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BM is a POS

Tiger7's picture

Her bullcrap never ends.  SD16 was mad at SO for putting her $150 in a savings acct and not giving it to her (cause BM said she owed her money).    She wasn't talking to him and stopped coming over.  We saw her last month and she hugged us both and said she wanted to spend time with us but didn't know when. SO has  been trying to reach out to her via texts mostly but no answer.  He also reached out to BM and she always tells him that SD isn't ready to see him; that's she trying to get SD to talk to him but she just doesn't want to, etc.  We went to the Public Market on Sat to see SD (she works there).  It was a good visit - she was thrilled to see her dad and had lots to tell him.  Come to find out, she broke her phone and her tablet so she hasn't gotten any of his messages and BM hasn't giving her any messages either.  She had no idea SO was trying to reach her and see her.  She says she's not mad at him at all and wants to spend time with him.  She's coming over this weekend.   Its just evil of BM to keep SD away from him.  WTH?  What's wrong with these women?!


justmakingthebest's picture

I swear there is some kind of really twisted sickness in so many of these BM's. What could be her possible reasoning for trying to keep a father and daughter apart?? 

Tiger7's picture

She's jealous beyond belief that his daughters actually love him and want to be with him.  She wants them to hate him like she does.  SMH

Maxwell09's picture

Ugh. I hate that. I’m glad y’all went to see her and got to talk to her without BMs interference and it turned out to just be a service issue and not what BM was playing it up to be. 

Tiger7's picture

She has ausbergers..not sure of the spelling but its on the autism spectrum.  She described each incident....not surprised

Thumper's picture

Tiger Sweetie, have you and dh given it a thought that NOW is the time to stop chatting, texting with the BM?

Your sd16 is old enough that dad can leave mummsy out of most things.

If courts can give kids age 14 an independent know???

YOUR bm is a jerk..but hey nothing new, right?

Tiger7's picture

He's getting it more and more and ignoring as much as he can.  She texts and its clear she still wants control but she's losing it.  


hereiam's picture

BM over here has pulled all kinds of tricks to interefere with DH's relationship with his daughter, including giving him the wrong meet up place so that she could tell SD (who was 7, at the time) that he didn't show up because he didn't love her and didn't want to see her.

SD is now 26 and it's not any better. She believes everything BM tells her.