Fiance Doesn't Like My Daughter
I have an eight year old daughter. I've been split with her Mom for 3.5 years and been with my fiance for 3 years. We moved in last year around this time. My Fiance doesn't like her. She doesn't want to spend time with her. She is not affectionate towards her.
My little girl loves her. She looks up to her and respects her. She listens to her. A lot of the stuff I read is about the kid not liking the stepmom and the stepmom getting resentful. But its not the case.
She has a friend who is having a baby girl and she is more excited for the baby girl than she is for her own eventual step daughter. She has a friend with a 3 year old boy. Same thing, she cares more about that kid than her stepdaughter. And she owns a cat...and I'm way more affectionate to the cat than she is to my step daughter.
I've been totally miserable the past few days because of a few events that happened. I'm getting very discouraged because I know there are other women out there who would appreciate and enjoy my daughter.
"I know there are other women
"I know there are other women out there who would appreciate and enjoy my daughter"
Is it possible you're putting too much pressure on the relationship? Maybe back off a bit and let them develop their OWN bond. A stepparent/stepdaughter bond is unique and takes time to grow. Quite honestly, I didn't much like my 5 year old stepdaughter at the beginning either... because everyone kept putting pressure on me to treat her like my own, but she wasn't my own. Eventually it annoyed the crap out of me. I could easily hangout with my friend's kids or my nieces/nephews but absolutely despised spending time with my stepdaughter because it was so forced.
Leave them alone for a bit. She may never be affectionate towards her... It's not in everyone's nature to be affectionate towards every kid they meet. Maybe they just don't mesh well? It's not like there's going to be an instant connection between every 2 people that cross paths. They aren't related. Aside from you, they likely have nothing in common.
"Is it possible you're
"Is it possible you're putting too much pressure on the relationship? Maybe back off a bit and let them develop their OWN bond. A stepparent/stepdaughter bond is unique and takes time to grow."
Its been three years. Perfect strangers treat my daughter with more respect.
I don't expect her to treat her like she is her own. I just expect her to treat her like she is MY daughter.
Treating her like she's your
Treating her like she's your daughter doesn't mean she has to take on any parental responsibilities... it doesn't mean she needs to have the same love and bond with yoru daughter as you do... it doesn't mean she has to be as excited about your daughter as you are...and it doesn't mean she needs to accept being disrespected.
Before accusing anyone of hating your daughter, take an objective look at what your daughter might be doing to contribute to the issues your GF clearly has for her.
What's happened the last few days?
Is your daughter leaving messes behind? Probably, it's normal for a kid her age. Are you dealing with the messes? Are you trying to parent your daughter not to leave messes? Or do you expect your GF to simply accept there are messes? You mentioned you do take care of it - but is it taken care of right away, or once in a while? It could be as silly as there are constantly fingerprints on the fridge... or it could be as silly as toothpaste in the sink that doesn't get cleaned by the time your GF uses it...
Is your GF missing out on stuff because you prefer to spend time with your daughter? As in - did you have plans with your GF that were brushed aside because your daughter was there? Are you putting your child before your GF?
What is it that you expect from your GF? For her to bake with your daughter? make crafts? brush her hair? help with homework? None of these things are her responsibilities.... she is not the parent. It doesn't mean she doesn't like your daughter - it just means she doesn't want to take on responsibilities that aren't hers. They're yours, and she expects you to do them.
Pushing your parental responsibilities on her will just make her resent the child... because it will make her feel like you hold more importance to your daughter than you do her.
It could be that your daughter is perfect and doesn't give your GF any reason to dislike her... but that the lack of "bond" makes it seem like your GF treats your daughter disrespectfully just because she's not affectionate towards her.
You didn't really go into specifics - you said you treat the cat better than she treats your daughter... what is it exactly, that she is doing or not doing to make you feel that way?
Also I just noticed you
Also I just noticed you mentioned you only moved in about a year ago. Does she have kids? If not, she's probably still adjusting...
Coming from someone who moved in with my husband (then boyfriend) and had no kids, it was REALLY hard for me to adjust for the first couple of years at least. Kids touch your stuff, they're always noisy, they need constant entertainment, they always want snacks, lol it never ends!! It sounds like she was a lot like me; a single woman with cats (we choose cats because they're low maintenance, FYI... You just feed em every day and that's it!)
My DH had a lot of trouble understanding why it was so hard to adjust, but in all honesty, I had a really simple life before moving in with him and his daughter who was 2 at the time. My mornings were quiet and calm, drinking coffee and watching TV with my cats. My weekends were great... I could have friends over for drinks and we could stay up laughing and talking without worrying. I never had to worry about what expensive products or whatever I left out because nobody touched my stuff.
It's a hard adjustment. It's easy to get very, very annoyed very quickly. Have you given your girlfriend space in the house/apartment that's just hers? Does she get to go out or have friends over still? Are you making sure your daughter doesn't touch her things or bother her for something all the time? Do you handle cleaning up after your daughter when she's messy/gets fingerprints everywhere/all those things kids do? Eventually she will be more involved with her, if she gets to do it on HER terms.
No she doesn't have kids. She
No she doesn't have kids. She has a cat, who she considers her kid. Obviously, anyone who has children understands how patently ridiculous this notion is. I'm better to her cat than she is to my daughter. Yes, my GF has plenty of space, friends, time to herself, etc. My daughter doesn't mess with her stuff. She's a great kid and even the GF acknowledges that. Yes, I clean up after her almost exclusively and do all the parenting type stuff.
You sound like an ass
You sound like an ass
What Ninji said...
What Ninji said...
Yep 100% Self entitled
Yep 100% Self entitled daddict lol
LOL SuperJew this is
LOL SuperJew this is amazing
I would do the same
"anyone who has children
"anyone who has children understands how patently ridiculous this notion is"
you sound jealous of her relationship... with a cat... lol
I'm 25 weeks pregnant and I still view my cat as my child. I've raised him since tiny kittenhood
He is just as much my baby as my unborn child is!
My DH is way more
My DH is way more affectionate with our dogs then he is with his kids. Everyone is different.
As a stepmother for 7 years...Other people's kids are easier. You don't have the baggage with those kids. You can have fun with them and then send them on their way. You don't have to worry whether or not you are being judged (like you are) and you don't have to worry about "parenting".
Have you talked to her about how she feels about your daughter? I find that my relationship with my skids always suffers when my DH decides to butt in. Want to accuse me of "hating" you kids or not "loving them like my own", that makes me push them away. Leave us alone, and we are fine.
lol. Um. Yeah. There aren't
Um. Yeah. There aren't other women out there who would "appreciate and enjoy" your daughter. Sorry to burst your bubble. Other people's kids just aren't that great. There may be some who would be better at tolerating her or compartmentalizing the step-parent role so that it doesn't bother them as much. That's what I've done with my step-kids, and I feel like we all have a fairly strong relationship that, as the previous commenter has mentioned, was eventually allowed to grow and develop at its own pace.
8-year-old girls are clingy and needy, and she's likely annoying your fiance to no end. I say this as someone who genuinely loves and adores kids in general. I came into YSD's life when she was around 8, and we hit it off pretty quickly. I had no problem with her and was trying hard to make it work for my DH's sake. However, the SITUATION / the role I was put into was intolerable and, though the kid was fine, I eventually had to step back because my resentment was getting misplaced onto DH's kids. I got tired of having all the responsibility with no authority, for one...I got tired of the constant chaos and disruption to my routine...I got tired of not being consulted about schedule changes that affected my life...but then being expected to pick up the slack, no questions asked...I got tired of the expectations placed on me by DH and others. I could give you countless specific details, but we'd be here all day. Eventually, I went to my DH and explained how I was feeling and took a big, BIG step back. He didn't like it at first but, now, I think my stepping back helped him be a better dad, saved our marriage, and, in time, enabled me to have a better relationship with his kids.
The reason your fiance can get excited about her friends' children is because 1.) Her role is CLEAR and unambiguous, and 2.) No one expects her to take any responsibility for these one presumes upon her. She can spend time with the kids when and how and if she chooses...and no one thinks she's awful if she chooses not to. Therefore, she is free to get excited and enjoy the kids without ever worrying that she'll be expected to do more than she is doing, that she'll be judged 'not motherly enough' or 'too motherly' in her interactions with them, or that she'll somehow get taken advantage of. It's safe for her to just be herself.
You can't possibly understand what you are asking your fiance to do...the things you are asking her to give up in her life in order to marry YOU. You are asking her to contribute time, finances, and other limited resources to a kid that isn't share these resources with another household. This is something you will never be able to repay. Maybe look hard at what exactly you are expecting from your fiance in regards to your daughter...reassess those expectations...and maybe just be a bit grateful and, like the commenter above said...back off a little and let their relationship be what it's going to be.
"Um. Yeah. There aren't other
"Um. Yeah. There aren't other women out there who would "appreciate and enjoy" your daughter. Sorry to burst your bubble."
I work with one. Thanks.
"8-year-old girls are clingy and needy, and she's likely annoying your fiance to no end."
No. She stays out of her hair because she knows it causes me stress. Seriously, she's the model step kid.
"I got tired of having all the responsibility with no authority"
She has NO responsibility and just as much authority as I do in our home. Our daughter listens to just about any adult. I've been reading these forums and others like it and very few of problems I see popping up on these forums are present in our home. She loves her. Stays out of her stuff. Listens to her. Respects her things and her cat. Its just a one way street, though.
"No one expects her to take any responsibility for these one presumes upon her."
Absolutely no responsibility has been presumed upon my fiance.
"You can't possibly understand what you are asking your fiance to do...the things you are asking her to give up in her life in order to marry YOU. You are asking her to contribute time, finances, and other limited resources to a kid that isn't hers..."
I haven't asked her to give anything up. And she has not been asked to contribute any of that to the relationship. Its my kid. My responsibility. Unless you're insinuating asking her to treat my daughter like a human being that lives in her home is "giving up so much".
Oh goodness. You are clearly
Oh goodness.
You are clearly blinded by your own daughter's model behavior and awesomeness. I have a stb8-year-old niece who I would go to the moon and back for...and even I can admit that she's not a "model" anything. She plays sweetly with her brothers, in a way that makes my heart happy to see...but she can be rude, clingy...she's addicted to her tablet and her parents have to take it away a lot. She gets into stuff when she shouldn't and makes messes. She's also funny and kind and super creative. In other words, she's a mixed bag like every human child on the planet. Any parent who says their kid is just perfect...well, I get suspicious pretty fast.
Since you obviously have an angel on earth or an automaton on your hands, I'm not sure what your fiance's problem is. I guess you should just ditch the fiance, get it on with this co-worker of yours (you know - the one who appreciates and enjoys your daughter so much...likely because she can leave when she wants to and doesn't have to share a home or a life with her) and hope that this undying love said co-worker has for your child doesn't wear off when you all move in together.
Sorry to say, you just
Sorry to say, you just clearly defined your problem to us, your perception is that your daughter is a model of perfection. Things are not as YOU like, so obviously it is the fiance's fault. You have on blinders when it comes to your daughter, this is evident in your response. And, do this lady a favor, refuse to marry might decide just to live with your daughter, it will be much easier for you. Adding a woman in the equation, will be a huge challenge for you. Good luck....
Oh...and one more thing. Yes.
Oh...and one more thing. Yes. Asking a woman to share a home and a life with a child who isn't hers IS asking for a lot...even when everything is "perfect"
Bahaha. You work with one? Go
Bahaha. You work with one? Go hook up with her then lol. Even on the off chance that they actually think your daughter is amazing (more likely they're either being polite or an ass kisser) they wont after living with her for awhile. Good luck.
I think based on this mans
I think based on this mans responses he doesnt deserve the women he is with now. lol look what he is saying about her, she should get a new pair of running shoes on and get away from this user man. And find a man who sees her as a EQUAL valuable human which he doesnt now. Let him crack on with the other BM they got things in common. I bet my last dollar this dude wouldnt date a woman with kids as he couldnt do it, and then having a go about the fiance for doing it lol. Ladies.... always avoud the daddict they will annoy you to no end. And will never repay you for the thinghs they would never do themselves.
Well said a88ie. Yes, model
Well said a88ie. Yes, model daddio, since you are so great at this parenting stuff to create a model child why not marry a woman with a flock of model children, such as your own daughter, so you can carry on your legacy of appreciating and enjoying other people's model children.
You have COMPLETELY nailed this exactly. Everything you just described, the feelings, etc is the way I feel when it comes to my SD but could never put into the right words. Thank you!
^^^^^ THIS!!!!! I tried to
^^^^^ THIS!!!!!
I tried to like my SS's when I first came around. I was used to one child, my own BS. Suddenly there were FOUR boys running around, making noise, making messes.
I kept telling myself I would get used to the noise, mess, chaos....I didn't. My DH tried to force them on me so we could "bond". That didn't help the situation at all. It actually made it worse. I resented him for forcing them on me, resented the SS's for not having any manners, respect or consideration for my BS-home-authority, and I promise you it ruined any chance at a decent relationship with my SS's. They felt my stress and anxiety and resentment and I could feel theirs for me.
I had been in the SM role before, for 15 years. I raised a SD who I loved immediately and we had a very close bond. That was because we were allowed time to become close on our own terms. No one forced us together, forced a relationship or guilted me into loving her.
Honestly, if you have lived together for a year and your GF still isn't warming up to your DD, it isn't going to happen. And that doesn't mean she is a bad person. You are just projecting your idea of steplife onto her. I feel you will probably to the same to any woman who comes into your life. This is not the Brady Bunch...that was make believe. This is real life and not everyone will think your DD is a special snowflake.
I'm 8 years in, met the SDs
I'm 8 years in, met the SDs when they were 20 mos old (twins) and 4. I loved them and had a great relationship with them. Fast forward 8 years, they are now 9 and 12. The relationships have evolved over time. I cannot stand the twins, but I put up with them. SD12 is O.K.
Being a stepparent is like riding a roller coaster, you might be "up", then puberty hits and you are "down" If they were my bio kids, I could see past all the annoyances, but since they aren't my kids, it's much harder, if not impossible.
I promise you, your daughter isn't as special as you think and no one is going to "enjoy" her. Maybe at first, when you aren't living together and you go on your first few fun outings, but give it a few years, whoever you're with, will be just as annoyed with her as your current wife is.
Yep once the newness and
Yep once the newness and maybe "oh how fun I'm going to be like a mommy to a little girl!" wears off they'll start getting annoyed by her.
Sorry but your kid is just a kid. Theres millions of them in the world, everyone started out as one and shes not any more special than a single one of them.
fpickle, it's sounds like you
fpickle, it's sounds like you two are fundamentally not compatible. You do not have the same value system. You mention you are "miserable;" while you are kind to her cat you have some contempt for gf's relationship to cat; you resent gf's feelings about other kids; you have an undercurrent of feeling that you do way too much for the relationship and your gf does way too little.
This is not a recipe for future marital happiness. Perhaps some pre-marital counseling will help you sort out whether you 2 should really proceed together.
In the meantime, do not fool yourself that some co-worker's fawnings over your daughter in any way reflect the reality of living with a stepchild.
This, above, Your situation
This, above, Your situation is less of a step-issue, and more of this: "You two are fundamentally not compatible. You do not have the same value system." And, you can't make two people get along, even if it is an adult-child situation. People always assume the adult is supposed to somehow accommodate the child or somehow be able to force the child to like them or force themselves to like the child. Seems logical, but it doesn't work that way. Adults have a lot of baggage and even children, especially those who have to deal with the harsh realities of a divorce and being shuffled back and forth, may have likewise.
I will say one thing, tho., a lot of times non-steps just assume jealousy, on either side, is in play. I can tell that is the way you are leaning--my GF is jealous of my DD, my DD is darn near perfect and my GF treats her like crapola. Maybe you came here for suggestions on how to get your GF to not be so jealous? I don't know. But I will say that with step-situations, jealousy is wa-a-at too easy of an excuse, and I think that is what everyone here is trying to get at. You may have, for example, set it up where DD and GF feel they are in some sort of competition, sometimes treating your DD more like a GF and treating your GF more like a DD? Just putting that out there.
Let's say you three are going for a drive, and your DD pops into the seat right next to her daddy. GF stops and looks at you, and you say something to GF like, "You can sit in the back this time." Seems innocent and simple enough, and once in a great while it may be. Multiply this type of scenario over and over and message given is DD is seated right next to me like a SO and GF is in back like a child. An ill-defined role is one of the main reasons SMs get frustrated and relationships fail. Without her role being reinforced, especially by bio-dad, SKs, even as adults, don't recognize SM's #1 role as dad's wife or SO, and think SM is just some woman on the side for dad, a woman who is expected to clean and pick up after the SKs, and meanwhile, SKs don't have to have any sort of graciousness or acceptance toward SM.
BUT, we can all speculate and put our 2-cents in all we want. The reality is, "you two are fundamentally not compatible. You do not have the same value system." She may want a man who thinks of her and treats her as a SO vs. a man who thinks of her and treats her as a SM in the making.
When my skids got old enough
When my skids got old enough to start sitting in the front, they thought "we" - as in me and the two of them - were going to take turns sitting in the front seat next to DH. Nope. I immediately told them it was never going to happen. Even when they became adults. I wasn't going to sit in the back seat of my car when my husband was driving. DH got upset saying they were just joking. No they were not. He used to be really bad about putting his small children on the same level as us adults.
This happened to me until I
This happened to me until I put a stop to it. I literally stayed inside when DH and his 3 kids and I were supposed to be heading to church and OSD hopped in the front. Sent him a text: "Either I sit up front with you as your partner or you take the kids out as a single dad today." He told me to come on out and by the time I got to the car, all 3 kids were in the back and it never happened again. This used to bug the crap out of me...along with DH and kids walking along together while I tagged along behind...especially YSD who went through a bit of a mini-wife phase.
Like heck I'm squeezing into the back with two kids in a car that I help pay for and maintain. WTF? I just don't get a kid, it never would have occurred to me to take the front if BOTH parents were going. Or if my dad or mom were taking me somewhere with another ADULT friend who wasn't my parent. I knew better. For some reason, as SMs...we have to insist upon basic respect that other adults are just given as a matter of course...and then WE'RE made to feel like we're spiteful or unreasonable. Boggles the mind.
Yep, boggles the mind and
Yep, boggles the mind and then some for sure. I sometimes refer to it as crazy backwards Step World, not so much to be funny or sarcastic, but because many a time, it is true! Whenever SKs/BM are around, SM's status drops significantly in all eyes, and sometimes this even include her own DH. SM is expected to fade into the background and take her place as submissive 2nd wife whenever someone from the royal family is around, just like it was the year 1017, instead of 2017.
People still expect that once the queen and/or royal children have entered the building, the other consorts are supposed to clear the way. Here it is the year 2017, and you are religiously and/or legally married to your DH and may have been so for years, and yet, DH and BM are still thought of and treated more as couple than you and your spouse are and maybe ever will be! DH and BM are parents, yes, but they are no longer a couple after the breakup or divorce. I don't know? Are people thinking that whomever has the first push party gets lifetime ownership rights to the man!? Maybe. So much for women's rights.
I am not usually one to
I am not usually one to suggest ending a relationship over a Skid/Sparent situation ... however, if your GF is not adult enough to treat your daughter with respect on par with the respect your daughter treats your GF with then find an actual woman rather than a spoiled brat to spend your life with.
Man, know I love
Man, know I love you but I think you're dead wrong on this one. Can you not smell the toxic Disney Dad stench wafting from this post from a mile away? I sure can.
From what I've read here, I'd bet a million bucks...I'm 99.9% certain that the problem is not that his poor ADULT fiance doesn't have "basic respect" for an 8-year-old child who isn't hers (whatever that means/would look like) but that daddykins worships his child at the expense of his adult relationship. It's about this poster having some respect (and, god forbid, some empathy) for his fiance, pure and simple. I guarantee it.
I have a terrible sense of
I have a terrible sense of smell.
Yep. Once again, Sue nails
Once again, Sue nails it in two lines...
It’s understandable that you
It’s understandable that you find the situation upsetting, however I really don’t think you’re being realistic in your expectations nor do you seem able to really put yourself in your fiancé’s shoes.
Comparing friend’s kids to step-kids is not remotely in the same ballpark as it’s much easier to like someone else’s kid if they do not personally burden your life as skids do. And while you claim that your fiancé doesn't have to do anything, just having a kid in your house/life on a regular basis is a sacrifice for any step-parent. You are sacrificing your space, privacy, time with your partner etc and it just doesn't sound like you're taking any of that into consideration. I know that seems harsh and awful but it’s just the reality of being a step-parent.
Other people’s kids are also no different to adults – some you will like and gel with and others you will not. And skids loving their step-parents does not equate to the same love in return.
My SD12 loves me and views me as her third parent because I’ve been around from her earliest memories and yet I can’t stand her because she displays personality traits I find abhorrent. I try very hard to hide my dislike but she notices that I treat SS10 (who I like) differently. The reality is there’s just not much I can do about the situation, I don’t think I will ever like SD and we’re always going to clash.
The only difference is my DH is very understanding of the situation whereas you sound angry and resentful.
Have you really properly talked to your fiancé about how she feels about your daughter? You say she acknowledges SD is a good kid and while that doesn't equate to her loving your daughter or ever wanting to be a step-parent (as no one wants to be a SP), if she truly is unable to demonstrate respectful interaction with your daughter then it sounds like you both need to re-assess your relationship.
I would strongly recommend counselling to work through this stuff.
I would tell your fiance to
I would tell your fiance to give you the ring back and move on....
You are the typical guilty Disney Dad.... your daughter is wonderful, model child and loves her SM... but guess what only when you are close by, when they are alone your daughter turns into an evil monster telling your fiance she hates her, she's not her mother, and that mummy and daddy will be back together...
Men like you turn woman like us into skid hating people..
I have no idea how your
I have no idea how your daughter or fiancée behaves because I am not there.
If you have so many doubts call the engagement off. Tell her that as your daughter is non-negotiable and GF is obvious in her dislike of your daughter this situation will not get better any time soon.
The other option is to suggest pre-marital counselling. Who knows what will come out.
Have you asked her why she cannot warm towards your daughter? Maybe she is a constant reminder of your previous relationship with DDs mother and GF is Does DD look like your ex? Have the same mannerisms?
This will always be the elephant in the corner. And if GF is so dismissive as you say then why is she sticking around? Does she think things will change once you get married? Does she have a plan to move away with you?
Ask her. Just ask her why she did x,y & z. Maybe your daughter does have some annoying habits that you are used to. Maybe not. Does your household schedule revolve around your daughters schedule that changes on a whim? After 3 years she should have voiced her concerns or problems by now. And after 3 years of having a relationship with this woman and living with her for a year this should have been dealt with long ago.
No one has to like your child. No one has to mother your child apart from her mother. So expecting your GF to act motherly is a stretch. But you haven't given us examples of her behavior towards your daughter.
Wow. I really thought a
Wow. I really thought a website called "steptalk" would be full of people that love children. I really did not expect the vitriol directed towards children coming from parents and step parents.
Definitely making the evil stepmother meme true.
Bye folks, I don't have the time, patience or kindness to deal with a bunch of grown up children who despise kids.
I don't by any means hate
I don't by any means hate children. I love kids. But reality is, being a stepparent is hard... It doesn't mean ANY of us hate children. We're in relationships with people who HAVE children. A lot of us have children ourselves. We are, by no means, "a bunch of grown up children who despise kids" we're just realistic about the struggles of raising a child that's unrelated to us.
She probably just doesn't
She probably just doesn't cook every meal for her, clean up after her, and make sure her laundry is clean and folded
Right? It's fantastic :/ In
Right? It's fantastic :/
In reailty yes the 8 year old SHOULD clean up after herself but disney dads don't teach or expect their kids to clean... asking her to take care of her own crap and pick up after herself would be abusing the lil angel
This right here, i went off
This right here, i went off on my So as his kids mess was still in the friggin living room rotting away on the plate a week later. So currently there is only 2 plates, cups and pieces of cutlery until he learns to clean up after his kid. If his kid wants food which he cooks or a drink irs off to the shops or wash up your friggin plate lol.
Nobody here hates children. A
Nobody here hates children. A good 70%-80% have children of their own and 99% of us adore some children in our lives be it students, nephews/nieces, even one or more skids.
Your relationship is in trouble. That's not our fault. By listening to other voices you might get some insights. Do what they say in 12-step: Take what you need and leave the rest. No need to throw the baby out with the bathwater.
Oh wow. This is depressing.
Oh wow.
This is depressing.
Either OP has reading comprehension issues or the "evil stepmom" myth is so deeply ingrained in our culture that he can't possibly see past it to the truth and the insights that he's getting here.
I've read all these comments twice and how anyone could describe what's in them as "vitriol" or the musings of a "bunch of grown children who despise kids" is completely beyond me. Why? Because we are realistic about the fact that kids take work, make messes, and get in your space? That makes us hateful? No one has said anything remotely vitriolic about kids...and most of us have been very clear that HE is most likely the problem in the relationship between his fiance and his kid. Guess he doesn't want to hear that and has to deflect.
It becomes clearer and clearer that this guy has on rose-colored glasses about his kid. He still hasn't given a single example of what his fiance actually does to "disrespect" his daughter...and somehow, his complaint changed from his original post. At first, he just said she isn't warm / affectionate enough to his daughter and she doesn't "appreciate and enjoy" her enough for his tastes...then, when he didn't get the response he was hoping changed to "she mistreats my daughter/doesn't treat her with basic respect." But, concrete examples at all. My guess is that future Mrs. Fpickle...the "Evil Stepmom" in, like us, just a bit more realistic about his kid than he'd like. Look how quickly he pulled out the "evil" word on all of us...knowing nothing about our situations or what we've dealt with in steplife.
I hope his fiance comes to this site and runs like heck...takes her evil self and her adorable cat and finds a man who will treat HER with basic respect and empathy.
Classic! "You hate my child"
Classic! "You hate my child" "You hate children"
If SMs had a dime for everytime we heard THAT old chestnut...
Oh? So you think all children
Oh? So you think all children are wonderful and not just yours?
Hmm, maybe that is what he
Hmm, maybe that is what he was really looking for: Permission to move on to one of the women he works with. I guess he got it here.
All I can say is, non-steps never seem to get it. Always easier to blame SM or potential SM than look into a mirror. I admit we may get into an off-topic feeding frenzy once in a while, but our words and wisdom are always grounded in experience and truth.
ZOMG, so glad I turned this
ZOMG, so glad I turned this off after I realized the vast majority of the posters here were just a bunch of child-hating trolls. My fiance and I talked over things and she's made a complete 180. I'm still flabbergasted by all the vitriol from the vast majority of you posters here. Its honestly disgusting how much some of you hate children.
And this post proves my point
And this post proves my point in spades.
Tomatoe? Is that you??
Tomatoe? Is that you??
Yeah, I smell a rat.
Yeah, I smell a rat.
Curious. Did this "talking
Curious. Did this "talking things over" include dangling the little factoid about your lovely co-worker adoring your daughter?
Wow. Again. Please post ONE
Again. Please post ONE comment that was "child-hating" or vitriolic. Please? All of the comments I read were saying that the problem is YOU, your perception of the situation and your expectations. Admitting that kids can be annoying at times (especially someone else's kids) is not even close to vitriol. It's just reality.
Good luck on your impending nuptials. I hope your fiance isn't making herself miserable to try to meet your unrealistic expectations.
Hi there, I can understand
Hi there,
I can understand why you might say what you said about the posters especially if I had not experienced any of the things they are saying. But I have. They are posting from direct experience. I have a man who treats me like a fourth child instead of the adult in the house. I have been made to feel so small compared to his children. It's awful. You just cannot imagine how awful it is for a grown adult woman to be marginalized in her own home by children.
Really these folks should get a medal for sticking out some of the stuff they have been put through.
I think comments can be summed up thus:
1. We cannot control how much we are going to like/love/dislike another person whether that is a child or anyone. Do you fall in love with every child you meet? Do you love them unconditionally? Are there no children you would choose to not be around? Of course not.
2. PLease be open to exploring the idea that perhaps you have a rose colored picture of your daughter.
Anyway at the very least would you not have some compassion for the women here who have been subjected to very real hurt, disrespect and deliberate attempts to destroy their relationships.... I mean can you see all the anger here? Anger covers pain.
Quite frankly I'm pretty sure thatfrom now on I will not date men who have children living at home or who even look like they would come back to live at home. It's just too difficult. When I was raising my son as a single mother, I never had a man live with us. I did not want to share parenting or put my son in a postion of having several different men live with us - potentially. I decided a man would only move in if I was married. That did not happen. Had it happened, we would all have sat down and talked about things. I would never have made the man a second class citizen.
LOL he cant read either it
LOL he cant read either it seems by this response.
Who allowed this man to pro create????
I would love an update on how
I would love an update on how that complete 180? is working out? Your GF obviously is not enamoured by your basic kid but I am sure that now that you forced it and guilted, all will be peachy. Do you still dangle the co-worker carrot? Soooo enticing. What a catch.
Sounds familiar
My girlfriend moved in with me with her 6 y/o daughter and 14 y/o daughter half the time. Also her dog.
Move definately gotten the “you’re not a parent you wouldn’t understand.” Still pisses me off to this day. They really can’t objectively see their children’s behavior or what exactly SP are asked of.
Are you really that socially
Are you really that socially inept that you dont get why her friends new baby and 3 year old that she doesnt have to live with and dont affect her life at all are easier for her to appear enthusiastic about? Shes excited and supportive of her friends, not just the kids themselves.
Do you find other people's kids to be just as wonderful as your own? Or do you honestly believe that your kid is a special exception that other people will all love?
Please send your girlfriend to this site so we can support her
OP sounds entitled tbh.
OP sounds entitled tbh. Everyone must love my kid blah blah blah but forgets basic human emotions and doesnt have the ability to see how this effects someone else, and while he is sitting there in a imagined position of power saying he is reconsidering, imagine how she feels. You are asking a lot of anyone to accept you when you clearly have baggage as in the child. Its wrong how you speak of her cat and sounds like you are not deserving of this woman, and expect her to do things for your child and moan when she dont. All i am picking up is resentment and seething jealousy about her mates kid and a cat.
if you want to have sex and a nanny then time to hire a prostitute and a nanny and leave the poor woman alone. What a ungrateful ass
If You Perceive Your Fiance To Be So Flawed Why Marry Her?
Has it ever crossed your mind you see flaw only with her and not your child? No child is "perfect" no matter how biased we, as parents may be.
You need to stay single if you are placing your 8 year old on a pedastal. That alone breeds resentment! Many dads say, "My kids come first" in an effort to appear as Father of the Year, how noble. You must realize that this woman will never feel toward your daughter the way you do, and why should she?
We are not child haters, but most of us have "been there" and know what we're talking about through experiences, unlike your hypothetical fantasy based viewpoint.
Come on down to earth for a visit, and be solution focused, instad of only looking for flaws with your finance, when I'm quite sure your child has plenty you are overlooking, which will only perpetuate and magnify over time.
You owe it to this lady to break things off and save her from the misery. And if your co-worker is receptive to your daughter, perhaps you should pursue a relationship with her, HOWEVER, unless and until you deal with YOUR issues with regard to your daughter, you will create the merry-go-round effect. In other words, the faces will change, (another woman hops on board) but the problems will be the same eventually.
You might just be delusional
you seem to be getting offended because as a post on STEPTALK people are telling you what MIGHT be the problem. NO CHILD, in ANY WAY, is a model child. You however might be a Disney dad. So you spoke to your girl, great, a 180 was made. Sweetie this is temporary. She loves you but she tolerates your child, for now. For your sake I hope she stays in that 180 spot, but rest assure it will be a matter of time before something else occurs. Her cat dies, you all have your own kid, your child becomes a teen etc that will cause her to re-think her 190. No we don’t hate children, or the skids we just know what it’s like from both sides. With skids, having our own children etc.
Take the disney shades off, don’t expect your significant other to be in love or to even like your child she might, again, simply tolerate for you. Maybe to shut you up. My husband knows I can not stand his daughter. I do tolerate her when she comes and to be honest I really am disengaged for the most part. Our history is different and he understand.
When she comes back from that 180 leave her be. She’s your daughter. Not anyone else’s. If she wants to be there let her. If not so be it. She wants to show emotions towards kids not living in her home deal with it. Stop forcing it.
Not even sure that you're still on this page
I just saw that your post was from 2017. How did everything turn out?
I was also wondering... a reason for your girlfriend maybe ex now doesn't seem to like your daughter.. Do you show the same affection to your daughter as to your gf? Like kissing on the lips, holding hands, cuddling, letting your daughter make decisions you and your partner should be making? Your daughter might not be misbehaved.. but if your showing the same amount of affection as you're showing to your daughter and your girlfriend, yeah it can get quite annoying. That's called mini wife syndrome, look at some of the blog posts and see if that sounds like it could be the problem.
I love my stepdaughter and we used to have a close relationship, but now she is being super clingy with her father and definitely suffers from mini wife syndrome, so yes I get excited when she goes back to her moms and yes I dread when she is home because she constantly needs to be on her dad or touching him in some way. It gets frustrating for sure...
Just a thought.
This man is probably divorced
This man is probably divorced and on to marriage #3 by now with co-worker or other woman who "just adored" his daughter. Hopefully the GF didn't procreate with him. Would suck being tied to "model" man forever especially with the swinging door of fed up SM's.