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Mystery pants

GoingWicked's picture

So, SD has been wearing pants for the last 2 days, albeit with long sleeves in the middle of summer.

Bm failed to pick SD up for “supposed” beach vacation yesterday.  I say supposed because BM never told DH about it.  I just took my kids to the beach without her, and she may be fabricating it to boost her self esteem, she’s done that before.  But BM is also disorganized so maybe not.

Anyway, I think maybe SD is sending subliminal messages to us that she wants to go camping with us.  Either that or her dad’s constant disagreement with her attire is doing something.

DH was pretty distressed last night when I brought it up, and at that same moment realized SD didn’t leave.   Especially since the last time we had to cancel this same vacation because she agreed to no skirts, then went behind his back bought a camping skirt and refused to wear anything else.  He doesn’t want to be in a position where he either has to tell her no or have to be responsible for her and her skirts.

For all the pro skirt supporters out there, we are going camping in Sept.  with grandparents, light hiking, temperate weather, and bus rides, somewhere where SD can logically wear skirts.  This trip we’re going on some long, cold, tough hikes into mountain snow, along with rock scrambling, skirts are just not a great idea.

I’m debating bringing it up, since DH is just not dealing with it, and I don’t want any last minute plans.  We leave tomorrow and she’s supposed to go to BMs today.  I dont want to expose her lie or make her feel bad about BM not taking her, and I don’t want to be responsible for DHs misery if she sneaks skirts.  But from a mental health perspective, I just think she should go, especially if she’s willing to leave the skirts behind, it will be good for her.


DaizyDuke's picture

What the heck is a camping skirt?? Who would ever dream of wearing a skirt while camping/hiking etc.  That is seriously the strangest thing I've heard all day!

GoingWicked's picture

At first I was thinking it was made with tough canvas, but it’s really a skirt made of that quick dry fabric, it looks like it would be cool to wear and easy to clean, and I’d wear one around camp In good weather in the desert with no ticks or mosquitoes hanging around, or even a day at the beach.