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O/T - Total Mom Brag

StickAFork's picture

I have 3 teens... DS17, DS14, DD13.
DS17 is having a bonfire/pool-spa party tonight with about a dozen HS seniors over.
He willingly invited his two younger siblings to join in.
They are all currently sitting in the spa playing a game of "telephone" and having good, clean fun.

With everything that happens with teens these days, I've got a group of half naked, hormonal, dingbats playing "telephone." No booze, no sex, no nothing bad.

I'm a proud mama tonight. Smile

(But I'll be a tired one tomorrow. I don't usually stay up this late. Smile )


Frustr8d1's picture

Better watch out--you're starting to sound like "mommy2twin."

Just kiddin...good job.

Clearly An Upgrade's picture


Lalena75's picture

lol This is a huge like, sounds like my dd and her friends when they come over. Last time it was her her bff, 6 teenage boys my ds11 and myself and we were all playing the xbox then they played hide and go seek like seriously a bunch of 15-17 y/o's playing hide and go seek in the dark and they included my ds and two younger neighbor kids 9-12y/o. Not all teens are into the stuff that causes problems so it's always nice to hear about the good for a change.
This coming Saturday she's having a halloween party the theme is dress up as a cartoon character,should be interesting.