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Need advice!

Lisap0924's picture

Hello! I am new here and would appreciate any help!

I am a step mom of a 6 year old boy for the past 2 years. His father and I are not married yet, but soon.
Ss lives with us full time for the past year. Bm is an every other weekend when she feels like it mom, that is a whole other post for another day! Wink

My recent problem is discipline. I have always let bd do all the disciplining but lately he has asked me to step up more. I have no problems with that.
Recently there have been a few times we talk together about how we are going to handle a situation and stuck together,until bd backs down and ss gets his way.
Then I get accused of being too "mean" when I stick to the plan. It drives me crazy!

I work as a behavior therapist so I know, in some cases, backing down is not a good thing. It just shows the child that they can do whatever they want.
My ss is having issues with thinking he is the boss and he doesn't have to eat.

Then there are times that sd asks ss to stop doing something (hanging on the couch) but the next day when I ask ss to stop hanging on the couch bd sais why? He is fine!
It drives me crazy that he is so hot and cold and doesn't back me!!

Any advice?


BSgoinon's picture

I would have a very blunt conversation with your FH and tell him that you are not comfortable "stepping up" more with discipline because he is not consistant with the rules. You are already the "bad guy" right out of the gate because you are "not mom". No reason to dig your hole deeper with the kid with Dad not backing you up.

Lisap0924's picture

Thanks everyone!
It's frustrating. I tell fh that ss will never respect me if he doesn't back me up!
He already has the "see I told you so" when fh doesn't back me.

I love ss and fh with all my heart. I don't want to loose either of them.

Lisap0924's picture

Fh makes good money and ss has always gotten a lot of things!

So I feel now fh has realized the mess he has created and is trying to un spoil a kid..