmarie and others, one that is a GOOD question and two the answer is a resounding yes which is surprising to me too.

I'm trying really hard to be mature and not let my personal feelings get in the way. I know that we're not really "friends" but my logic is if me being nice to her gets SO more time in the future with SD then yes, I will cheerfully sip wine and let her into my "circle". I have exactly 3 good gfs, BM has NONE.

We do have alot in common, we both had troubled childhoods, we like the same music...ect.

When shes nice, she NICE but when shes horrible I now know that it's just because of her own insecurities. And as irritating as that is, I know that given the steps I've taken, she will never again have a foot to stand on with her threats you know?

Obviously I'm not stupid, I'm not going to give her personal details about our lives. And shes come to our house before, that doesn't bother me at all.

It used to bother her because "they built a life together here"...which I always thought was funny because she didn't even live here, they also weren't even really "together". BM and SO had sex. I have also had sex with other men. The only difference is that I never got pregnant.

I can't let the fact that they fornicated make my opinion of her any less. She has done some shitty things, but after being in Therapy for so long I feel like I can understand where she was coming from when she did those things.

I TOTALLY get everyones warnings but I'm just going to let this play out. And trust me, I won't be back in a month complaining that it didn't work out lol, I'll just blog to notify everyone that it didn't work out Smile

Pilgrim Soul's picture

I think it is wonderful that you are able to see things from her perspective and maintain a decent relationship with her. There will still be boundaries there but this is so much better than the alternative. I am involved in the same thing as a BM, with my kids' SM. It takes a lot of thinking through what to go along with and what to say no to. We are friends on Facebook, and other than my kids and XH we have very little in common. Her views on politics, child rearing, etc. are a direct opposite of mine. She does not like certain things i do with my kids, i do not like many things she does with them. But then again, there are things i do like, and i say so - on Facebook. She took them on a Diabetes Awareness walk this past weekend, and posted about their team finishing first - i posted a cheery comment.

We do not talk about my ex at all, other than she likes to mention how much she loves him... i think he is very lucky to have her, but i am really not interested in him at all. I love my ex-MIL and she loves me and my kids, so i think their SM is jealous but so what... i have known MIL for 20 years now, she is a saint and a wonderful grandmother.

So good luck to you... do not go too far too soon... pace yourself... this is a road worth traveling, in my opinion, but with caution.

stormabruin's picture

Know that we only warn caution because many of us have had good intentions & have extended the olive branch, only to have it ripped from our hands to be whipped with it in return.

I can't tell you the number of times I've tried to be the bigger person, understanding & empathetic...putting myself in the shoes of a woman trying to cope with her children being under the roof of another mother-figure...& had BM "put me in my place" as a result.

She'd nuzzle her way in, crying about how life is hard, gain my trust & then knock me right back a game.

I finally got it. We don't fight because we don't speak. I've learned (after being humiliated one too many times) that me being on speaking terms with BM isn't required for DH to be a good dad.

IAmALady77's picture

I'm sorry Sad I am HOPING that it doesn't get to that point but rest assured I am fully prepared for that outcome regardless. thanks for the comment Smile

Clearly An Upgrade's picture

I've been thinking about this post all morning. After formulating a response in my head, I realized that stormabruin already posted, verbatim, what I was going to add to the discussion. I have learned through humiliation and heartbreak that BM and my personal life DO NOT mix. She has made snide comments about me in front of my friends and family, felt she had the right to insert herself into my life, because she had been "invited" that ONE time. I'm all for trying to get along for the kid's sake, but the BM in your situation has a history of acting like a complete as*hole. That is the dominant part of her persononality, and unless she's gotten some serious therapy and commited to leading a different kind of life than before, it's unlikely that this coziness will last long. Good luck...definitely keep us informed of the outcome.

BSgoinon's picture

I am kinda like this with BM. But we don't hang out... like with our friends around and stuff. It makes life a lot easier. Although we have done lunch several times... we do sit next to each other at baseball games ETC.

reallifedrama's picture

This is great for you if she is being honest.

As for me, BM has tried to hold conversations with me, but I have always kept a distance from her. She tried to make us a "team" against DH, and pretend that I understood he was a POS. She tried to talk to me professionally, like she knows so much about so much. She tried to intimidate me with her snide jokes before, too. I just don't let her in.

For me, it's not so much that she's a bitch to my face, because she'd probably love to get me to hang out on her steps with her, or bar hop and have a few beers. My problem is that I will NEVER trust her. If she joined a convent, I'd be wondering what was in it for her.

With such extreme past behaviors, and the histories of these BM's, I don't see any reason to throw caution to the wind.

If you're doing some "evidence collecting", fine, but just make sure you don't say much of anything in the process. Let her do the talking.'s picture

You are a bigger person than I. I can't see me and BM hanging out at ALL. I try not to speak to her, or be around her. We are nothing alike.

My bio kids stepmom...well she's fantastic and I respect her a great deal and I love how she cares about my kids. I also never ever take advantage of her. She lives several states away, and if she asks to see them (which she does) then I'm all for it. But I NEVER ask her to take them, ever. But we are not BFFs and we would never 'hang out'. I like our relationship the way it is and I do not want to screw it up by trying to be friends. She is my ex's wife before anything.

I'd be careful if I were you. Keep the conversation about non husband, non kid things. Don't give her ammo!