Today is dd15's birthday! But all her pictures are gone?!
So today my eldest daughter turned 15. My mother was going to post pictures on her social media page withh some older pictures. She went to her pictures folders where she has everyone's pictures sorted into individual folders. She saw that dd15 pictures were gone! She loves a little more and noticed dd14 pictures were gone too! But sd's folder was still there. She called me asking if i thought sd would do this. I told her i know she would.
These are pictures from 15 years ago, pictures that she'll never get back. They are gone forever! I sent her some pictures i took, but they weren't the same as pictures she's taken and kept....
How do i tell dh that i think sd did this? His step mother did the same thing to his dad. Threw away all his baby pictures. He only has 2 pictures from his childhood.
Wow that sucks on so many
Wow that sucks on so many levels. Is there anyway to allow DH to discover them missing himself and let him make the presumption?
It's on my mother's computer,
It's on my mother's computer, which he is never on.
You can tell your DH, but he
You can tell your DH, but he may never believe you. It could very well turn into a "you just hate my kid" kind of thing.
Who has access to your mother's computer? She needs to set up a password so her computer is locked and no one else can access it. I'm so sorry.
That's what i worry about. I
That's what i worry about. I don't want him to think that.
All my mothers grandchildren (including sd) have access to the computer. And yes all their files are still there too. So it would be really hard to PROVE it was sd. But she allows all of the kids to play games on her computer. But maybe there is a way to password protect the files?
There are ways to password
There are ways to password protect, encrypt, and/or hide folders. It depends on what operating system is on her computer.
Otherwise, grandma needs to rethink allowing access...
That's what i told her too
That's what i told her too
Does your mother have any
Does your mother have any backups? Has she checked to see if her "trash" has been emptied? There may be a possibility of recovering the pictures.
She doesn't have many back
She doesn't have many back ups, a few are on her social media, a few are on snapfish, but only a the ones that she specifically wanted printed. She empties her trash often. She doesn't exactly know when the folders are deleted, but they are gone. If there is any way to retrieve them, she doesn't know how.
Go to SD directly and ask her
Go to SD directly and ask her.
She just went home yesterday,
She just went home yesterday, but she'd deny it completely.
If your mom continues to let
If your mom continues to let each kid use her computer she should assign special login and passwords for each user. That way their access and actions can be checked and followed up on. No way would I ever allow free access to all my information to skids!
Definitely individual accounts
And don't give administrative rights to any kid.
make them a regular user
Okay - this is me speaking as
Okay - this is me speaking as an ex IT specialist. EVERYONE should back up important files. Even without ahole malicious skids it is all too easy to lose information only stored on one's personal computer.
If you keep a lot of personal photos, etc that are not backed up you are almost certainly going to lose them at some point.
I store everything on Microsoft one drive not my PC. I also back up all photos on ICloud and Dropbox. I do not recommend backing up to a hard drive that you attach to your computer. I know so many people that lost EVERYTHING during Katrina. Even if they backed stuff up to a hard drive or disks that were in their home - they lost that also.
there is software to recover
the files and tell you when they were deleted. the freeware is not intuitive. its actually good the pc is turned off so it cant overwrite. the bigger the hard drive the less likely it will be overwritten. Pull the hard drive and take it to a trustworthy computer repair place and they will be able to recover the photos most likely. I wouldn't recommend Geek Squad though.
And yes you can't backup too many times I use I drive as well as my synology NAS has cloud.
Your SD is a rotten snot, btw
My mom is so sickened over it
My mom is so sickened over it all. I've talked to her about it and mentioned taking it somewhere to see if they can find the pictures. She would rather forget it and just use the pictures she has now that i gave her, and off her social media.
BM and DH have this view of sd like she is some sensitive sweet girl. She's a sneaky lying mean manipulative thief! And it's getting worse! It was apparent to me since she was 7, but it was only at a 7yo's level, but i thought it was just because she felt left out, like dh wasn't spending enough time with her. So i made sure that when Dh has her he spends at least 1 whole day with her doing something special (going to the park, take her to get nails done, go to movie, have lunch, ect), or even just take her to work with him. Things got better.... until they got worse! Worse at school, worse at BM's and now even worse here!
tell your mom
That if you don't recover the photos that means SD wins.
Not sure where you live but if you live anywhere near Upstate New York I would be glad to recover the photos for you for free. This sounds like something my feral SD would pull
I definitely don't live in
I definitely don't live in New York
Waiting for the BM Patrol
to chime in "maaaybe it was an aaaaccccident" "maaaaaybe it was a compuuuuuter glitch" "you can't prooooove it was SD."
Yea, suuure "aaaaaccidentally
Yea, suuure "aaaaaccidentally" went to the pictures file, and "aaaaaccidentally" clicked on dd14's file and clicked delete. Then "aaaaaccidentally" clicked on dd15's and "aaaaccidentally" clicked delete on hers too. Lol she'll probably claim it was an accident. Dh doesn't fall for the accident excuse luckily... not before anyways, with something this awful, he marii choose to bury his head in the sand... i hope not.
He’s never going to believe
He’s never going to believe SD did it. That being said that’s pretty malicious to delete all your kids photos like that. Unfortunately if you can’t prove it your just the wicked stepmother and if you do ask the kids she’ll deny it then your husband will say something like “she said she didn’t do it” “I believe her” it’s just typical.
I'm anxious to hear if she confronted SD and what happened....