Forcing me to live with a stepson
Hello everyone,
I wanted to share the latest updates on my marriage to be and how my fiancé and I ended up arguing over the fact that his 17 years old son must be living with us in the event we get married. Well, it is going to be a nightmare for me as a newlywed to live with his son as he is already disrespectful to his dad and to me. Last night when we discussed this matter, I conveyed my wish that I am not going to be comfortable with that set- up as I need my privacy and my peace in order for this relationship to survive. His son the youngest lives for the most of the week with his mother and only lives with his dad 3 days out of the week. Now the offer is accept having his son 2 nights with us. I have a son too who is 14 but he is never rude to anyone minding his own business. Anyway, I believe I reached the end of this relationship as I cannot be forced to accept having his soon to be 18 in March living with me. My fiancé is manipulated by his yougest son and I am afraid that this manipulation would ruin my marriage. I don't seem to compromise on my peace as I know that it will be a living hell for me.
So my fiancé made an ultimatum for me either to accept his son or no marriage; and my answer to that was NO. Why is forcing me to accept that knowing from before that there is no harmony between me and all his sons especially the youngest. In all honesty, I said No to the offer, and broke down in tears and felt like it was the end. Then when I came back to my senses I thought that if my fiancé is so adamant about forcing me to accept his son living with us, then it is better not to marry him and move in to a hell life. Since I own my own place and have my son who is loving why would I comprise on my peace. If there is no peace in any relationship then we all know what that leads to; it leads to the end.
I believe it is my right to have a home without anyone of his sons living with us.
Thank you for reading and for any word of advice.
stand your ground!
You are smart - good for you. Two things wrong with him: 1) giving you an ultimatum rather than listening to how you feel about it and discussing it like an adult and 2) his attitude that clearly puts his future wife behind his almost grown and very unpleasant kids. Painful to break off an engagement but better than years of misery and eventually divorce. You are doing the right thing - hang in there!
You are smart AND syrong!!!!!
You are smart AND strong!!!!! Do not marry this man.. Go to your place and let him be happy living with his children.. I would tell him we could still date.. But if that is the level he wants, you can continue dating! I am in a similar position.. Worse, we have a lil one together, but I gave him his ring back!!!!!! Not marrying a man who chooses his grown kid's wants over my needs!!!!!
I am in your exact situation!
I am in your exact situation!!!!!!! I am stressed, stressed, frustrated over a decision that may end my relationship as well!!!!! My fiancee lost his home ( baby mom drama)... I bought a 2nd home and moved in together with our 3 year old. (I had moved in with him, in his home from pregnancy.) I have the resources to do so as I didn't want to move back to my 1st home with my 24 year old daughter.... Bought the home in 2017 did some remodeling and moved in.... Come May 2018 his 15 year okd daughter from Cali comes to visit for the summer..... She NEVER WENT BACK TO HER MOTHERS!!! I was upset, I was not consulted, it was just assumed that I would be okay......... The 15 now 18 year old loves it here as her 1/2 sister comes here ever other werk (50/50 custody)..... Making tbis short, the mother did not pay child support for the first 1 year and 7 months!!!!!!!! I want the 18 gone!! I bought her flight ticket haven't given it to anyone... My fiancee and I have argued, he wants her with us!!!! Oh he lost his job in Dec 2020..... I was willing to compromise, but this whole situation has caused me a lot of stress!!! What about my 3 year old?? Shouldn't he be the priority and not thec18 year old who knows I don't want her here and doesn'y want to leave!!! I need advice!! This month will be difficult....... I DONT WANT HER HERE..... I WANT MY PRIVACY....SHE HAS BEEN WITH HER MOTHER IN CALI HER ENTIRE LIFE UNTIL NOW.....
End it and limit the baby's time with this shit puddle end of
End it and limit the baby's time with this shit puddle end of the gene pool.
See how daddy likes 15+ years of a shit pile of CS and a CO hanging around his neck.
Do not ruin your life or yoru toddler's life for this ball-less wonder of a failed man, failed father, and failed partner.
Buh-by guy. Don't forget to account for direct payrole deduction of CS.
Take care of you.
Nope, prior breeder mates do not get to unilaterally pollute
Nope, prior breeder mates do not get to unilaterally pollute the new home and life of the new mate with the presence of their failed family progeny. Particularly SKidults. Time for Cali-SKid 18 to GTF out. If daddy balks at this, he can go with her. This is a discussion not a STFU and tolerate his failed family baggage thing. He did not ask, you don't have to ask him to evict her ass. Re-key the locks and put her shit on the curb.
Being cautious, and smart
Being cautious, and smart enough to not let yourself get manipulated will save you a lifetime of heartache.
Its possible the nearly 18 year old could be there for a few more years yet (if they act like ‘best buddies’ you could probably add a few more years on that).
It’s difficult for young people to move out, but equally some parents don’t give kids motivation to move out.
I have lived with a manipulator, and these things can escalate to manipulation in other areas, and a lack of kindness and empathy can also accompany this (they can be very good at faking stuff in the beginning).
Be careful is my main piece of advice.
I would pause the marriage
I would pause the marriage for now.
You are not disagreeing about colors of bathroom towels.
Don't put the cart before the horse. You will be unhappy I believe.
Pause the marriage
your advice is appreciated about pausing the marriage, however, I was thinking to cancel the whole thing. I love him and I thought he loved me but I see no hope in him honoring my wish for having peaceful marriage.
Cancel is best decision you
Cancel is best decision you have made!
Good for you! Also, this
Good for you! Also, this would be a non-issue if SS was planning to be a productive member of society at 17/18. Is he applying for jobs? Persuing higher education? Looking for roomates/places to rent? If the answer is no... you are dodging a MAJOR bullet.
The right decision
You have made the right decision so just stick to it - he tried to force you to have his almost adult son live with you on pain of not marrying you - fine - don't marry him! Any man who would try and force a thing on his reluctant fiance is not worth marrying in my view.
I am in a similar position.
I am in a similar position. Had a baby with my bf and we were engaged!!! Long story short, I gave him his ring back!!! He is great, I love him.. BUT, his 15 yr old came to spend the summer with us in 2018 and NEVER left!!!!! I was not happy, I was never consulted or asked! The kid "wanted" to stay and he said he couldn't say NO... After I got over it, I felt bad.... The 15 yr old also has other step siblings and family here.... She grew up with mother in a different state!!!! So I just let it go!!!! Know she is 18, graduating in June and I want her out!!!!! NOTHING PERSONAL... Oh, I purchased my 2nd home to be with him and our kid... Not to move in his 15 now 18 yr old here!!!!!! She knows, I don't want her here!!!! Ugh, her mom knows I don't want her here, but her dad does!!!
Let me get this straight. You
Let me get this straight. You have a right to have a home with none of his sons living with you. Does he have that same right to have a home without your son living with him?
IMHO you would have been better to have informed your FDH that no kids would live in your marital home including yours, if you had any intent of having a marriage between equity partners. Or... you would recognize that kids are a part of a marriage regardless of the biology of that kid. Yes, behavioral standards apply. But informing your partner that his children have no place in his marital home should be the end of that relationship before it even starts. All else remaining equal.
While I understand that his youngest will be 18 before too long, your ultimatum would have me take an even more severe stance than what your BF has taken. I would not have given you the ultimatum of my kid living with us or there would be no marriage. I would have told you that I would not continue in any relationship with you at all. It is probably best all around to just move on. If Skids are a deal breaker for you as far as a future marriage is concerne, then you know hte pool of candidates to focus on. Men with no kids who don't mind that you have one.
Quality marriages are not built on ultimatums. Quality marriages are built on foundations of mutual respect. Quality blended marriages have the additional corner stone of the partners establishing and enforcing the standards of behavior and performance that children will adhere to within the blended family and home that are made by the partners.
Or, wait to get married until after the 18yo graduates from HS and launches. Even if he goes to University his dad will in all likelihood want his son to spend school breaks at home which would have this kid living with you intermittently for potentially years. You would be better served to discuss the behavioral issues that you have regarding his son and how to work with your FDH to address those behaviors within the context of the relationship.
Good luck.
Foundation of respect
what if I told you that he hit me for the sake of his son severely. What if I told that I still love him despite all of that, and still ready to forgive him?
It is easy to you to write full sentences than living in reality. As a new future wife I deserve new life and new beginnings. My son never showed any disrespectful manner toward anyone of the two of us and besides I am the custodial parent of my son so he resides with me permanently whereas the fiancé's step son lives 2 days only per week but has an awful attitude to distruct any home and may peace.
The problem is not marrying men with kids but rather the problem is marrying weak men with rude sons.
setting boundaries was something never existed with his youngest son and the son gets to rule and dictate how the father lives his life.
And yes it is my right to have peaceful life and peaceful relationship or else No need to.
If this guy did these things
If this guy did these things to you I would ask why you didn't just shoot him, or call the police on him and I would ask what you are still doing with him?
Yes, you have a right to the things you have named. Though not if you are not willing to take the actions to make them happen.
Toxic is a choice. Quit choosing toxic. Make better choices or you will never have what you wish for. Find a decent man rather than a violent POS, hold yourself to the standard you demand from your parnter. Parents who drive SKids away while forcing their spouse to engage with children they are not related to are manipulative and toxic. Even if they are abuse victims.
In this case, IMHO, there is no one to blame but yourself.
IMHO of course.
I understand how hard it is to act when emursed in a toxic relationship. My first marriage was toxic. My XW was an serially adulterous whore. I was all in on the marriage and did not "believe" in divorce. It was not until she played the D card that I gained clarity. Once she moved out it was became clear that she had been whoring around for the entire marriage. I am greatful that she was devoid of character to the point that whoring and leaving for her geriatric Fortune 500 executive sugar/baby daddy was her choice. With that choice she freed me. Once the depth of her cavern crotch became clear, I could not not immagine ever again going where countless other men had been as early as any given day of our 18mo dating/engagment period and 30mos of marriage.
Once she left she had any number of ideas about us dating, being lovers, etc, etc, etc.... I was the the not only no but hell no point by then.
I have been blessed with nearly 26 years of marriage to an amazing woman of impeccable character and quality. She had a child at 16 with a serial statutory rapist. That was a one time mistake. Since then she has performed amazingly well in life.
My XW had every advantage and failed miserably at life.
Do yourself a favor and purge the toxic. Own your history of being at least an equal participant in the failure. Don't do those things ever again.
Violence is a deal breaker, abuse only escalates... He did u a favor giving you an ultimatum... Wish mine had as I did not know about the emotional incest before I married him. I wouldn't have married him if I knew. It is hell. Save yourself! Yes you love him but you will love again!!
Mine has 23 yo triplets who failed to launch. One lives with us. He actually discourages her from moving out
Its strange as my SS lived
Its strange as my SS lived with us for a solid month and he got in to a routine and adapted to our rules and how no meant no, we all lost weight, kid improved at school, improved attitude, improved general behaviour it was bliss but hard work. We even seemed to develop a better relationship. He couldnt wait to go back to his mums for the easy life though and when he did all the hard work we did was undone within a week and our relationship has just gone! Maybe ask for a trial before you both make a decision ur partner may not think its all crackedup to be or you may get lucky
Maybe because you both have
Maybe because you both have discipline. Thats why your story is different. Most of the time one in couple doesnt have discipline or raising skills at all and its becoming harder. For example you like clean home and you will never gonna let for kid to pain on walls. And maybe your husband doesnt care because he is not the one who is cleaning and letting for kid to do whatever kid wants...
Mmm.. I would say thats the
Mmm.. I would say thats the end. I am in similar situation. Just kid is small and kid is not moving in ( my bf expects that when kid will grow up he will want to move to us ( I am against that by the way)). All I see from topics here that men literally making crappy decisions in their lifes ( sorry...)you can not push away your wife or can not push away your kid. In order to make everyone happy kid suppose to live where he is living now and visit you guys as often as possible and spend time with dad. Thats it. In general that kid is already 17 years old......
Hope you followed thru
Hope you followed thru and did not marry your fiance
I've been in my marriage to my DW for 18 years now and SS is now 28. He's with us now and I'm trying to get him to get a place of his own. It's not good over here. Hope you made the right decision.
You made the right choice!
Girl, you are amazing! I only wish that I had known what I was getting myself into and I would have done exactly what you're doing had I been wiser. I have been a step-mom for ten years to three skids. I thought I would have some reprieve when the skids all turned into adults. Nope! My husband moved his adult son into our house full-time. He works less than 20 hours a week (and only has a job because I threw a fit that he wasn't working). He lounges in his bathrobe (yes a literal bathrobe) all day long and doesn't leave the house, he has no friends and no hobbies, he makes food for hours in my kitchen - MULTIPLE times a day every day, he hijacks our only bathroom, he leaves his clothes in both the washer and dryer all day when going to work, he sits around all day and plays videogames, he talks back to his dad any time he is "confronted" (and of course my husband says nothing about it). He is a nightmare of a human being. I fight constantly with my husband and am on the verge of a divorce because of this situation. Of course, my husband defends his precious prince and roars at me every step of the way. My husband treats his adult son like a king (daddy guilt - barf) and me like a villain for not wanting him to live in our home the way he does. I have never been more miserable in my life. There is no escape. Had I known my life would be this awful with his skids, with no protection, I would have never married him. Girl, you dodged a BULLET. Be proud of yourself. No man is worth coming second to his skids. Ever. You will find better. YOU MADE THE RIGHT CHOICE!
I just realized...
I just realized your initial post was from several years ago! I am fairly new to this forum and didn't think to check your post date before writing, haha! Anyway, I wish all the best to you and hope you found love and happiness!