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First post - Help needed from veteran step mums!

Francis80's picture

Hi all, it's nice to have found a forum like this where we can share what we are going through. Thanks in advance for listening Smile

This is my first post and I'm doing it because I've been feeling really angry and sad and confused. I figure this is a healthy outlet...

Current situation in a nutshell:

- Getting married in a few months to my fiance who has a 10 year old to his ex wife.

- They've been divorced for 4 years, with me for 2, proposed at 2 - getting married in a few months Smile

- His 10 year old is a little darling. We play together, cook and bake, I pick her up from school sometimes, go places like theme parks and craft fairs (just the 2 of us), I literally bend over backwards to make her time with us (and me) fun (we have her every 2nd weekend and 1 night on off weeks). I really want to form a nice relatoinship with her and at times I feel like I have/do. But others she is cold and distant and I feel very confused and left out. I don't have any of my own children yet, I am 10 years younger than my fiance and his ex wife.

- Ex-wife still 100% dependent on my fiance. Financially but more worryingly - emotionally. Still sends him texts and calls daily about her personal life not relating to the child, so shares her own fights with family, updates with friends, photos of stray dogs she finds which remind her of their "first ever puppy they bought", literally every excuse she can find to make/keep any type of connection with him she does.

- Above hurts me deeply because it makes me feel invisible. She doesn't want to know me. Doesn't want to have coffee. Doesn' want me at child's events like first holy communion, birthdays, nothing. If I'm in the car on a drop off she peers outside and stays inside. 

- She fights constantly and horribly with my fiance. Mainly about feeling like he still isn't doing enough (despite full financial child support and maintenance at the highest possible bracket).

- I could go on. I feel terribly scared that this will never stop and that if we get married in a few months (which we will, I love him dearly), that she will just keep screwing with me. I'm finding it really hard, her constant communications to him full of emojis and highs and lows of rank abuse - it's  a weekly merry go round.

- Fiance gets she has some deep problems (hence their divorce) but he feels it's best for the child if he just let's it go and keeps the peace. She's a very awkwardly shy timid kid. He says that if he tells her ex-wife to quit all the communications, she'll just make it harder on him and his daughter. I know he doesn't love the ex anymore, but it's like this ongoing issue of feelin invisble I can't deal with.

Tonight was the clencher because it's child's birthday next week. She won't have me at her house. My fiance said that if she did that then he wouldnt go either and that we'd have our own party for her. But then the child misses out on having her Dad there. 

Any advice?

Will it get easier? Ever? Sad

Am I a horrible person for feeling angry that she constantly still relies on him? 

Should I just let her go and hope that when we are married in a few months, she'll back off?

If anyone can offer any insight, I'd be so greatful. I'm totally out of my depth.

F xo


lieutenant_dad's picture

Welcome! I'll preface by saying I can come across as crass and blunt, so take what I say the nicest way possible:

  • The XW/BM doesn't have to like you. She doesn't have to get to know you. You're dealing with a high-conflict ex, and honestly, the less you have to interact with her, the better. With someone like that, you don't want to try and form a bond. She'll only use it against you.
  • Your DH needs to put in some boundaries. It's hard; I just blogged yesterday about how my DH still struggles with it and we wonder where a good cutoff is. In the near future, he can just ignore her texts that don't pertain to the child. If they become too frequent or harassing, move to blocking her from his phone and switching to email-only communication. Yes, she'll fight at first, but hopefully she's a decent mother and won't let it interfere with your DH's parenting time.
  • Do separate birthday parties. It won't traumatize the girl, and she'll still get time with dad. Just do separate all holidays. This gives your SO the chance to create new traditions and memories with his daughter.
  • Go to SD's public events. Don't sit with BM. If she throws a fit in public, it makes her look bad, not you. Don't sit back just because she whines about it. That gives her way too much power.
  • Your SO needs to address your needs above his XW. If her texting bugs you, he needs to put a stop to it. No woman will put up with that behavior long-term. If he knows she is toxic, then he needs to cut her off. And THAT needs to be a requirement before you get married.
  • Your SD probably has conflicting feelings about you that stem internally and externally (i.e. BM). So long as you are comfortable and she is respectful, be kind and have fun. When she needs space, give it. Her behavior sounds normal. Remember, no one can be happy all the time.
  • Make sure your SO actually parents. Weekends can be fun, but there should be structure. If SD is misbehaving, she should be punished by dad. She should have a bedtime. She should have to shower. She should eat home cooked meals and not just junk food. Fun, Disney parenting works until it doesn't, and when it stops working, it's catastrophic failure with lazy, entitled kids who won't listen to authority or show respect. Dad is a parent first and foremost with his kid - good, bad, and ugly.
  • Remember, the XW is NOT your ex. It is YOUR SO'S JOB to reign her in. He is the one that had a child with her, not you. She is NOT your mutual responsibility; she is solely his. Do not get dragged into the middle, but also don't let her needs and wants trump yours. If your SO wants to treat her with kid gloves and make her happy, he can get back together with her. You deserve BETTER and MORE than her. Do. Not. Settle. For. Less.
  • Never, ever feel like you can't tell your SO how you feel. Communication is a necessity. You cannot be afraid to talk about these things with him, and you can't be afraid to expect better. You need to be treated like THE wife, not the SECOND wife.

Do not make the mistake of marrying this man come Hades or high water. If you are uncomfortable, that will only change if he makes changes with his XW. This isn't something you can or should fix. Loving him, and him loving you, isn't enough.

ESMOD's picture

Every bit of this is true... believe me, I know we get some conflicting messages through social media.. the EXes that take pictures every year with their child.. the Step and Bio mom who are best of friends "for the sake of the child".. it is just as realistic as the lives of the Kardashians vs real life.

Believe me, I went in to my relationship thinking that I was a reasonable person and that marriages break up for all sorts of reasons.. sometimes people just aren't compatible and that doesn't have to mean a lot of vitriol.  So I was open to being on good terms with the EX.. who was ok at first but didn't take long to turn into a pit viper.  After 15 years.. I have resolved to agree that HE married her not ME.. so HE has to deal with her if she is to be dealt with.  Luckily both girls are now 18 and we hear zero peeps from the EX... hallelujah!

StepMamaBear6's picture

I am not going to retype what LD said because it is right on.  I will emphasize that YOU DO NOT have to have a relationship with the ex.  Who cares if you are invisible?  In fact, it is probably better.  There are many of us that wish the ex would ignore us.  You do not need her approval or her acceptance.  Find peace in your relationship with SO and don't give BM another thought.

Boundaries are important.  Tell your SO what boundaries will make you happy and then listen to why he will or will not respect them.  It will give you an idea on how he will handle future issues with his ex and his child.

Re-read LD's advice.  It was good.

Francis80's picture

So much great advice in there. I like blunt, it works. Thanks so much for taking the time to help me out. You're absolutely right, his XW is not my problem. Maybe I need to stop trying so much for her, I've always been a people pleaser. Separate birthday celebrations is definitely what we will be doing.

Simpleton21's picture

Yes, stop trying for her.  She will never come around or think anything she does is wrong.  I  am also a people pleaser.  I thought at first that eventually the high conflict ex wife would come around because I am nice and easy to get along with (well in most cases).  However, not with women like this.  I've been dealing with this crap for over 4 years and she will never change.  Not setting up boundaries and letting my SO know that he needed to handle earlier in the relationship only lead to more resentment on my part.  Take the advice here.  It is good advice.  Just to make you laugh, my first practice of SD's I attended with SO was ice skating, SO and I sat at the opposite end of the staduim to not be near BM.  SD paid more attention to us during the practice.  After the practice SO got a bunch of angry texts about how not sitting with BM during SD's practice only hurt SD and was not in SD's best interest...blah blah blah!  Obviously it didn't hurt SD in anyway.  That is these women's MO...."best interest of child" = what BM wants!  Start making those boundaries ASAP.  Also, SD isn't missing out on her dad not being at her birthday party that BM is having and not letting you attend.  That is BM manipulating the situation.  Have a separate party that BM isn't allowed to attend on your time with SD oh and don't let BM know about the time/place or she will feel entitled to just show up!

ndc's picture

When I started dating my SO, he and his ex had a very close relationship.  She wasn't needy or crazy, but they were very friendly and there were no boundaries.  I told him there would be boundaries or I'd be gone (and I meant it). He complied pretty quickly, as he did not like the consequence for not doing so. They still do joint birthdays, and they're still friendly, but it's nothing like it used to be.  

If you do not like the relationship he has with his ex right now, you need to speak up and demand change. I would not marry him until you've seen change. It will not magically get better once you're married (it'll probably get worse).  If you don't want to be the 3rd wheel in your own marriage, address this NOW. 


ProbablyAlreadyInsane's picture

Your SO needs to put boundaries in place... His ex shouldn't be able to be dependent on him, or frankly (especially in high contact situations) be able to contact him for any purpose other than for it being specifically about the skids. What she's doing is basiclaly like still being married emotionally to him, and that's NOT healthy for your relationship...

From experience... An ex that call son non-child related things can hurt you... Especially when it's sob stories and your DH is good hearted and "feels bad." It can build resentment and hurt and cause you to question YOUR place. She needs to understand it's not her place, and your SO needs to enforce that or you're in for a world of pain.

Seperate birthday parties are a totally acceptable thing, she'll still get special time with her dad, it just won't involve the crazy woman and will probably be better for the skid anyways, especially when BM seems to think she's still married to your SO. I've had moments where I've literally wanted to (nearly did, there was also the time I was holding a bat... It was a close call) deck BM for flirting with my DH (at least trying), refering to me as "second wife" and my DH as "her former husband" (not even using the word ex), scooting close to my DH, shoving me, trying to get DH to be HER emotional confidant, showing up uninvited, cussing me out (she's lucky... I do kickboxing... I was seeing red), etc. Basically acting like she still runs the roost. 

It drove me mad, I was crying nearly daily from the stress, felt like my stomach was upset a lot, and I was living on edge wondering when she may end up jumping in again, and when I was going to be made to feel like a second place spouse again... So I drew a line. DH and I had a chat, I explained the situation, and things are going MUCH better now. (also helps BM kind of poofed). But your SO needs to create boundaries now and expectations, or he'll never get them in place and you'll always be secondary... That's not fair to you. Your SO needs to solidlfy YOUR place as his SO, and make sure the only place she has is when it comes to the skids and info and decisions regarding them.

hereiam's picture

he feels it's best for the child if he just let's it go and keeps the peace.

That's a very common excuse and I'm sure some men believe it when they say it, but it's an excuse just the same. They don't want to go through the storm, and I get that, but your fiance is trying to make TWO women happy and it's just not going to work.

He thinks it's what's best for his daughter but he is allowing her to be used as a pawn and a manipulative tool by his ex.

You don't need BM's approval and it's best to keep her at arms length, since she is high conflict, but your fiance should be keeping her at arms length, as well.

I would not marry him until he can prove that he can put, and keep, some boundaries in place. He is still emotionally enmeshed with his ex.

ndc's picture

Part of the problem is that he fears the trouble his ex can cause, whereas you are going right along with things, not wanting to cause problems for him.  He needs to be more worried about what you're feeling and less worried about her.  It needs to be more painful and difficult for him to ignore YOUR needs than to ignore hers.  Which means that you need to stop going along with this, and let him know what YOUR needs are and that "for the kids" and "not rocking the boat" are not acceptable excuses for him not putting you first, where you belong.

As others have said, that starts with telling him you will not marry him until appropriate boundaries are in place and you are content with his relationship with his ex, whatever that ends up being.  It's now or never - the longer you allow this enmeshed relationship, the harder it's going to be to change it.  If he doesn't get those boundaries up before you are married, you are going to be seething with resentment  if you go through with the wedding.    

DaizyDuke's picture

Your STBDH needs to stop responding to her texts about things that don't pertain to SD.  He also needs to cut her off when she starts talking about things that do not pertain to SD on the phone.  She is still emotionally involved with him and he is exacerbating the problem by allowing it to continue.  If you keep feeding the monster, it's going to keep coming back for more.. YKWIM? 

It is hopeful that you STBDH took a stand and refused to go to party if you were not invited.  That is definitely a step in the right direction.  While BM is being a petty beeotch here, as LDad said above, she doesn't have to like you.  Just be the better person and don't let her know that it bothers you because that gives her power.  Just go to whatever games, concerts etc that you can and support SD and ignore BM if that's the way she wants it. 

Hopefully she'll get a boyfriend soon and move on from your STBDH.  Once they get a new man in their lives, they usually tend to tone it down a teensy notch with their dependency on the ex. 

Exjuliemccoy's picture

Lots of good feedback here so far, but the takeaway is that you should not be marrying until your SO ties up all the loose ends of his last relationship. Are you doing premarital counseling? 

Merry's picture

You are getting good advice. There can be only ONE wife. And that is not his ex. If he does not begin to put boundaries in place, you will indeed be second whenever she has an "issue." Let's say you and DH are working on a project--painting the bathroom maybe. All is going well until his ex calls and she needs him for something--ran out of gas, dryer isn't working, etc. In order to "keep the peace" and "for his daughter" you WILL be abandoned so that he can take care of whatever issue the ex is having.

In his man brain, he avoided a conflict with his ex (yay!), the issue is fixed so the daughter has no negative impact (yay!), and the project continues because you are competent and capable of picking up his slack (yay!). You, on the other hand, are resentful as hell because you were counting on his help and the project was an important thing for the two of you to do together. You will feel less important than the ex, and he very conveniently won't understand why you have an issue with him helping her out "for the daughter."

Well, it's not for the daughter. It's for HIM. He avoids a conflict and gets to be the hero. The hero to his ex. A jerk to his wife.

Boundaries. Now. This won't get better -- it will get worse.