We started our weekend off with a "something wrong discussion" with munchkin SD13. Essentiall DH doesnt know anything at all, just what he is being fed. And wants me to stay out of it. I probably should really back out of it. Not my kid.
Then Toxic Troll reared her ugly head, and wanted DH to take munchkin on her day(s - Friday drop off and Saturday) to a friends sleepover and then do pickup. So essentially DH, who has called in sick 3/5 days this week, when we live the same distance from school, he is expected to pick up kiddo, and when that didnt happen, she picked her up herself and made a big deal about having to wait 3 hours because her side gig cleaning ended early. Then she wanted him to take kid to sleepover. He finally said ok, when she made a big deal about her "hot date weekend", and how she needed to get ready. The entitlement of this one is strong.
And then she detailed about this guy - how long she knew him, and how much he makes hauling garbage. And how he is going to take her to a beach resort town and spoil her. Just gag, does he care?
When he made a smart alecky comment, "you need to plan your dating life better" she asked him if he wanted to fight her about it. Just got ugly.
So, Dh "rolled over" and took munchkin to her sleepover himself, so Toxic Troll could gt prepared for her holiday weekend with Junky Monkee. And I picked her up after the party Saturday. Which was fine. We had a lot going on for Saturday.
I am just so frustrated that DH is just such a punching bag for Toxic Troll, and when she doesnt get exactly her way, unleashes on him. I hope her "holiday away" was miserable.
DH - in his infinite wisdome, tells munchkin about her mother unleashing on him. Hes frustrated that he has become this never ending whipping post. I know - its wrong of him to enmesh her in this at all, and we are looking towards the end of it, when munchkin turns 18 and graduates. Well, it will never end. But it will lessen.
He gets home after shuttle bussing and we have a very long conversation about the future. Saturay was going to be a big day.
- CLove's blog
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Not your kid are
Not your kid are the best thing she has to look up to. TT & FF not exactly role models.
Neither are working a job
Yes, not good role models!
Just need to work on me right now. I have no legal rights. Im a step aside, lol.