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Step parenting making you want your own?

Rouge20's picture

Hi all,

I realize with some of the Skids on here, many of you may scream "NO!!" to this, haha.

Before meeting my SO I wasn't interested in having kids. I wasn't actively against it, but it wasn't something I was preoccupied with, and that I could honestly take or leave. Now, I want one of my own like crazy! I've been thinking about this a lot, and I think what really happened is it gave me a taste of what parenting would be like and made me realize that a) I enjoy it, and b) I feel like I'd really be good at it. I do believe if my partner hadn't had his daughter, I would still be disinterested in kids. Has anyone else experienced this? Like, I want to do it with my own kid, with my partner, and actually be able to do it all. If SD was a demon, probably not, but she's a good kid who likes spending time with me and vice versa.



BethAnne's picture

I think I'm the oposite. Having a sd put me off having kids for years. And she isn't a deamon either, pretty good kid really, but still a kid. I used to think I wanted a family of my own, but then dealing with step stuff and the reality of a kid in my house made me realize that having kids is not all cute/fun times like it is when I hang out with my nephews and that I enjoy getting regular time to be an adult.  

My husband and I went back on forth on having our own kids for years. Even contemplating adopting older kids so we could skip the baby years. Finally last year we decided to start trying, I'm pregnant now and tbh still not entirely sold on the idea of selling the next 18 years of  my life away to raise a child. I think if I wasn't a step parent I might be able to be more excited becuase I would be focused on the exciting stuff and not the mundane parts of parenting that I know is 95% of the reality. I also woudn't already know where my husband's (and my) short commings in parenting are. I know that it will be up to me to pick up the slack in his weak areas and that I will have to work to overcome my short commings or accept them. Sometimes ignorance is best. 

JRI's picture

I know you will be an excellent parent, I can tell from your thoughtful, mature posts.  Good luck!

Picardy III's picture

I was pregnant very soon after marrying DH, so didn't really have time for SKs to influence my desire to have or not have my own.

But I'd be careful not to think of a SK as a trial run for a BK full experience. All kids are such unique and unpredictable people.

Rouge20's picture

I agree with not using it like a trial run. I think it's more that it gave me the opportunity to use my "nurturing" abilities that I hadn't before, and it let me see that I like it and want to do more.

ndc's picture

I always figured I would have my own kids, but a few years with the skids showed me I could do the parenting thing pretty well.  They're pretty good kids, although I'm tougher on them than either of their parents (and they don't mind, but they're still far from the teenage years).  After spending a lot of time and effort on kids over whom I didn't have as much say as my efforts would indicate, I was anxious to have a child of my own whom I could parent as *I* chose.

Rouge20's picture

I think that's the feeling exctly, it's like "I want to be able to parent like X, but can't" combined with "I like this and want to do it more, with actual authority'

AshMar654's picture

I never wanted kids growing up and never in my 20's. Until I met DH and DS (was SS) I never wanted kids. If I had accidently gotten pregnant as I was older I probably would have had the kid as I was financially able to. Honestly never ever wanted to children.

That all changed 4 years ago when I met DS (at the time 7). I knew pretty much righ away that he would be my kid at some point and I would marry DH. Not saying we have not had ups and downs. Being around him also triggered me wanting to have a child that I could experience from the very begging. He made me realize that I wanted to experience the firsts, and be called mama and to more myself in a child. I still get first with my DS11 and he calls me mom and I am legally his mother.

I get where you are coming from and I think for some people it is totally normal. It happened to me. Trust me my entire family and all my friends were truly shocked when I married a man and became a SM. I think they all almost fell over when I said we were trying for another kid and when it happend oh man did I get the comments. They are all super supportive and happy for me.

Rouge20's picture

My friends and family have given me the same shocked response hahaha. I think they'll believe it when they see it, but it sounds like a very similar feeling to what you've described. I'm happy that SO has SS, I think it clued me in. 

justmakingthebest's picture

We both had kids going into our marriage. I was 35 and he was 37. My tubes had been tied after I had my daughter. After seeing him as a father though... I spent a good deal of time "wishing" that we could have a child together. He would just be a wonderful partner to fully raise a child with and based on baby pics and my own biased opinion of my bio children - we would have made some good lookin' people! LOL

strugglingSM's picture

I sort of felt the same way - if I had kids, great, if not, I would be fine. What moved me into the having my own category as a SM was that I was already tied to the parenting lifestyle as a SM, so I might as well have one that I actually enjoyed having around and who I could feel more invested in. 

Picardy III's picture

Yeah. I hate to say it, because it makes her sound like a tool to glue a stepfamily together rather than a member in her own right - but if I didn't have my toddler DD, I'd feel lonely in a stepfamily. Supported, included - but still an outsider.

thiscantbenormal's picture

I felt like I wasn't relevant in DH's family since I didn't have a child to bind with them. Now that I have one, im perfectly content to cut them out of my life.

thiscantbenormal's picture

The desire to have a child hit me before the stepkids but I mourned I may remain childless due to circumstances and self doubt that depression would keep me from being a functional mother.  Then came the steps, if their twit of a mom can keep them alive then I could pull this off too.  And I found it unfair that irresponsible dipsh*ts were allowed to have children by the dozen so why was I denying myself one.

thiscantbenormal's picture

I'll not fond of other peoples kids. I dont know what to do with them or how to talk to them.  

I feared having a boy b/c SS is awful and I see alot of these mothers doing a horrid job raising boys to be their back pocket companion.