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Like a kid on Christmas morning...

xtina's picture

Saturday was supposed to be a glorious day. We had my SS3 all week long and then my SO got his son (SS5) Friday. My SO told me that SS5 would be returning to his BM on Saturday. OH GLORIOUS DAY! But I resisted the urge to say "Really??? You mean it??" and jump up and down. I conned someone at my job into letting me work all day Saturday so I wouldn't have to be home all day with the step-devils. (my son was going to be with his dad all weekend). All day at work, I was giddy like a school girl with a crush just thinking how awesome it was going to be going home to only ONE kid, SS3. Yes, he himself is annoying as hell and I knew that he would cling to his dad since he would be getting all the attention (WHAT ABOUT ME?), but it wouldn't be TWICE the whining, TWICE the fighting, TWICE the getting on my fucking nerves. When it was time to go, I practically skipped out of work. The whole way I home I was smiling like a kid on Christmas morning thinking about how I could take a bath and drink some wine and enjoy half the quiet and finally get some alone time. I had no idea what was waiting for me at home... I walked in the door and that's when I heard it. Not just the one annoying voice, but BOTH!!!! I resisted the urge to slump to the floor and scream "WHY GOD WHY??" but I went upstairs and put on my best happy face and said "Hi boys!" then went to my wine and bath with headphones a blaring. When my boyfriend and I talked later that night he said "SS5's mom didn't want him back tonight after all, but tomorrow they BOTH go home."
WHAT?????? You mean tomorrow morning we were going to have ZERO kids? This was music to my ears because SS3 usually doesn't go home til Monday morning. Boyfriend and I were going to have a whole day for ourselves. I was more than ecstatic. Until Sunday came around... it was almost time for them to go home and i said to my BF "What are we going to do all night just the 2 of us?" Wink wink nudge nudge, seductive voice. That's when it happened again. The disappointment. He said "Oh SS3 isn't going home tonight after all, just SS5" OMFG OMFG OMFG

Why didn't he just put a bullet in my hopeful heart?

So that's how my weekend went down the shitter!! Hope all yours were better!


Unhappy's picture

I walked in the door and that's when I heard it. Not just the one annoying voice, but BOTH!!!! I resisted the urge to slump to the floor and scream "WHY GOD WHY??"


This made me crack up. I needed that today. I feel ya. Stay strong.

overitall's picture

I agree with Unhappy wrote that in a humorous way. Sorry youhad to be disappointed, but thnk you for the laugh