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Losing my Mind

SLO Mama's picture

First post, dying for a solution....

I am at my wits end. I have lost the abiity to maintain my compsure and anger has taken over. There is SO MUCH to type about what has gotten me to this point, but I'm going to try to break it down in a shorter conext and ask for HELP.

My partner and I have bee together just over a year, completly committed and I have NO DESIRE to leave the relationship or break up the family and life we are buiding. She just got legal and finalized custody of her daughter after years of fighting. I offered for the two of them to move in with me last year, as they were currently living on the same property as the BD (who were all living there b/c of his drug addiction and trying to keep child safe, not a chosen situation but a crucial needed situation). She was having trouble fighting for custody when he would control everything going on b/c the child fears him and didn't know how to tell him no. So the two of them BM and SD moved in with me in my tiny two-bedroom apartment. Cusody was finally won, everyone is in a better place and SD is safe finally with a stable living environment, rules, chores, boundaries, etc. EXCEPT... I am losing my mind because my entire life is now different and I am NEVER alone.

I am home with the child every single day. Her mom works outside of the home, so she gets to consistently go out, talk to other adults, have a little bit of a life outside of the child, some private time while driving to and from work... you get the picture. I stopped working outside of the home when the pandemic hits because of my immune system. I've worked remotely from home for awhile, to not only keep myself safe but to also be home so SD could continue school and we wouldn't have to send her outside of the home to attend classes on zoom. So it's literally me and her pretty much all day, all week long. Her mom comes home from work and is here for only about 4 hours before bedtime, then gets up and leaves again. Luckily, she is usually here for a three day weekend which is my saving grace. But even then, it feels like our entire lives our run by my SD.

I have ZERO privacy... working on the computer, I am hovered over and asked what I am doing. She asks to use my laptop, my iPad, will randomly go into my bedroom and lay on the bed when she has her own room! I had to set the boundary that she cannot go into our room when we are not in there and not unless she asks. She has an ENTIRE room to herself, which I gave nearly ALL of the furniture in there to her, but its still not enough. She wants to come out and take the tv (my tv, sprawl across he couch (my couch), she refuses to mind her own business and constantly talks to us as if we are her equals and not her parents. I want her to be comfortable talking to us, to me... but I should not have to fill her in when I am looking at healtchcare insurance or she asks if I am looking for a job. She's TEN, how is that even something she is asking right now?! We tell her to go to bed, ans she demands we also go to bed since she has to. She gets everything she wants no matter what and it drives me crazy. Asks to go to the park nearly every day and I feel bad because I don't want to. So I say no, I become the bad guy, and even though my partner clearly doesn't want to either... she does it anyways. This kid literally has no understanding that we don't always get to do what we want just because we want to do it. I bend over backwards for this kid daily, and I feel like I have literaly NO life because my existsence has bcome about hers. I am tired and I amm angry. I don't know how to talk about it with my partner. She has the concept that this is what parenting is... but I refuse to believe that. She is completely fine with having no private life, I am not. I can't even have a conversation with a trusted friend because I have no space to openly discuss my frustrations because either my SD or my SO are always here. SO that's part of why I have resorted to this. I need to find an outlet, I need to know and talk to people that are going throuh the same frustrations as me. I am trusted with the process of being someones guardian, but I am treated like I don't need anything fro myself. Because I love a child and agreed to be a family does not mean my own needs got turned off.

If I am lucky, I get ONE night alone with my partner where the kid goes to her grandparents house... but it ends too quickly. I just want to not be a parent for an entire weeked. I want to have actual sex with my partner, not plan on how we are going to squeeze it in because it' a special occassion but we have to be quiet because the kid has the ability to literally walk in whenever she wants. I AM SO TIRED AND I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO ANYMORE. I want to runaway and I want to cry and I want to break shit, but I also don't want to be feeling all of these things I am feeling and I want to be the best I can be for my family. I really wanted to have my own baby one day, but this is truly testing my belief on whether or not I actually have it in me to be a parent. I have 8 more years until she is 18.... do I really want a newborn and to be feeling chaotic and manic for an addition 18+ on top of that?! Please send help, any advise or understanding would be greatly appreciated.


Aunt Agatha's picture

How convient for your SO that you are raising her kid while she's at work.

For your own sanity, I suggest you disengage and send the kid to zoom school or wherever is appropriate. You are also working during the day and are not this child's parent.

I also suggest the book Stepmonster if you've not read it.  Although it's from a hetero perspective all the principles apply to any step parent relationship.

SLO Mama's picture

Definitely going to check that book out, thank you for the recommendation. In her defense, I openly and gladly offered myself up to the role of her guardian during my SO's work hours. So I straight up walked into this situation thinking it would make things easier for everyone since I needed to find a work from home gig any ways. I just had no idea I would end up feeling the way I feel about it all. She has other places to go, but it made more sense for her to be here if I was also home. Luckily, she will be slowly going back to in person learning next week and I am hopeful that it will turn into full time in person in the short term future. I am also looking for a part time job out of the house, which my SO is on board with so I can feel like I have a life outside of this house. Hopefully things will start getting a little easier on that front, but you're totally right. I just had no idea what I was signing up for when I offered my time and attention.

Survivingstephell's picture

Your partner should be saving to get a bigger place. Sounds like she works enough.  I'm going to hazard a guess that after all the drama from her ex that she feels free and is running with it because you let her.  What kind of relationship do you have if you can't discuss the child?  Girls get worse as they hit puberty and if she rules now she will only get worse.  I suggest a family meeting with rules , boundaries and consequences spelled out for her.  If your GF balks at that (it's called parenting) then you need to ask yourself if you want to stay with her, being used and relegated to bottom of the list her.  If she refuses to put the adults at the top then this will never work.     

SLO Mama's picture

The one plus side is that I don't feel like I am at the bottom of her list, I think I just wasn't letting her know how I was feeling so she had no idea what my problems were. She actively is trying to make it where each of us gets a turn at what we want to do over the weekend so we can begin to feel like we aren't just doing what her kid wants to do and I think that's pretty awesome. We are also saving up to get a bigger place as where we are now was meant for a small family, but it was so small that it fit perfectly for a single adult. It's pretty cramped with two adults, a child, and two cats. But we are working on it and staying here in the meantime since it allows us to save up finances. I didn't realize how open she was to everything I was feeling until I finally talked to her about it. So I am happy to say that there has already been some small changes implemented and it seems we are both going to work on giving each other feedback in regards to setting more personal boundaries in regards to parenting her kid. It's a small start, but it's the most improvement I have asked for in a long time.

GrudgingSM's picture

I understand that all situations need an adjustment period, and I understand why you made this choice given the way they were living, and I understand that Covid comes with additional pressures.


 you will need to find a way to talk to your partner about this somehow. You don't have to roll out everything at once and verbally vomit all of this to her exactly, but you do need to pick at least one thing to address right away to get some relief. Perhaps it's the bedroom issue and getting definite time. Lock the freaking door! Have the sex! But you shouldn't feel like an afterthought.

You also need to address how you need your own time. Honestly, if it were me, I would have one night a week, where I went through A drive-through got some fries, and sat somewhere where there was just a nice view and stared into the middle distance, just to be someplace quiet and alone. That's not ideal! Preferably they would be friends and hobbies and other stuff, but there has to be one sacred unite, where you get to get away from these responsibilities, which are not yours.

but pick one concrete thing. like saying no to a 10-year-old who insist you go to bed at the same time. Like asking for a night that's truly for yourself. Like ask him to schedule a more regular date night.  And after a few weeks, ask for another small thing. Keep working towards a balance which feels livable to you. But if you can't talk to your partner, this isn't gonna work anyway. Even when heard immunity is achieved, you'll still have to talk to your partner about privacy and alone time and boundaries for children.

oh and also look at things like free summer camps, or reduced price summer camps through a city. If the BD isn't contributing I imagine money might be tight, but by middle of summer any adult who wants one should be vaccinated, and they should be working on teams as well. With masks and social distancing it should probably be safe, and you really need to break

SLO Mama's picture

These was all really great feedback, thank you. I can't even tell you how good it sounds to get a big ass bag of French fries and sit in my car alone haha. That's definitely something I am going to give a try. We finally talked and some small improvements have already been seen. I think my biggest thing was that I was fearful of talking because I didn't want it to come across like I was not wanting her kid around. Because I do, just not every single minute of my day to day to day to day. So she has asked me to be open and honest and ask for alone time when I need it or ask if SD can have a sleepover at her grandparents place. I feel like I have a grasp on getting those moments, I just need to remember and feel confident when asking for it.

Wicked stepmo.'s picture

Your feelings are understandable. Everyone needs time to themselves. Maybe if you talk with your partner about how you feel. 

Explain that you don't get adult time and it's something you need for your mental health and for your relationship.  Ask her to brainstorm with you things you two can change to make that happen. 

I always make time for myself, it's important.  DS is with his father, why should I have to stay home because YSD is here. I don't and am not going to. If SO doesn't want to make plans for her to go somewhere so he can come with me that's his choice. But I am going snowshoeing and enjoying nature with a friend and having adult time. 


Harry's picture

I may be really off base.  But it seams like bio parents really put there relationship with there kid over there SO. 
bio parents are happy with being with kid all the time.  They rather go out with the kid then there SO.  

The bio parent throws crumbs to the SO,  a date night, sex at times,  But push comes to shove,  if the kid could support them SO is out the door 

SLO Mama's picture

Thank you so much for all of your feedback! I didn't get any emails telling me there were responses, so I was thinking my rant was never looked at, until I logged on to check it out and saw all of these. I really appreciate the bluntness that a lot of you provided, I realize that there is no hope for our relationship if I don't start talking about how serious this all is for me. I am happy to say that I did finally have a talk with my SO (even before seeing this feedback) because I woke up in a snippy ass mood for the third day in a row and I had previously told my partner that I wasn't ready to talk because I was completely overwhelmed. Well we finally talked and it actually went really well. I broke down and told her that I have been keeping a lot of this in because it's confusing to have so much love for her child but also to feel like I want to run away at the same time, or feeling like I have no idea what I am doing and am in over my head. She got real with me and told me that she sometimes feels the same way as well and that it's completely normal. The thing I did not think about was that this is new for the both of us. She was never a full time parent to this extent and I knew that, but I didn't correlate that to her learning day by day just as I am. The kiddo has lived a decade of being moved around, changes in her BDs life, run ins with chaos and illegal living. It was just a mess for her, so she is also learning how to be in a stable environment with chores and rules, etc. She lived a life where she took care of her dad and he didn't know how to return that. So this whole situation is new to all of us and I need to try and remember all of that when I feel like my fuse is shorter than usual.

My partner also made it clear that even though something might not bother her, she wants to know when something bothers me or rather if I see her do something that she isn't aware she is doing in regards to giving boundaries or making rules and sticking with them. She wants me to be a part of setting those boundaries and we did start with the room situation. So my SD is no longer allowed in our room at any time unless she is invited in. But I do see that this rule could definitely be a little tighter as I see the potential of her thinking because we are in there, she can come in if she asks. So definitely going to tighten our that boundary some more to avoid any complications from it and the fact that it's the only child free spot I have in this house. We are both saving up to get a bigger place together, so hopefully this will be less of an issue if we make it that far because ideally she will have a backyard and more space to fill her time.

She is completely open to me getting more personal time for myself, all I have to do is ask for it. Whether that is me leaving for the sake of leaving just to get out of the house or her and SD going away for the weekend to give me the place to myself. She said it was completely fine and would like for me to speak up to have those needs met. We also discussed my need for feeling more certain in that I have parent ship privelages of saying no and taking things away if it results in that. I'm only to use the phrase, "do I need to call your mother" as an absolutely last resort. I am free to take her tablet away, make her do more chores, etc. if she isn't listening or being sassy, all of the things I haven't felt comfortable doing because I haven't been sure of my place as a rule enforcer. I was essentially bombarding my SO with she did this and that the moment she walked in the door and letting her handle all of it, which was making me lose my authority with the kid without even realizing it.

So it's been a little better over the last few days, I have woken up in a slightly better mood and not been quite as quick to anger. I am working on being more assertive and saying no when it's needed and setting my own boundaries. We also brought SD in to discuss some of these things as well, and to let her know that her reacting or demanding things be different than what we are saying is not acceptable. I think that family meetings are going to be more common to keep us all on top of these issues because the reality is that I invited them to come live with me and it needs to be respected that this is still my space and my stuff. If I can just be stronger in my showing up when I am getting overwhelmed, I think a lot of this can be resolved or reshaped. My SD really values her mom and my relationship and is constantly expressing that she never wants us to "ruin it" or end things. So I know that she supports her and I making it work but she needs to understand as well that it means that we also need alone time and when we ask for it, there needs to not be whining or a question or anything coming from her considering everything we do is typically to make her happy. I've been working with her to show that it's okay to be bored and that she doesn't have to do what she wants to do every time she asks to do it. That is not reality and not every day is a play day because her mommas are f*cking tired haha. After all of that, I just wanted to say one more thank you to each of your replies. I am definitely going to keep utilizing this platform to learn how to better show up for myself in this new role and to feel like I am not alone in the frustrations of being overwhelmed.

Winterglow's picture

Ok, stop right there. You should not have to ask for time for you. This child is not yours. Dammit! You work from home. You do not have the time to babysit her daughter. Either she takes her to work with her or she gets a sitter. This child is HER responsibility not yours. Ok, so it's new for both of you but stop letting her unload all of her responsibilities on you! You aren't the unpaid nanny. Why are you putting your job at risk by taking charge of her daughter? 



SLO Mama's picture

In all honesty, I am the one who offered up my time to be here for her to continue to go to school from home and not have to be dropped off at her grandparents or a sitters. The kid is really self-sufficient and I am not having to take care of her as if she was a young child. But it's just been the lack of private time and I felt guilty for feeling differently about all of it since I was the one who offered to keep SD here since I would be working from home. I am glad to say that SD will be starting in-person classes again soon and I am now looking at working part-time out of the house, so I think it will help give a little space that I am desiring. My partner has been open to a new setup if I decided that it wasn't working, it was all on me for not addressing that I was overwhelmed and frustrated. I felt bad and like I wasn't cut out to help with parenting and was taking it all on myself because I felt I had to. This was all my own making by simply not talking to my SO and pretending I had it all under control when in reality I just needed to be honest.