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Suffering as a stepmom

Kmh89's picture

Hi all, first post here. I’m at my wits end and just need insight from people who understand my position. Here’s some background on our situation. I met DH 8 years ago, I was a teacher at his kids preschool. He was already well into the divorce process. His ex started an emotional affair when their son (my SS) was 10 months old and their daughter (my SD) was 31 months. DH and I started dating and I met the kids just before moving in when they were 3 and 4.5. DH had full custody because ex moved to a different area an hour away, but she moved back to our area (temporarily) and he gave her half-custody, so to this day we do a week on and a week off. She has since moved 30 minutes away so the kids are in the car a lot on her weeks because they go to school in our district. 

When I first met the kids and for the first few years, I had fun playing house (hah, oh the naïveté). Yes there were definitely hard times, but it had mostly to do with catching these kids up as far as life skills. DH and I would fight about the kids, I wanting time for just my husband and I on vacations, house rules, etc. We would also fight about issues with his ex, she does parent the kids, no rules/structure/no teaching of life skills and how to be responsible. You know, as far as parenting my general philosophy is “to each their own,” but when it directly impacts me and my life I have to step up (hah, no pun intended) and try to do something. Therefore, I’m always in correction mode and I come off as really strict. My family “jokes” and calls me the General. I’ve tried to find balance and ignore a lot, but the things I am teaching them and telling them to do are things that I expect from anyone who lives in my household.

DH and I had a son in 2017; the light of my life, boys and their mamas am I right? Our son has a good relationship with his older siblings and I try to not intervene in their playing unless necessary. SS and SD act so victimized if I remind them of safe and fun play habits (no the baby can’t be given the fruit pouch top, it’s a choking hazard) and DH is no help. Our son is now 2.5 and I’m lucky enough to take a few years off from teaching to stay home with him. Unfortunately things have deteriorated with the stepkids. SS is now 10 and the “coolest” kid who has ALL the latest technology with no rules over at BioMoms. SD is 12 and is just a mess, doesn’t care anything about her appearance, walks slumped over, is a slob, mumbles, etc. Writing this, I hear how awful this may sound, but I just don’t understand a child who isn’t happy and perky. Again, naiveté on my part, I’m sure. She’s always been a tomboy, but has really stepped it up and BioMom has allowed this general appearance of not caring. BioMom also gave her a brand new iPhone for her birthday with zero rules and we found inappropriate stuff all over it recently, drugs, bad choices, etc. Had a talk with SD about expectations/safety and told BioMom. BioMom took away all technology for SD while at her house. DH allows it at our house because Santa brought her a new iPad, but he did give her rules (and by he, I mean I told him the rules to give her). 

I am very torn. I get that these kids are hurt and messed up because BioMom left them at a young and vulnerable age. I get that I “knew what I was getting into.” Blah blah blah. I guess I get DH guilt. Did I mention he does nothing to parent them? Any rules, explanations, structure, etc. comes directly from me. He resented his Dad for being strict and for “lectures.” Because parenting=strict, right? To top it off, DH gets bent out of shape because I’m “too hard on the kids” and they’re “afraid” of me. Example: this morning DS is making lunch, I remind them every morning to wipes the crumbs and lunchbox germs off the counter. He finishes making lunch and moves on to other things. I remind him to wipe off counter. I also remind him to wear a coat to school, because you know, it’s January. After taking SS to the bus, DH tells me I was “out for blood” this morning and SS was really upset. Seriously, his words. He always thinks the worst of me and like I’m out to get his kids. No, I’m just trying to raise two kids who live in my house half the time and I want to make it a pleasant home. 

I feel like I’m rambling, I appreciate anyone who’s bearing with me. I guess my main problem is this. I would love to just throw my hands up, limit interaction with SS and SD except for household things. I would love to let them be “who they are” aka what BioMom has created and continues to mold. SD is in middle school this year and has gotten in with a bad crowd and is making lifestyle choices that DH and I do not agree with. How am I supposed to manage this and have my own child? These children come into our home and live a lifestyle that I personally wouldn’t allow for my own kids. From their clothing, to their expectations for technology and what they should have to do or not (chores, household rules like push your chair in). I’m frustrated beyond words and get zero support from my husband. He either doesn’t care so he doesn’t support my parenting or he is checked out doing his own stuff and doesn’t “notice.” I would love to disengage, but I have my own son to worry about. I know how strong an older siblings’ influence is and I’m worried for the future. And he absolutely adores his older siblings. I realize the way I feel and possibly entire environment is toxic. Please help.

tog redux's picture

Do it, throw your hands up and disengage - not your circus, not your monkeys.

Focus on your own son - he's younger enough to be parented differently, and by the time he figures it out, the other two will be much older. If your DH thinks asking a kid to wipe the counter is acting "out for blood", he's won the right to do all parenting himself (which was his job in the first place). 

Kmh89's picture

I haven’t taken a look at any of the disengage forum posts, but how would I go about this? Does it mean ignore everything? I would find it torturous to ignore messes, leaving lights on, no bedtime, etc. My husband does not mind a messy house, doesn’t mind me or him cleaning up their dinner dishes. If I don’t say anything, nothing will get done. If my husband notices he’ll pout and say I’m being childish. I’ve halfway attempted this before. 

tog redux's picture

Well, it works however you want it to. You might still clean up messes because you can't stand it otherwise, but not do any cooking for them, or helping with homework or bedtime, or transporting them anywhere.  You might still cook for them if you are cooking for the family, but not do anything that is going out of your way just for them.  

Rags's picture

Keep it simple.  Set and enforce standards of behavior and performance for kids in your home. Regardless of kid biology.  Of course a 3yo will have different  standards than the elder two but... they must be established and enforced.  Inform DH that he does not like how you parent and discipline that he can step up and get it done before you have to but that the kids will be parented and disciplined whether they or he like it or not.  If he refuses to step up and parent make it clear that he can STFU and have your back until the two of you can discuss it in private.

This is of course a cycle that will adjust as kids grow up, couples learn how everything fits together, and the blended family environment firms up.  But IMHO it has to happen or kids have no structure in their growing up and they do not have a sound and quality example of parenting, discipline and a healthy adult relationship to model.


Kmh89's picture

Thank you! As far as standards, how do you go about reinforcing? Just constantly reminding or discipline? I feel like I often rely on discipline (ex I had to remind you three times to take out the trash so you’ve lost your tablet) and it just doesn’t work. Either they go to their other house for the week and forget about it or they just lose everything. It’s really hard when they and DH look at me like I’m “so mean.” 

tog redux's picture

Yeah, this route will backfire on you. The kids won't listen, DH will be on your back and eventually they will refuse to come over and DH will blame you.

First work on DH to step up with his own kids. 

Rags's picture

Invest in 50Gal trash bags. Anything they do not complete bag up and leave it in their room until they return. Then they can spend the entire visit doing what they should have done the last time them visited.

Ignoring the problems is always a problem but... problems they will remain with that model.

I am more of a confront it real time guy than an ignore it and explode kind of person.  And I am incapable of just letting it ride without being dealt with.  

As for their own stuff, if they are not keeping it orderly and clean, take those garbage bags to the curb on garbage day.  End of that stuff being a clutter/cleanliness problem.  When their personal effects are gone, they may gain some clarity.

ESMOD's picture

Your DH is a crap parent.  It sounds like his EX isn't much better.  They seem to belong to the "I want to be my kid's best friend" clique instead of the "I want my kids to be happy and successful in life and that means I need to be their PARENT first to teach them"  Honestly, Crap parenting from spouses is the number one problem that step-parents have.  It's not that the CHILDREN are a problem.. the children's attitude/behavior is a direct reflection of their PARENT's parenting.  Crap parenting.. often crap children.  And.. given the fact that the kids have been in his home much more than mom's?  He gets the grand prize for failure to parent.. hers is runner up.

So.. it sounds like he has been happy to take the path of least resistance and just half heartedly let you make input then he Half-A$$ed applies it.. but rarely follows up.  He wants them to be "happy" after all.. and real parenting isn't a straight line.. 

I think you need to revisit this dynamic with your husband.  

Honey, I know you think I am too hard on the kids sometimes and that you resented your upbringing because you felt it was too strict.  Don't you understand that I want the best for all the children?  When I remind them of rules or chores, I do it because I care about them.  I want them to grow up and have good standards for keeping their homes clean.. work hard.. not procrastinate.. wear their coats when it's cold.  I want them to be self sufficient.. I want them to be independent.  I want them to be safe.. I don't want online predators to get them to send pictures or worse.  Sometimes being the parent isn't popular in the moment.. that doesn't mean that I don't love them.. or that every interaction is negative.  I also give them praise for doing things well.. good grades.. etc.. I think kids need Praise.. AND Rules.. both will make them happier in the long run.

Kmh89's picture

Excellent advice, I appreciate it so much. Yes, I think my DH takes on the role of lazy parent. I grew up with a dad like that and it worked because he completely and happily deferred parenting issues to my mom, he was the back up. The problem with my DH is he puts me in charge and then doesn’t follow through or complains. 

Thank you for the suggested dialougue! I get worked up and it’s too hard to think and you worded it perfectly.

ESMOD's picture

I think historically that in families.. mothers were the front line disciplinarians and child raisers.. and dad's were the "don't you make me get your father involved" threat to kids.

But, even in those situations.. ususally the tone of parenting and rules were usually agreed upon by both parents.  It gets tough when you have two parenting styles.. and especially one who is inclined to want to be a buddy because they are afraid their child won't love them.

tog redux's picture

Yes, this is good advice - start the process by trying to talk to DH about doing his part in parenting HIS kids. 

Siemprematahari's picture

Outside of disengaging and leaving your marriage I don't see what other options you may have. Your H is checked out and doesn't choose to parent. Has he tried to even help himself like go to parenting classes, seek counseling, etc?

He leaves ALL the heavy lifting to you but when you discipline he doesn't like it and thinks you're "out for blood". He can't have it both ways. Either he steps up and efficiently parent his kids with consequences or he shuts up and allows you to do it.

Your son will be influenced by his siblings behavior and your H is also modeling poor behavior to your child as well. In fact your son is being subjected to a whole mess of dysfunction. So really reconsider you and your son in all this, and if it's worth sacrificing over H's ill mannered kids and his tendency to bury his head in the sand and not parent. 

Willow2010's picture

it had mostly to do with catching these kids up as far as life skills.

DH and I would fight about the kids

 I’m always in correction mode and I come off as really strict. My family “jokes” and calls me the General.

 but the things I am teaching them and telling them to do are things that I expect from anyone who lives in my household.

 I just don’t understand a child who isn’t happy and perky.

 Any rules, explanations, structure, etc. comes directly from me.

 DH gets bent out of shape because I’m “too hard on the kids” and they’re “afraid” of me.


 So I just plucked these few from your post.  This screams "control freak". No disrespect as I am a giant control freak too.  lol.

Let DH parent his kids.  You be the friendly Aunt.  You are not responsible for how they turn out, nor to clean up after them, or make sure they are good students ect.      

If they make a mess...tell DH to take care of it.  He can either clean it or he can make HIS kids clean it up.  If they leave without a coat, let them.  

Being the "general" in your home life has to be exhausting.  Let DH parent his kids.