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Every other weekend sh*t show

Luckymel43's picture

So my SO takes off every other weekend to chase down his 3 daughters. All 3 are immature brats and about as dumb as their mother. After being together for 12 years and his kids are now 21,17,12 I keep thinking I'm on the home stretch and they will piss off soon. Please can anyone tell me...does this ever get better.?Or should I run like hell? They got the best 20 years of my life but they are not getting the last in 20!


JRI's picture

I dont know whether you should stay or run.  Im 75 and have stayed.  But here's what is to come: graduations, weddings, showers, babies, divorces, move backs, babysitting, grandkids going thru the same things, great-grandkids.

For me, it was about 15 years of kid hell with all 5 of them (2bios, 3 SKs) eventually moving out.  We have had 30 years of just us, it has been great!  So take the long view.  Is it worth it to eventually have those days with your DH later?  Thats the basic question.  Good luck, Lucky.

tog redux's picture

Even if they are as dumb as their mother, your DH's parenting must contribute to the mix.  My SS20 is a carbon copy of BM, and I haven't laid eyes on him or spoken to him in about 7 months.  DH talks to him here and there, but he hasn't been to our house.  DH has no use for his lazy, failure to launch ways and doesn't enable it or make our home a place that SS wants to hang out in.

But if after 12 years, your DH hasn't changed his parenting, then he probably won't.

Harry's picture

With her father and SM. Instead with her BF. Tells you everything. It's never going to get better, except the SD and her BF will be living with you 

SeeYouNever's picture

It doesn't end. They keep playing games and them they get married and have (and withhold) their kids and the games continue forever.

SteppedOff's picture

This is absolutely it. If dear ol' dad finds his pair and sets boundaries the real games begin. Grandchildren are used and withheld, when that doesn't work they drag other family members in. Total noxious madness, 

It is painful and heartbreaking to watch.

I'm sorry you are going through this.