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Update and BM1 got her karma

Paintcrisis's picture

Short update on life:

1) My soulmate on tinder turned out to be a scammer. He asked me to buy him a $100 iTunes card and broke my heart. . .

2) ExH still asks to get back together and then becomes abusive when I say no. I could do without the constant validation I was right to leave, though.

3) BM1 AKA: Harpy - she was the one with oldest SS and would text every month demanding CS, even though ExH was never late when I was with him. She found someone to FINALLY marry her in Jan 2017. At the age of 45. It lasted 6 months before they divorced. CS ended for oldest SS in June. A few weeks ago, BM1’s sale post popped up in my fb feed. She was trying to sell her wedding ring. Saying she would ‘finally give it up’. . .

I find it ironic that happens the month after CS ended. That $600 per month must be hurting right about now. I’m tempted to offer her $600 for it.

Maybe I can send it to my tinder soulmate scammer.


ProbablyAlreadyInsane's picture

LOL. Your updates crack me up. Maybe she's desprate enough you could offer less and then pawn it off for double the amount of CS.... 

Siemprematahari's picture

Maybe she should get a job or a better paying one to supplement the $600. I'll never understand it. That money is for the child not to pay your living expenses, mortgage, rent, or what have you. LOL at your tinder soulmate, glad you saw the red flags ROFL

justmakingthebest's picture

Tinder soulmate -LMAO

I can't wait until that last CS check gets sent... we still have almost 5 years. SS has one of those weird birthday's where he just missed a cut off and is the oldest in his class. So it is almost the full school year after he turns 18... blah. 

thinkthrice's picture

could live in NY where it goes to 21 and beyond (and all the other areas that are now doing that or are planning to follow suit)