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Called DH’s bluff

No Name's picture

DH again says you should go to the dinner with me and support me.

I said when the skids begin to treat me with respect and are not rude to me then I will go.  I said besides they do not invite me.  
I asked if they included me in the invite knowing that they did not.

DH says he will call and ask if he can bring me.  I said OK, make the call.  DH says I will.  I said call now so I can hear.  Then he says well dinner is at 5:00 knowing that I work until 5 and SD is 2 hours away.

I am sick of doing this dance.



thinkthrice's picture

that is all.

NEM's picture

If my husband said he'd have to call to see if I could go I'd tell him to shove it & go alone it should be automatic that your there & he should accept nothing less. Do what's right for you as he only wants you to do what works for you. Goodluck

TwelveLongYrs79's picture

Then as he's gone...pack up your things and leave. Stop dancing and start walking out that door! 

shamds's picture

Demanding hubby take him on holiday with his sisters during our 4th wedding anniversary which he would know since he was at our wedding. 

Hubby wanted me to book a trip and hotel anywhere and i told him to go to hell and i was booking a trip for me and my 2 toddlers to Australia to destress courtesy of his credit card.

i told hubby specifically that in no way did his kids want us on a holiday and had the nerve to demand this during our wedding anniversary despite them refusing to maintain a relationship with hubby, they just want to profit from a free trip and are so unreliable.

they cancel at the lasts minute and do not care or understand that you would lose your airfares and hotel bookings and do not get a refund

Kes's picture

He said he had to "call and ask if he can bring you"???????   FFS, that is such bullshit.  It is unacceptable a) that the dinner is not held at a time when you can attend if you want, and b) that you do not have an automatic invitation.  Your DH is a knob head. 

Justthesecondwife's picture

What is with these "DH's" that don't know that a married couple are a social unit. Just like any other marriages. It's one thing for your DH to have a one on one catch up with a skid but to have a group dinner and need to ask if his WIFE is invited shows social ignorance and a lack of respect for your marriage.

Are you skids in relationships, and if so are their partners invited? It sounds like your skids are adults. Wouldn't it be nice if you and DH invited them out to dinner but specifically ordered their partners/spouses/grandkids were not invited. I wonder how they would feel about that. SMH.

No Name's picture

BM hates me.  I guess the skids feel that they must support BM.  I came along years after they split.  I don't know what her problem is but whatever.  It seems that the skids after all of these years want BM and DH together.  I don't know where BM's DH fits in to all of this.  Maybe I am just a target.  I am not sure that they want or believe that they will get their parents back together but I do feel that they would like nothing better than for us to get divorced because then they could 100 percent manipulate DH.

Justthesecondwife's picture

BM's tend to get very jealous when they see their ex happy with someone else. I've had that issue throughout my entire relationship with my DH. BM just an't handle that DH doesn't want her and isn't pining away for her. These sorts of BM's imply or outright brainwash the skids that the only thing stopping them and BD getting back together and being a "happy family" is the SM, so they make life difficult in the hope you will divorce. 

I don't believe it's personal, your DH could be married to anyone else and the skids would stillact the same. Their, and BM's selfish wants and narcissism will always trump their care for your DH being happy.

Ispofacto's picture

It's time for you to find a handsome latino tennis instructor to spend your time with.