Very OT - Calling All Steppers Trying for an "Ours" Baby
Just need some support from other steppers dealing with this as every other TTC board is full of first-time marriages.
If you recall, my DH had his vasectomy reversal in May. He had a follow-up sperm analysis in early July that showed nothing. Doc wasn't too worried, put him on prednisone and told him to come back in 6 weeks.
Went back, found sperm, but counts/motility were low. Doc still didn't seem concerned. Put DH on NSAIDs and a multivitamin. Goes back in Decemeber for another SA if I don't get pregnant.
I'm now in the "in between" time before I can test, and I'm losing my shit. Thought I was pregnant last month after getting early positives and a later period, but no dice. Now BM is engaged, and still young enough to have kids. The thought of her getting pregnant again before me is fracking with my brain.
Then, while DH is taking all this seriously, he's way more flippant than I think he should be. Sure, he has produced 2 children. But he was much younger and healthier. He's only 35 now, so it's not like he's geriatric. But years of drinking and smoking and eating crap and not exercising - ya know, the typical vices of someone who is poor and beaten down - have taken a toll.
Then there is me thinking something could be wrong with me. I've never been pregnant. I'm not getting knocked up like BM did, and according to DH, she was never regular.
I'm just having a pity party for myself. This is frustrating. It's not fun. I don't know how to make it fun. Yes, the sex is good, but everything else? Family breathing down my neck asking if it has happened yet, not being able to plan out anything super long-term "just in case", etc. I know this is all anxiety-indiced and my own problem to deal with, but I'm at an age where everyone is planning their babies so my Facebook is nothing but pregnancy announcements and baby pictures.
This is the aspect of Stephell that sucks the most for me. That I don't have the thing DH does that I desperately want. While DH is disappointed that it's taking time, he has kids. He doesn't get it. He doesn't fully grasp the level of disappointment and failure.
Ugh! I just needed to get that out and wanted to leave it open for others to also let it out.
- lieutenant_dad's blog
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I am not exactly who you are
I am not exactly who you are looking for, as I'm not TTC, but this still resonates with me. I know what you mean about EVERYONE having a baby. Especially the first time families. I don't even want my own bio-baby but still I go through phases of bitterness when everyone I know is having baby showers or their kids' first birthdays and they get to worry about "easy" baby stuff and seemingly have these moments of "baby magic".
Meanwhile, I'm over here dripping blood, sweat and tears, raising two kids who are not "mine", who are way past the cute little baby phase, and I'm dealing with issues from the second family chaos and BM that makes me sometimes feel as if it's taking me to my breaking point and the whole time, girlfriend next door is having a panic attack over little baby Clementine not pooping in the last 8 hours.
It makes me stabby! And again, I'm not even TTC. I'm just jealous that sometimes having a baby looks so much more clean and convenient than step-life. I can imagine that if I were in your shoes, I'd be consumed with the feeling of... I guess I'd personally call it unfairness? Because you are trying to do the right thing, be responsible about your family planning, but at the same time, it would feel (again, to me) like you have the most to lose. Because everyone else already has their seconds and you're still hoping for firsts.
Usually, when I'm in this phase, I ask my DH to tell me his least favorite parts of having a baby so that I can be reminded that it's not always as good as it looks, but I don't think that would help you at this time. LOL. For me, when I'm getting pissy over other people's babies, it's connected to issues I have with my own role in my step family and not getting a lot of "firsts". So I like to make a list of all the firsts that I'm having with my DH, or just in general, to try and connect myself to the present and remember that I'm actually living a life that is pretty closely aligned with the one I'd already dreamed of (except for the crazy BM -- did not dream of that).
I'm sorry I'm not more help, but even without TTC, I can see how this would be a difficult time of waiting and impatience. Sending you hugs... and fertile earth energy!
Thank you. I like the idea of
Thank you. I like the idea of connecting to things that I have done that are part of my life plan. I have accomplished many of the things I have wanted, and now I need to be patient for the rest.
I think part of it, too, is this late 20s/early 30s "stagnation" in comparison to my late teens to late 20s. Things rapidly changed every 2 years, and there were all kinds of firsts. I like change because change means opportunities to grow and do better. The last few years have been stable, which I need to be thankful for. It just feels so odd after a decade of GO GO GO!
Thank you again!
I'm sorry you're going
I'm sorry you're going through this, LD.
BTDT with the fertility stuff. My exh and I went through all kinds of tests (he had low motility). He switched from briefs to boxers, we charted my period/temp, had sex in positions to keep the sperm inside (including me lying in bed for 30 minutes afterwards with my pelvis tilted up and legs in the air).
It's possible that your anxiety is a factor, but we all know it's not always easy to "relax". Do you think you would feel better if you were also tested??
You know I have my fingers crossed, am sending good joujou, and made countless sacrifice on your behalf. Okay, so those sacrifices were in the form of black flies, mosquitos, and spiders. But I did it for you!!!
Tried to get tested and my
Tried to get tested and my doc won't do it yet since there are no obvious signs that it's me and I'm not "old enough" to need to move things along faster. And I can't easily switch docs without paying heavily out of pocket because of how my insurance and hospital (employer) handle employee healthcare.
Basically, because DH is in the care of a fertility specialist, they assume he's the problem until he's "normal", then give it 6 months before looking to see if I'm the problem. I might feel better if I got tested, but I think the anxiety in general is based on my impatience and strattling the line between between acting child-free (eating sushi, drinking a glass of wine) and acting like I'm pregnant (taking prenatals).
Do me a favor and make one of those sacrifices a bottle of sweet wine or tequila. All in my honor, of course. *kisses*
I wish you the best
Have you tried to push doctors for more agressive treatement? I dont know how old you are are, but if the clock is ticking, they should not be taking wait and see approach.
I'm 31, so still time to wait
I'm 31, so still time to wait and see. I have pushed for more, and get the same road block. The fertility clinic won't see us until after DH's SA in December because they want to make sure he is capable first. If he isn't, then we can go down the fertility check road for me so we can look at IUI.
It's all a waiting game, and I'm not good at that.
I know they say with regular sex a majority should concieve with
6 months and i think its 90% within a year.
but some also say when there are other factors that may warrant urgency, that they look at it in 6 months. Mwnaing if hubbys sperm count looks normal then maybe medication to boost your eggs releasing so you have multiple eggs per month.
i remember the month that I conceived with my first, i had omega rich fish and foods 3x a week. We had omega rich fish 3x a week (me and hubby), it normalises the hormones which affect ovulation so try that and omega 3 i read also healps with the stress hormones in levelling it out.
I'm sorry you're struggling!
I'm sorry you're struggling!
My DH also had a reversal done, and I remember being very worried about if it would work. Also, DH and I were newly married and had not scheduled his reversal yet we found out that BM had a surprise pregnancy from her BF. I was very upset about that too. I guess maybe I was upset about it because it's something I wanted so badly, and was afraid I wouldn't be able to have, and BM just gets it thrown in her lap without even trying.
In the end, DH's reversal was successful. The first couple months when I wasn't pregnant (even though I had convinced myself I would be) I was sooo upset, then the 3rd month when I had myself convinced i was NOT prenant, I was! and 4 years later, I don't give a crap that BM had a baby before me, it actually ended up giving skids a trial run on what to expect with a newborn baby around the house!
Also, I know my DH felt a lot of pressure and stress after his reversal, it's possible that your DH is just worried that he won't be able to give you want you want and that's why he doesn't seem as upset, he may be trying to avoid/ mask his worry that it's him.
Considering there wasn't sperm found until August, you are NOT very far out from there. Please try not to stress! It takes couples with no fertility issues, reversals, anything months to get pregnant sometimes! Just because it didn't happen the first few months, does not mean anything is wrong. Try to give it more time!
I know this is a hard time in between, waiting for it to be close enough to test, but try to just keep yourself busy and distract yourself. Just one step at a time
good luck!
Thanks KS. You totally
Thanks KS. You totally understand what I am feeling. There is also the added layer about BM being manipulative around the time DH had his vasectomy and the fact that she can't take care of the kids she has, so adding another would just be...stupid. Like, you've made DH's life difficult from your inability to adult, and you persuaded him into having a vasectomy by lying to him about your intentions, and NOW decide you want to be happy with more so you get away consequence-free?
All the things you mentioned are things I logically know. Just so hard to shake the feelings part. But thank you for "getting" it.
Just remind yourself that
Just remind yourself that getting pregnant really isn't easy even if you see undeserving people having kids all the time. I think its only like 33% probabilty on your most fertile day. Have you downloaded a fertility app? I used one to track when I was trying to avoid getting pregnant and it was helpful by giving me probablilty based on fertility percentages on each day.
It's probably a good thing your DH isnt as worked up as you are because stress isnt going to help. You need to protect your mindset by avoiding thinking of BM and her ability to have kids. Your fertility journey is suppose to be very different from her. Plus just know that your DH really loves you and wants to have a kid with you to have gone through a reversal surgery. Don't let thoughts of bm diminish that.
Thank you. My FitBit tracks
Thank you. My FitBit tracks my cycle and predicts ovulation based on that. I haven't started using OPKs or taking temps yet, and I think it might drive me more crazy if I did.
You're right, it is good that he isn't worked up. It would only make matters worse if he was.
I didn’t go to extremes, but
I didn’t go to extremes, but I used a fertility app and OPKs. Both easy. It gave me a sense of limited “control” and in the end both helped me get pregnant twice over 40.
I'm afraid that doing OPKs or
I'm afraid that doing OPKs or temping would just drive me more bonkers. I'm willing to do it if things don't happen by his next SA, but I'll need to get in a better headspace.
I can sort of relate. DH
I can sort of relate. DH never had a vasectomy, but we had trouble TTC. The whole time we were trying, I obsessed about the fact that DH and BM had TWO unplanned pregnancies - BM got pregnant without even trying. That annoyed the heck out of me, because I wanted a baby and it wasn't happening. BM had a new bf (now her husband) at the time and had she gotten pregnant I might have exploded. The issues were mine, but my doctor did test DH, because he said prior children were no guarantee of current fertility. I was a bit crazy about it; DH was much calmer. I figured that was because HE already had kids. Had I not been able to conceive, I fear I would have resented the skids at some point. Anyway, all that is to say that I think what you're feeling is totally normal and understandable. Patience was definitely lacking in me during that whole time. To be honest, I have no good advice.
Thank you. Just knowing other
Thank you. Just knowing other people get it and realize that it was their own thing to handle makes me feel better.
It took us awhile to get
It took us awhile to get pregnant with our first "ours" baby. Miscarried that one and took awhile to get pregnant again. Then we ended up having an unplanned one 5 months after the first was born and while I was fully breastfeeding and the odds were much lower. So dont give up yet, sometimes it really is just random chance whether it happens or not in a given month.
I get it though, I pretty much felt all the same stuff you said. Every month its like a separate loss after getting your hopes up. And you dont know for sure if/when it will happen and only have so much you can do about it so its rough. And BM having an accidental pregnancy made me feel like a failure when it took us awhile - I knew that wasn't rational but it's how it felt.
Thank you. I don't like
Thank you. I don't like feeling irrational because I know it's irrational. I'm no where close to giving up, but I do have to get to a point where I can calm down. I know part of my anxiety with this is due to work stress (that is letting up) and not having time to do things I want/need to do.
Please don’t compare yourself
Please don’t compare yourself to BM. Years from now, believe me, she will be a distant memory.
Could you try IUI. It is less costly then IVF and you could get his best swimmers. That or maybe fertility drugs.
If I were you I would be hoping she has kids, trust me it will make your life easier as she will then have her new child to attend to.
I totally get where you’re
I totally get where you’re coming from. DH didn’t have a vasectomy but we were both older when we started TTC & it took ages to finally get pregnant. DH has 2 accidental pregnancies as well which made it that much harder to take. It’s really hard not to compare experiences.. it’s such a personal thing & when you want something so badly that your spouse already has with someone else, comparing happens whether you mean to or not.
I miscarried our first ours baby as well which was horrible. It took about 6 months of trying after that to get pregnant again, and I finally have my baby.
Fertility struggles are hard. It’s not something anyone can understand if they’ve never experienced it, so ignore anyone who undermines what you’re going through or tries to minimize your experience. Being told to relax is like telling an angry person to calm down... it never helps.
I really hope it works for you Lt_D, you’d make such a great mother. I’m rooting for you big time.
Men don’t want sex to be a chore
my husband always said go with the flow, forget about dates and charting temperatures etc because its stressing you out.
It had been 4 months since we married and working around hubby flying regularly during ovulation time didn’t help. Often he’d come home from work on ovulation day and was too tired for sex.
i kid you not thr next month when i forgot about charting temp and dates, bam preggers... hubby said i told you so.
stress messes up your hormones and especially the hormones which regulate ovulation.
Something i read also is it takes 3 months for the sperm to regenerate if a guy has been on a shit diet so make sure he is getting protein and greens etc. coffee 30 mins before sex is something some believe help sperm have a little energy to swim
Coffee before sex, you say?
Coffee before sex, you say? That might help my energy level, too, lol.
I'm trying to calm down, and I'm getting there. I'm not good at "going with the flow", but I'm far better than I used to be. I think last week, between work and not being able to exercise and multiple weekends of crap going on, I was overwhelmed. I'm feeling more Zen today, and I'm realizing I need to stay this Zen going forward.
Yup some research indicates sperm will swim quicker...
lol my hubby used to say “just feel it” don’t worry about dates and ovulation day etc, just feel me.
lol i wanted to punch him in the face for saying that because we both wanted kids together raised in a united way which hubby couldn’t do with the ex.
I have to ask. Are you happy
I have to ask. Are you happy with your step family? Most people here are not. I'm not. And I honestly can't fathom adding an "ours" babyto the shit show that is my nontraditional family. Most of these marriages are ticking time bombs headed for divorce. Why add a baby to that? I mean I know they're cuddly and smell good. But do you feel like your marriage is headed for success? Are you happy that your skids are going to be part of your future?
Sorry if I'm overstepping here.
Yup alot of step families are massive
shitstorms.. shit behaviour, shit attitude, and as stepparents we are told to basically eat shit and smile happily...
if you wanna add an ours baby, then the major issues need to be addressed well and what happens once baby comes. Do you want a newborn and your husbands exwife purposely palms off her psycho kids on you at a moments notice or for as long as possible so you cannot possibly bond with your kid?
will skids invite themselves over or better yet exwife has to invite herself over when you’re in labor or right after you have given birth because she needed to be there with her kids just so that there is no attention on you and your kid.
The boys are good kids.
The boys are good kids. Trustworthy (mostly - YSS can't be trusted in regards to school work), respectful, and nice. If they were left here, it'd suck, but DH and I have been preparing for it since we got together. BM is flighty at best, but I also don't think she'd give up her meal tickets - I mean, kids - to be spiteful.
And God help BM if she shows up unannounced without an invite. If it's not me losing my sh*t on her, it would be DH. She knows better than to play games like that because DH can and will smack her down.
Thats great to hear because there are plenty of stepmums here
who don’t have husbands or partners like that. I mean i read one of skids in front if stepmum asking if they could be there in labor room or when baby was born and daddy said yes.
They completely ignored the fact they should all be asking stepmum. Its issues like this but if the boys are good then a good idea is getting them helping with chores so once baby comes they understand... hubby can tell them how intense it can be once a baby arrives but thats normal. These are all things you need to be on the same page about
Not overstepping as this is a
Not overstepping as this is a site where people come to ask for advice on step life.
My biggest problem in steplife is BM, not SKs. The boys are fine - at a bare minimimum, they are respectful and kind. Sometimes even loving. And they are older (17 and 13), and both have aspirations for the future. DH has made it abundantly clear what he expects of them.
BM is the problem. She is the eternal teenager, and DH is counting down the days he can stop dealing with her. He has been disengaging from her more and more as the boys get older. The issue I have had with him over the years has been with him giving her money that I don't think she deserves. But, it has never put us in the poor house; just more of an annoyance.
If my life were utter chaos from step life, I'd not stay. I've been divorced before, and DH well knows that I would do it again. So far, I haven't felt the need to truly run in the other direction screaming.