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School Clothes Shopping with Ex

tulum's picture

My boyfriend is taking his son shopping tomorrow for school clothes and his ex is going with them. On top of this she told him that they have to go btwn 8 and 12 b/c thats the only time she could go. I told him that it was total crap. His reply was that they go school shopping together every year. I am really upset about this and am acting like a total witch. Do I have the right to be mad??? Please help me......On top of all this we are moving in together next week.
If you have yahoo IM me at beetlemaniatexasfemale....Would love to chat with others in my position

fairy-lily's picture

I can understand your feelings here, but I don't think your boyfriend is doing anything wrong. If she stated a particular time, and he agreed, where's the problem? Its good that the ex is including her son's father in picking his school uniform. I can sympathise how you feel though you probably feel jealous that your boyfriend is wanting to go shopping with his ex and their son like a proper family while you're sat at home. Why don't you offer to join them too?

Areyou's picture

I don’t agree with this. They aren’t “a proper family”. They are divorced. If they cared that much about the kid having a proper family they would have stayed married. They need to stop this fake show the kid we get along let’s act like a family for the kids sake crap. And if they are going shopping together because they like spending time together then He’s being a polygamist.

finding my happy place's picture

This is my opinion ONLY.. i would be upset if my bf went with the mother and child for anything. theres no reason for it.. and going with them would be a good question to ask to see what the response would be, id be curious to hear the answer.
Whats next.. a movie..dinner as a family..sleep overs? Because they used to do that too.
You are about to move in together?? i would really ask yourself if this is really the life you want because if you think its going to end at ONE school shopping trip between 8 and are soo wrong. This woman will be in your life til you drop dead or she does first. im sorry im blunt,yet no im not, because 10000 pretty words arent going to change anything... its just the truth without the nice nice crap. Just look at all the shit that all of us are dealing with on this site.. sounds like FUN huh.. heres what you will have.. ups and downs.. one minute youll think life is great and you are in love.. then youll be wondering what the hell and why am i sharing with another woman ..because THATS the truth when kids are invloved. whether shes physically in your face or not , shes ALWAYS there..and her thumb is always up your mans ass..which means its up yours too.

happy's picture

Oh my you were very blunt but hey if people would be brutally honest there would not be all this beating around the bush.. But you are right about the thumb up the ass... Although I think that when the kids are of legal age the thumb needs to get lost and on with there life. Because that is when the kids are old enough to deal with each parent separate.. Am I crazy for feeling this way.

Also I want to point out that I am an ex - wife as well. And I can certainly tell you I am not one of those thumb up the ass ex-wives. I left him because I did not love him ever I do not think. I was really young and dumb except for thank god I was because I have two beautiful kids.

I think seriously all these ex- wives who are trying to interfere need to really put the shoe on the other foot. Try being that woman with your new man or new husband and have his ex what ever calling and trying to cause all these problems. That is 1/2 of the kids on here I am reading about, there bio parents are the problem.

Sande's picture

Everyone needs to understand that there has to be boundaries starting now! It is not appropriate ! It is certainly not necessary. He can either send the money and let her shop, Or see the son alone, just the two of them for their special time together. But don't say it that way. Instead....

Remind your bf that going shopping with his ex and son will send mix messasges to the son.
Kids always want their parents together. This will give him false hope and is unhealthy and you're afraid it will hurt him more in the end, especially after you move in next week. It will make the adjustment harder for his son. He needs to know that eventhough the situation has changed he will never lose his love and affection from his father maybe that special time alone, just the guys is great!

tulum's picture

Thanks for the comments....After he went shopping with the ex and his son, We went to wal-mart in his truck and it smelled like smoke and I told him it smelled like a cigar and he said that it was cig smoke cause the ex smoked in his truck while they were shopping. None of us smoke and we all hate the smell. I felt like saying WTF cause my dad rode with us about 2 months ago and he smokes and my bf told him that ppl dont smoke in the truck b/c it bothers him. I just kept my cool but I really want to say something....Should I get upset? Desperatly needing help!!! H

Anonymous's picture

I have been reading some of the postings tonight and I agree with the response that discussed boundaries. Discussing the boundaries that both of you are willing to live with and feel comfortable with is imperative to make the relationship work. Some situations will inevitably be uncomfortable but if your spouse doesn't appreciate or understand your bottom line from the won't get any better as time goes on! It also sends a message to everyone else (kids, ex., etc.) what is acceptable in your new relationship.

ProbablyAlreadyInsane's picture

I would have said something. He's putting the ex on a pedistal. Which is a strict no go.

Allyceson's picture

I'm just going to say this. I think a huge problem that alot of us in blended situations is our hubby's/bf's inability or lack of desire to put their foot down with the ex "because of the kids". My husband finally did, but it took months of the ex being incredibly nasty, using the kids, and her having him arrested to get there.
It sounds as though your BF has no problem laying down rules w/ family members, etc, but doesn't do it with the ex.
You have to figure out if this is a situation you even want to try to change. It's going to be alot of stress and heartache for you and even then you're not guaranteed to get the results you want. It's hard not to feel second fiddle when there are kids from a previous marriage involved, but it will be even harder for you if he continues to treat his ex as though she lives by a separate set of rules as far as he's concerned.

Ariadne's picture

All I can say after reading the above is that if you dont speak your mind NOW, letting your b/f know how you feel about things, its going to get VERY bad VERY fast - for you. It seems to me that this woman walks all over him. He obviously dislikes smoking in his truck - why did he let her smoke? And as for the shopping trip together... give me a break! You and your b/f should be the ones taking him to get his school clothes, you are going to be a part of his life now and you need to become involved. If my husband had come to me and told me that he was going shopping with his ex I would have packed my bags then and there. Good luck

finding my happy place's picture

That wouldnt fly with me not for one damn second.. if my man said that he was doing ANYTHING with his ex wife with his be gone quicker than YOU could pack Blum 3

Im wanting to know if this girl wonders what else could have gone on while they were so called clothes shopping.. it seems to damn cozy for my blood. Conversations.. looks.. wondering the what ifs.. the family thing for a few hours.. maybe he looks back on the shopping trip and says to himself i had a good time and i miss the good looks like a man who has 2 women..and an excuse- one has his child. ( man im totally untrusting huh )

skye22's picture

You seem really angry in all your posts. The ex in your situation must be horrible Sad Your user name says it all.

this part is for tulum - I would not allow my husband to go shopping with ex either becasue we are a family now and that is something that we should do together now. I would suggest making your feelings known but... you can't lead your boyfriend by intimidation and anger. He has to respect your feelings and perspective on the situation.

finding my happy place's picture

a place to vent is the purpose i entered this site.. im sorry if i seem to be angered?
im a person who doesnt beat around the bush , im am blunt and i am honest . im also trying really hard.. to figure pout who i am and whats going on. And i actually feel bad to see that someone wrote that about me ..and i have to think about that too.i appreciate your opinion.. and i sit here crying knowing that i am angry and it makes me feel like i am so small as a person..
the ex isnt as horrible as some are, like i said i am honest im not going to make things out to be worse than they are..but it is a hard thing to deal with. everyone has thier own personal limits we are all different.. we all react diff ..we all see things in diff ways.
im more frustrated than anything else.. as a step parent you are put in a situation that for some can be extremely hard or you may be a person who is extremely lucky and everyone works together like it SHOULD and be family for the kids while you move ON with your new partner /life.

Dawn-Moderator's picture

A lot of what we as stepparents deal with is VERY hard, to say the least. I understand why you are upset and mad. I have been there too. Especially early on in the relationship.

Don't worry about venting here! The site is here so you can get your feelings out and know that you are not alone.


skye22's picture

I really wasn't trying to make you feel bad. That wasn't my intention at all. And I apologize. We are all here to talk and discuss our feelings openly. And "venting" is very freeing. We are all here to get guidance, advice, and support from people in the same situation.

finding my happy place's picture

it was the truth.. and i dont like who im becoming.. i changed my name.. and hopefully im going to get back to ME and just roll with the things i dont care for and if i cant do it, then i have only one other option - remove myself and start a life for myself elsewhere.
i have a lot to work thru..and im starting today- im done with this annoying person taking up my time. Smile

Rainydaze777's picture

Don't worry- I've turned into a bitter hateful monster too and I'm working on getting back to my normal self

ProbablyAlreadyInsane's picture

Being angry doesn't make you a small person. It makes you human. As stepparents we often get the short end of the stick and a lot of our lives are just told to "deal with it." or "get over it." Or "well that can't happen because of the kids..." But the reality is, you can't just shut your emotions off. You're going to feel pain and anger. And when someone is doing something that hurts and upsets you, you can't just pretend you don't feel it. You have to react.

Th emajority of step-situations aren't easy flowing, people aren't working together like they should. More often than not there are psychos, crazy feelings being caught up, kids being used as pawns, and some very confused and frustrated spouses that are dealing with someone that they never wanted in their lives and that is refusing to work with them.

We do all have personal limits, and that's okay too, admit these limits, recognize them, then go to your SO and work to fix them. The weaker the boundaries are the more it's going to hurt you. I can promise you that. DH used to have weak boundaries, and it HURT like he!!. But the stronger the boundaries got, the more that he did out of love and respect to me in regards to shielding me form his ex's insanity and keeping the boundaries I needed, the better off I've been.

Over the last year and a half of marriage it has been pure chaos, I've been at the threshold of my breaking point trying not to break, cried more tears than I ever thought I would in a lifetime and I've found the one person in this world who I think is actually at the level of me hating them. You're going to have the full range as well, just like a LOT of the people on this site (if not all).

The sucky reality of the situation is that you can't just "move ON with your new partner/life." Your SO has baggage, and to be with him you'll have to deal with it as well. The real trick is your SO has to be COMPLETELY on your side. He needs to think of you, communicate, keep you informed, and most importantly, you have to be treated like the WIFE and she needs to be treated as nothing more than the ex. The relationship should be one of co-parenting and that's about it. Particularly with a high conflict one.

Not being the worst ex out there doesn't mean they aren't making your life a nightmare. So feel free to vent away Smile

Ariadne's picture

Men are simple beings (bless them). They are creatures of habit. Routine works, routine is safe. As women, we tend to lead them by the nose, (admit it!) it seems to me that some ex's still have their nose ring firmly in place. You need to break your ex's 'routine'. It seems to me as if this ex, as many do, still seem to think that they are married without actually living with their ex and that we are just temporary decoration who will be gone soon but THEY will be around forever because they had HIS baby.

When I first met my husband, ex would call at least 3 times a day, asking this and that as she could hardly even make a shopping list on her own haha (not an excuse to call, she really is that stupid!) At first I let it go because I felt it best to sit back and watch the various scenarios played out, see who is who etc... when I had had enough I expressed my feelings and it all came to a screeching stop. One day though, we were driving, we had just picked up SD, BM called while she knew I was sitting there and manipulated the conversation in such a way that my husband actually called her BABE! (Looking back I can laugh thank god) Well, as SD was in the car I just gave him a look that could freeze the dead sea! He didnt mean it poor guy, but she knew what tone to take and words to speak to get him to say that.... They can be very clever, after all, lets face it, they have had more experience than we have right? Give us time ;0)

finding my happy place's picture

maybe im missing something here .. im trying to imagine how an ex could be clever enough to get the other ex to call them ~babe~

Ariadne's picture

I can see how that may look to a reader; I guess after calling someone that for 15 years its easy to fall back into it, kind of like how I called him my ex's name a couple of times ....clever isnt the right word either, its cunning.

finding my happy place's picture

are you calling me babe?

sorry ..had to joke there. Blum 3

Ariadne's picture

Dear Tulum - Ive just read how old you are...I figured as much. You are sooo young! As I said before, you really need to lay down the ground rules NOW. If you dont, a habit will develop and it will get out of control and you will be the victim which, will also end up effecting your child.
How old is ex, I'm assuming she has at least 5 years on you?
What else has she done besides this 'shopping trip'?
Why did their relationship end?
Has she remarried?
How long have you been with this guy and how old is he?

tulum's picture

My bf is 35/ we have been going out almost a year and his ex is a total nut. She calls his parents house and asks for him and if he isnt there, she is totally rude and says "well I suppose he is with her (me)" She is gonna flip when she finds out about us moving in together this coming up week. She is always asking him if he has proposed or if I am pregnant....Get a life lady.....Anyway they have been divorced for 6 almost 7 yrs. She cheated on him repeatedly and was a spend o' holic and finally he got tired of it. She is remarried with another child but her new husband is a loser. I read an email that she had wrote my bf before we met and she said that if anything ever happened btwn her and her hisband that she wanted him back and that she will always love him and she regrets everything..............Is she just OBSESSED with him or what!!! GOOD NEWS----my bf and I are going to couples counseling Monday!!!

happy mom's picture

I wouldn't want my husband to go w/ex to go shopping either. Your feelings are totally understandable. We don't do any shopping for stepson only if it's like an emergency. We pay the mom child support so she is totally responsible for what the child needs. Why don't you go with them too so ex doesn't take advantage and starts buying stuff for her too. I would also find out what the $$ limit.

Dawn-Moderator's picture

My husband would never go shopping with the ex. He barely wants to talk to her. Only when he has too.
Not to mention, if he did want to go shopping with her I wouldn't like it one bit and would put my foot down.
Oh well. I know that's not going to happen because we buy our own school clothes for stepson. We also buy ALL of his school supplies. Biomom never buys even ONE pencil!!


Ariadne's picture

Good to hear that he has reckognized that there is a problem and is willing to seek help... If you can, TRY to ignore her as much as you can, I appreciate that it will be hard but just 'tune her out'. I think that your bf will eventually tire of it if you take on this new attitude. Pretend like it doesnt get to you and keep busy yourself. Tell your bf that you want NOTHING to do with the whole situation anymore - that he can deal with her but you will put your foot down as regard to any 'meetings' with her, that if there are any shopping trips etc, that you want to be informed and that YOU will go with him as his son is soon to be a part of YOUR family and you need to do these things together. If she is obsessed, I dotn think that that is going to go away, its only going to get more intense. Your bf needs to understand that by giving into her every whim (meetings, calls etc) he is leading her on, does he know this? He needs to keep all calls to a minimum and ONLY discuss the son and nothing personal. He needs to see her for the lowlife, self centered prostitute that she is and get on with his new life!

ACopsWife's picture

Id be very upset if my DH went shopping with his ex. Again like someone said earlier, my DH wouldnt want to. He cant stand to be around her, much less talk to her. But yeah, Id be pretty mad, if they went shopping together. I can remember back to when we were first married, and the ex called and asked my DH if "they could still keep the auto insurance in both of their names" My first thought was " is she serious?" I knew from that moment on that she was a total nut case!! Like ummmm, heck no, hes my DH now and your flippin name isnt going to be on our ins. His ex has just done so many messed up things to us. I hate her, and I think she is just, wasteing air space. If you dont put a stop all of this now, it WILL only get worse, i promise you. If he does things to hurt you, that he knows you dont approve of, then you will only grow to resent him later. Good luck to you sweetie, and I hope that therapy helps Smile

omelkoj's picture

I’m so glad I found this thread, I’m feeling like I’m not so crazy anymore. My boyfriend’s daughter is about to go to kindergarten and he went school supplies shopping with his ex yesterday.

That’s upsetting enough, but what is also super upsetting is that he didn’t tell me he was going with her. He said he would pick up his daughter and go school shopping, but after he came back home with his daughter, she mentioned that “mommy came with us”.

I don’t know if he would have even said anything if the kid hadn’t said something. I didn’t say anything because he seemed happy about the school shopping and being able to get her things she liked, so I didn’t want to be selfish and say anything, but it’s bugging me so badly and I don’t know now how to bring it up properly or if I even should.

I just don’t get why he wouldn’t tell me and he says he can’t stand his ex but now he’s meeting up to go shopping with her... am I over reacting??

Also he says how he wants to be a family with me but what message is that sending, taking the kid shopping with him and his ex?...I’m just so upset and I’m afraid to sound selfish by bringing it up, and I feel so hurt and disrespected at the same time.

Aniki-Moderator's picture

It sounds like your bf is still playing Happy Family with his ex. There is no need for them to go school shopping together. NONE.

omelkoj's picture

Thanks for replying! I just realized how old this thread is after posting, lol.

I finally approached him and he got really upset I felt that way. As far as not telling me he said that he hadn’t had a chance to because the BM asked to go together after he was already at their house. The kid said something as soon as I came downstairs, so fair enough, he just didn’t get the chance to tell me before she piped up.

However, I brought up that they were shopping like a family and he completely disagreed, said I was being selfish and immature (I’m 22) and there are going to be times when they do things like that because it both means the world to each of them to be a part of their daughters life. Which I of course understand. Basically he was saying if one of the took her shopping, the other would be robbed of the opportunity, especially because it’s her first year going to school, etc. he says I’m not being understanding of the situation and focusing on my jealousy and not trusting him.

What do you think? O

ESMOD's picture

to be honest, If I thought my BF's Ex was a normal person and they had a civil divorce and relationship.. and I didn't have cause to think that there was any ulterior motive.. I would probably not be overly worried about it.  BUT given the other things you said about her and her comments and vitriol.. Um.. nopester.. my BF would NOT be going shopping with his EX.  I would tell him that there are a couple of choices..they can go separately and buy 1/2 the stuff each..or he can give her X amount of money or vice versa.  THAT's it.

The smoking in the vehicle.. I would be livid.

Gucci's picture

I would probably burn my house down if that happened. But I tend to lean towards theatrics. 

caitlinj's picture

Your husband should have better boundaires with his ex. She shouldnt be in his vehicle, period. Next time go shopping with them.

Smomlosingit's picture

My opinion, I would be pissed. I would ask him if he would like it if I did the same, but that's because I have a SC with someone else too.  Sometimes if you turn it around they see what you are talking about.  On the other hand yes it's not like they're going at night so to speak so it's not like a big deal, BUT if you go every year, but now you're not together and you're with someone else seroius enough to be moving in with them soon, when does that end? There are some couples who are friendly with exes and hang out, but if one was uncomfortable about it like you than that's a different story. I would just be reconsidering the moving in thing at least for the time being and just say hey I thought this was moving in a certain direction and I don't want to be that "why buy the cow when you get the milk for free" type of scenario. Not trying to take away from your relationship just saying maybe he needs to think things through a little bit and realize those are the type of things that shouldn't be happening if you're moving on with someone else IF they're not ok with it.

simifan's picture

I couldn't get exH to go school shopping hen we were together. That is weird. It would be a dealbreaker for me. You also better find out what else they "do together" before your conscripted to birthdays and holidays with the ex. It doesn't sound to me like he's ready for boundaries or a new relationship. Moving in will not make things better & in my opinion all couples should start out in a new home. It will never feel like your home.  

Notup4it's picture

So did you talk to him?! What has been the outcome? 

I think it is fully inappropriate that they went together.... what was the point of that exactly? If the kid has a nightmare does daddy come sleep in the bed with them too?  He I’m sure knows it is wrong as well, and it bothers me that he chose to do this. I would kick DH to the curb o we this one. 

I can see both attending first day or parent teacher interview but this makes no sense. And what was going on Mom was sitting in his car smoking while they shopped? What was the point of her coming?

Livingoutloud's picture

This post is from 2006. Unlikely that kid still needs his uniform, he likely is all grown up